The Weierstrass approximation theorem for continuous functions on [a,b]
We've already proved the Weierstrass approximation theorem
in the sense that we've shown that the Bernstein approximations
to a continuous function on [0,1]
converge uniformly.
Here we rephrase this more abstractly as
polynomial_functions_closure_eq_top' : (polynomial_functions I).topological_closure = ⊤
and then, by precomposing with suitable affine functions,
polynomial_functions_closure_eq_top : (polynomial_functions (set.Icc a b)).topological_closure = ⊤
The special case of the Weierstrass approximation theorem for the interval [0,1]
This is just a matter of unravelling definitions and using the Bernstein approximations.
The Weierstrass Approximation Theorem:
polynomials functions on [a, b] ⊆ ℝ
are dense in C([a,b],ℝ)
(While we could deduce this as an application of the Stone-Weierstrass theorem,
our proof of that relies on the fact that abs
is in the closure of polynomials on [-M, M]
so we may as well get this done first.)
An alternative statement of Weierstrass' theorem.
Every real-valued continuous function on [a,b]
is a uniform limit of polynomials.
An alternative statement of Weierstrass' theorem, for those who like their epsilons.
Every real-valued continuous function on [a,b]
is within any ε > 0
of some polynomial.
Another alternative statement of Weierstrass's theorem, for those who like epsilons, but not bundled continuous functions.
Every real-valued function ℝ → ℝ
which is continuous on [a,b]
can be approximated to within any ε > 0
on [a,b]
by some polynomial.