Local rings #
Define local rings as commutative rings having a unique maximal ideal.
Main definitions #
: A predicate on commutative semirings, stating that for any pair of elements that adds up to1
, one of them is a unit. This is shown to be equivalent to the condition that there exists a unique maximal ideal.local_ring.maximal_ideal
: The unique maximal ideal for a local rings. Its carrier set is the set of non units.is_local_ring_hom
: A predicate on semiring homomorphisms, requiring that it maps nonunits to nonunits. For local rings, this means that the image of the unique maximal ideal is again contained in the unique maximal ideal.local_ring.residue_field
: The quotient of a local ring by its maximal ideal.
- to_nontrivial : nontrivial R
- is_unit_or_is_unit_of_add_one : ∀ {a b : R}, a + b = 1 → is_unit a ∨ is_unit b
A semiring is local if it is nontrivial and a
or b
is a unit whenever a + b = 1
Note that local_ring
is a predicate.
Instances of this typeclass
- field.local_ring
- discrete_valuation_ring.to_local_ring
- valuation_ring.local_ring
- henselian_local_ring.to_local_ring
- mv_power_series.local_ring
- power_series.local_ring
- algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.local_ring
- algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.stalk.local_ring
- localization.at_prime.local_ring
- algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.localizations.local_ring
- homogeneous_localization.local_ring
- padic_int.local_ring
A semiring is local if it is nontrivial and the set of nonunits is closed under the addition.
A semiring is local if it has a unique maximal ideal.
The ideal of elements that are not units.
- local_ring.maximal_ideal R = {carrier := nonunits R (monoid_with_zero.to_monoid R), add_mem' := _, zero_mem' := _, smul_mem' := _}
Instances for local_ring.maximal_ideal
A local ring homomorphism is a homomorphism f
between local rings such that a
in the domain
is a unit if f a
is a unit for any a
. See local_ring.local_hom_tfae
for other equivalent
Instances of this typeclass
- is_local_ring_hom_of_is_iso
- is_local_ring_hom_id
- is_local_ring_hom_comp
- is_local_ring_hom_equiv
- CommRing.is_local_ring_hom_comp
- CommRing.ι.is_local_ring_hom
- CommRing.equalizer_ι_is_local_ring_hom
- CommRing.equalizer_ι_is_local_ring_hom'
- mv_power_series.map.is_local_ring_hom
- power_series.map.is_local_ring_hom
- algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.stalk_map.is_local_ring_hom
- algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.stalk_map.is_local_ring_hom
- localization.is_local_ring_hom_local_ring_hom
- algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.has_coequalizer.coequalizer_π_app_is_local_ring_hom
- algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.has_coequalizer.coequalizer_π_stalk_is_local_ring_hom
If f : R →+* S
is a local ring hom, then R
is a local ring if S
The image of the maximal ideal of the source is contained within the maximal ideal of the target.
A ring homomorphism between local rings is a local ring hom iff it reflects units, i.e. any preimage of a unit is still a unit. https://stacks.math.columbia.edu/tag/07BJ
If f : R →+* S
is a surjective local ring hom, then the induced units map is surjective.
The residue field of a local ring is the quotient of the ring by its maximal ideal.
- local_ring.residue_field.inhabited R = {default := 37}
The quotient map from a local ring to its residue field.
The map on residue fields induced by a local homomorphism between local rings