Submonoids: membership criteria #
In this file we prove various facts about membership in a submonoid:
: if each element of a collection belongs to a multiplicative submonoid, then so does their product;list_sum_mem
: if each element of a collection belongs to an additive submonoid, then so does their sum;pow_mem
: ifx ∈ S
is a multiplicative (resp., additive) submonoid andn
is a natural number, thenx^n
(resp.,n • x
) belongs toS
: the supremum of a directed collection of submonoid is their union.sup_eq_range
: supremum of two submonoidsS
of a commutative monoid is the set of products;closure_singleton_eq
: the multiplicative (resp., additive) closure of{x}
consists of powers (resp., natural multiples) ofx
, and a similar result holds for the closure of{x, y}
Tags #
submonoid, submonoids
Product of a list of elements in a submonoid is in the submonoid.
Sum of a list of elements in an add_submonoid
is in the add_submonoid
Sum of a multiset of elements in an add_submonoid
of an add_comm_monoid
in the add_submonoid
Product of a multiset of elements in a submonoid of a comm_monoid
is in the submonoid.
Sum of elements in an add_submonoid
of an add_comm_monoid
indexed by a finset
is in the add_submonoid
Product of elements of a submonoid of a comm_monoid
indexed by a finset
is in the
Sum of a list of elements in an add_submonoid
is in the add_submonoid
Product of a multiset of elements in a submonoid of a comm_monoid
is in the submonoid.
Sum of a multiset of elements in an add_submonoid
of an add_comm_monoid
in the add_submonoid
Sum of elements in an add_submonoid
of an add_comm_monoid
indexed by a finset
is in the add_submonoid
Product of elements of a submonoid of a comm_monoid
indexed by a finset
is in the
An induction principle for elements of ⨆ i, S i
If C
holds for 1
and all elements of S i
for all i
, and is preserved under multiplication,
then it holds for all elements of the supremum of S
An induction principle for elements of ⨆ i, S i
If C
holds for 0
and all elements of S i
for all i
, and is preserved under addition,
then it holds for all elements of the supremum of S
A dependent version of submonoid.supr_induction
A dependent version of add_submonoid.supr_induction
The submonoid generated by an element of a monoid equals the set of natural number powers of the element.
The submonoid generated by an element.
- submonoid.powers n = (monoid_hom.mrange (⇑(powers_hom M) n)).copy (set.range (has_pow.pow n)) _
Instances for submonoid.powers
Instances for ↥submonoid.powers
Exponentiation map from natural numbers to powers.
- submonoid.pow n m = ⇑((⇑(powers_hom M) n).mrange_restrict) (⇑multiplicative.of_add m)
Logarithms from powers to natural numbers.
- submonoid.log p = nat.find _
The exponentiation map is an isomorphism from the additive monoid on natural numbers to powers when it is injective. The inverse is given by the logarithms.
- submonoid.pow_log_equiv h = {to_fun := λ (m : multiplicative ℕ), submonoid.pow n (⇑multiplicative.to_add m), inv_fun := λ (m : ↥(submonoid.powers n)), ⇑multiplicative.of_add (submonoid.log m), left_inv := _, right_inv := _, map_mul' := _}
If all the elements of a set s
commute, then closure s
is a commutative monoid.
- submonoid.closure_comm_monoid_of_comm hcomm = {mul := monoid.mul (submonoid.closure s).to_monoid, mul_assoc := _, one := (submonoid.closure s).to_monoid, one_mul := _, mul_one := _, npow := monoid.npow (submonoid.closure s).to_monoid, npow_zero' := _, npow_succ' := _, mul_comm := _}
If all the elements of a set s
commute, then closure s
forms an additive
commutative monoid.
- add_submonoid.closure_add_comm_monoid_of_comm hcomm = {add := add_monoid.add (add_submonoid.closure s).to_add_monoid, add_assoc := _, zero := (add_submonoid.closure s).to_add_monoid, zero_add := _, add_zero := _, nsmul := add_monoid.nsmul (add_submonoid.closure s).to_add_monoid, nsmul_zero' := _, nsmul_succ' := _, add_comm := _}
The add_submonoid
generated by an element of an add_monoid
equals the set of
natural number multiples of the element.
The additive submonoid generated by an element.
- add_submonoid.multiples x = (add_monoid_hom.mrange (⇑(multiples_hom A) x)).copy (set.range (λ (i : ℕ), i • x)) _
Instances for ↥add_submonoid.multiples
Lemmas about additive closures of subsemigroup
The product of an element of the additive closure of a multiplicative subsemigroup M
and an element of M
is contained in the additive closure of M
The product of two elements of the additive closure of a submonoid M
is an element of the
additive closure of M
The product of an element of S
and an element of the additive closure of a multiplicative
submonoid S
is contained in the additive closure of S
An element is in the closure of a two-element set if it is a linear combination of those two elements.
An element is in the closure of a two-element set if it is a linear combination of those two elements.