Category of categories #
This file contains the definition of the category Cat
of all categories.
In this category objects are categories and
morphisms are functors between these categories.
Implementation notes #
Though Cat
is not a concrete category, we use bundled
to define
its carrier type.
Category of categories.
@[protected, instance]
- category_theory.Cat.inhabited = {default := {α := Type u, str := category_theory.types}}
@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
Construct a bundled Cat
from the underlying type and the typeclass.
@[protected, instance]
Bicategory structure on Cat
- category_theory.Cat.bicategory = {to_category_struct := {to_quiver := {hom := λ (C D : category_theory.Cat), ↥C ⥤ ↥D}, id := λ (C : category_theory.Cat), 𝟭 ↥C, comp := λ (C D E : category_theory.Cat) (F : C ⟶ D) (G : D ⟶ E), F ⋙ G}, hom_category := λ (C D : category_theory.Cat), category_theory.functor.category ↥C ↥D, whisker_left := λ (C D E : category_theory.Cat) (F : C ⟶ D) (G H : D ⟶ E) (η : G ⟶ H), category_theory.whisker_left F η, whisker_right := λ (C D E : category_theory.Cat) (F G : C ⟶ D) (η : F ⟶ G) (H : D ⟶ E), category_theory.whisker_right η H, associator := λ (A B C D : category_theory.Cat), category_theory.functor.associator, left_unitor := λ (A B : category_theory.Cat), category_theory.functor.left_unitor, right_unitor := λ (A B : category_theory.Cat), category_theory.functor.right_unitor, whisker_left_id' := category_theory.Cat.bicategory._proof_1, whisker_left_comp' := category_theory.Cat.bicategory._proof_2, id_whisker_left' := category_theory.Cat.bicategory._proof_3, comp_whisker_left' := category_theory.Cat.bicategory._proof_4, id_whisker_right' := category_theory.Cat.bicategory._proof_5, comp_whisker_right' := category_theory.Cat.bicategory._proof_6, whisker_right_id' := category_theory.Cat.bicategory._proof_7, whisker_right_comp' := category_theory.Cat.bicategory._proof_8, whisker_assoc' := category_theory.Cat.bicategory._proof_9, whisker_exchange' := category_theory.Cat.bicategory._proof_10, pentagon' := category_theory.Cat.bicategory._proof_11, triangle' := category_theory.Cat.bicategory._proof_12}
@[protected, instance]
is a strict bicategory.
@[protected, instance]
Category structure on Cat
Functor that gets the set of objects of a category. It is not
called forget
, because it is not a faithful functor.
- category_theory.Cat.objects = {obj := λ (C : category_theory.Cat), ↥C, map := λ (C D : category_theory.Cat) (F : C ⟶ D), F.obj, map_id' := category_theory.Cat.objects._proof_1, map_comp' := category_theory.Cat.objects._proof_2}
Instances for category_theory.Cat.objects
Any isomorphism in Cat
induces an equivalence of the underlying categories.
- category_theory.Cat.equiv_of_iso γ = {functor := γ.hom, inverse := γ.inv, unit_iso := category_theory.eq_to_iso _, counit_iso := category_theory.eq_to_iso _, functor_unit_iso_comp' := _}
Embedding Type
into Cat
as discrete categories.
This ought to be modelled as a 2-functor!
- category_theory.Type_to_Cat = {obj := λ (X : Type u), category_theory.Cat.of (category_theory.discrete X), map := λ (X Y : Type u) (f : X ⟶ Y), category_theory.discrete.functor ( ∘ f), map_id' := category_theory.Type_to_Cat._proof_1, map_comp' := category_theory.Type_to_Cat._proof_2}
Instances for category_theory.Type_to_Cat
@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
- category_theory.Type_to_Cat.full = {preimage := λ (X Y : Type u) (F : category_theory.Type_to_Cat.obj X ⟶ category_theory.Type_to_Cat.obj Y), ∘ F.obj ∘, witness' := category_theory.Type_to_Cat.full._proof_1}