Constructions involving sets of sets. #
Finite Intersections #
We define a structure has_finite_inter
which asserts that a set S
of subsets of α
closed under finite intersections.
We define finite_inter_closure
which, given a set S
of subsets of α
, is the smallest
set of subsets of α
which is closed under finite intersections.
finite_inter_closure S
is endowed with a term of type has_finite_inter
A structure encapsulating the fact that a set of sets is closed under finite intersection.
Instances for has_finite_inter
- has_finite_inter.has_sizeof_inst
- has_finite_inter.inhabited
@[protected, instance]
- basic : ∀ {α : Type u_1} {S : set (set α)} {s : set α}, s ∈ S → has_finite_inter.finite_inter_closure S s
- univ : ∀ {α : Type u_1} {S : set (set α)}, has_finite_inter.finite_inter_closure S set.univ
- inter : ∀ {α : Type u_1} {S : set (set α)} {s t : set α}, has_finite_inter.finite_inter_closure S s → has_finite_inter.finite_inter_closure S t → has_finite_inter.finite_inter_closure S (s ∩ t)
The smallest set of sets containing S
which is closed under finite intersections.
Defines has_finite_inter
for finite_inter_closure S
{α : Type u_1}
{S : set (set α)}
{A : set α}
(cond : has_finite_inter S)
(P : set α)
(H : P ∈ has_finite_inter.finite_inter_closure (has_insert.insert A S)) :