Relations #
This file defines bundled relations. A relation between α
and β
is a function α → β → Prop
Relations are also known as set-valued functions, or partial multifunctions.
Main declarations #
rel α β
: Relation betweenα
is therel β α
obtained by swapping the arguments ofr
: Domain of a relation.x ∈ r.dom
iff there existsy
such thatr x y
: Codomain, aka range, of a relation.y ∈ r.codom
iff there existsx
such thatr x y
: Relation composition. Note that the arguments order follows thecategory_theory/
one, sor.comp s x z ↔ ∃ y, r x y ∧ s y z
: Image of a set under a relation.r.image s
is the set off x
over allx ∈ s
: Preimage of a set under a relation. Note thatr.preimage = r.inv.image
: Core of a set. Fors : set β
,r.core s
is the set ofx : α
such that ally
related tox
are ins
: Domain-restriction of a relation to a subtype.function.graph
: Graph of a function as a relation.
A relation on α
and β
, aka a set-valued function, aka a partial multifunction -
Instances for rel
@[protected, instance]
Restrict the domain of a relation to a subtype.
- r.restrict_domain s = λ (x : {x // x ∈ s}) (y : β), r x.val y
The graph of a function as a relation.
- function.graph f = λ (x : α) (y : β), f x = y
{α : Type u_1}
{β : Type u_2}
(f : α → β)
(s : set α) :
f '' s = (function.graph f).image s
{α : Type u_1}
{β : Type u_2}
(f : α → β)
(s : set β) :
f ⁻¹' s = (function.graph f).preimage s
{α : Type u_1}
{β : Type u_2}
(f : α → β)
(s : set β) :
f ⁻¹' s = (function.graph f).core s