- to_subring : subring K
- mem_or_inv_mem' : ∀ (x : K), x ∈ self.to_subring.carrier ∨ x⁻¹ ∈ self.to_subring.carrier
A valuation subring of a field K
is a subring A
such that for every x : K
either x ∈ A
or x⁻¹ ∈ A
Instances for valuation_subring
- valuation_subring.set_like = {coe := λ (A : valuation_subring K), ↑(A.to_subring), coe_injective' := _}
- A.comm_ring = show comm_ring ↥(A.to_subring), from A.to_subring.to_comm_ring
- A.algebra = show algebra ↥(A.to_subring) K, from algebra.of_subring A.to_subring
The value group of the valuation associated to A
. Note: it is actually a group with zero.
Instances for valuation_subring.value_group
Any valuation subring of K
induces a natural valuation on K
A subring R
of K
such that for all x : K
either x ∈ R
or x⁻¹ ∈ R
a valuation subring of K
- valuation_subring.of_subring R hR = {to_subring := {carrier := R.carrier, mul_mem' := _, one_mem' := _, add_mem' := _, zero_mem' := _, neg_mem' := _}, mem_or_inv_mem' := hR}
An overring of a valuation ring is a valuation ring.
- valuation_subring.semilattice_sup = {sup := λ (R S : valuation_subring K), R.of_le (R.to_subring ⊔ S.to_subring) _, le := partial_order.le infer_instance, lt := partial_order.lt infer_instance, le_refl := _, le_trans := _, lt_iff_le_not_le := _, le_antisymm := _, le_sup_left := _, le_sup_right := _, sup_le := _}
The ring homomorphism induced by the partial order.
- R.inclusion S h = subring.inclusion h
The canonical ring homomorphism from a valuation ring to its field of fractions.
- R.subtype = R.to_subring.subtype
The canonical map on value groups induced by a coarsening of valuation rings.
The ideal corresponding to a coarsening of a valuation ring.
- R.ideal_of_le S h = ideal.comap (R.inclusion S h) (local_ring.maximal_ideal ↥S)
Instances for valuation_subring.ideal_of_le
The coarsening of a valuation ring associated to a prime ideal.
- A.of_prime P = A.of_le (localization.subalgebra.of_field K P.prime_compl _).to_subring _
Instances for ↥valuation_subring.of_prime
The equivalence between coarsenings of a valuation ring and its prime ideals.
- A.prime_spectrum_equiv = {to_fun := λ (P : prime_spectrum ↥A), ⟨A.of_prime P.as_ideal _, _⟩, inv_fun := λ (S : ↥{S : valuation_subring K | A ≤ S}), ⟨A.ideal_of_le ↑S _, _⟩, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}
An ordered variant of prime_spectrum_equiv
- A.prime_spectrum_order_equiv = {to_equiv := {to_fun := A.prime_spectrum_equiv.to_fun, inv_fun := A.prime_spectrum_equiv.inv_fun, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}, map_rel_iff' := _}
- A.linear_order_overring = {le := partial_order.le infer_instance, lt := partial_order.lt infer_instance, le_refl := _, le_trans := _, lt_iff_le_not_le := _, le_antisymm := _, le_total := _, decidable_le := infer_instance (λ (a b : ↥{S : valuation_subring K | A ≤ S}), subtype.decidable_le a b), decidable_eq := decidable_eq_of_decidable_le infer_instance, decidable_lt := decidable_lt_of_decidable_le infer_instance, max := max_default (λ (a b : ↥{S : valuation_subring K | A ≤ S}), infer_instance a b), max_def := _, min := min_default (λ (a b : ↥{S : valuation_subring K | A ≤ S}), infer_instance a b), min_def := _}
The valuation subring associated to a valuation.
- v.valuation_subring = {to_subring := {carrier := v.integer.carrier, mul_mem' := _, one_mem' := _, add_mem' := _, zero_mem' := _, neg_mem' := _}, mem_or_inv_mem' := _}
The unit group of a valuation subring, as a subgroup of Kˣ
For a valuation subring A
, A.unit_group
agrees with the units of A
The map on valuation subrings to their unit groups is an order embedding.
- valuation_subring.unit_group_order_embedding = {to_embedding := {to_fun := λ (A : valuation_subring K), A.unit_group, inj' := _}, map_rel_iff' := _}
The nonunits of a valuation subring of K
, as a subsemigroup of K
The map on valuation subrings to their nonunits is a dual order embedding.
- valuation_subring.nonunits_order_embedding = {to_embedding := {to_fun := λ (A : valuation_subring K), A.nonunits, inj' := _}, map_rel_iff' := _}
The elements of A.nonunits
are those of the maximal ideal of A
after coercion to K
See also mem_nonunits_iff_exists_mem_maximal_ideal
, which gets rid of the coercion to K
at the expense of a more complicated right hand side.
The elements of A.nonunits
are those of the maximal ideal of A
See also coe_mem_nonunits_iff
, which has a simpler right hand side but requires the element
to be in A
agrees with the maximal ideal of A
, after taking its image in K
The principal unit group of a valuation subring, as a subgroup of Kˣ
The map on valuation subrings to their principal unit groups is an order embedding.
- valuation_subring.principal_unit_group_order_embedding = {to_embedding := {to_fun := λ (A : valuation_subring K), A.principal_unit_group, inj' := _}, map_rel_iff' := _}
The principal unit group agrees with the kernel of the canonical map from
the units of A
to the units of the residue field of A
- A.principal_unit_group_equiv = {to_fun := λ (x : ↥(A.principal_unit_group)), ⟨⇑(A.unit_group_mul_equiv) ⟨x.val, _⟩, _⟩, inv_fun := λ (x : ↥((units.map (local_ring.residue ↥A).to_monoid_hom).ker)), ⟨↑(⇑(A.unit_group_mul_equiv.symm) ↑x), _⟩, left_inv := _, right_inv := _, map_mul' := _}
The canonical map from the unit group of A
to the units of the residue field of A
The quotient of the unit group of A
by the principal unit group of A
agrees with
the units of the residue field of A
Pointwise actions #
This transfers the action from subring.pointwise_mul_action
, noting that it only applies when
the action is by a group. Notably this provides an instances when G
is K ≃+* K
These instances are in the pointwise
The lemmas in this section are copied from ring_theory/subring/pointwise.lean
; try to keep these
in sync.
The action on a valuation subring corresponding to applying the action to every element.
This is available as an instance in the pointwise
- valuation_subring.pointwise_has_smul = {smul := λ (g : G) (S : valuation_subring K), {to_subring := {carrier := (g • S.to_subring).carrier, mul_mem' := _, one_mem' := _, add_mem' := _, zero_mem' := _, neg_mem' := _}, mem_or_inv_mem' := _}}
The action on a valuation subring corresponding to applying the action to every element.
This is available as an instance in the pointwise
This is a stronger version of valuation_subring.pointwise_has_smul