Properties of the module Π₀ i, M i
Given an indexed collection of R
-modules M i
, the R
-module structure on Π₀ i, M i
is defined in data.dfinsupp
In this file we define linear_map
versions of various maps:
dfinsupp.lsingle a : M →ₗ[R] Π₀ i, M i
:dfinsupp.single a
as a linear map; -
dfinsupp.lmk s : (Π i : (↑s : set ι), M i) →ₗ[R] Π₀ i, M i
:dfinsupp.single a
as a linear map; -
dfinsupp.lapply i : (Π₀ i, M i) →ₗ[R] M
: the mapλ f, f i
as a linear map; -
as alinear_map
Implementation notes #
This file should try to mirror linear_algebra.finsupp
where possible. The API of finsupp
much more developed, but many lemmas in that file should be eligible to copy over.
Tags #
function with finite support, module, linear algebra
as a linear_map
- dfinsupp.lmk s = {to_fun := s, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _}
as a linear_map
- dfinsupp.lsingle i = {to_fun := dfinsupp.single i, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _}
Two R
-linear maps from Π₀ i, M i
which agree on each single i x
agree everywhere.
Two R
-linear maps from Π₀ i, M i
which agree on each single i x
agree everywhere.
See note [partially-applied ext lemmas].
After apply this lemma, if M = R
then it suffices to verify φ (single a 1) = ψ (single a 1)
Interpret λ (f : Π₀ i, M i), f i
as a linear map.
Typeclass inference can't find dfinsupp.add_comm_monoid
without help for this case.
This instance allows it to be found where it is needed on the LHS of the colon in
Typeclass inference can't find dfinsupp.module
without help for this case.
This is needed to define dfinsupp.lsum
The cause seems to be an inability to unify the Π i, add_comm_monoid (M i →ₗ[R] N)
instance that
we have with the Π i, has_zero (M i →ₗ[R] N)
instance which appears as a parameter to the
The dfinsupp
version of finsupp.lsum
See note [bundled maps over different rings] for why separate R
and S
semirings are used.
- dfinsupp.lsum S = {to_fun := λ (F : Π (i : ι), M i →ₗ[R] N), {to_fun := ⇑(dfinsupp.sum_add_hom (λ (i : ι), (F i).to_add_monoid_hom)), map_add' := _, map_smul' := _}, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _, inv_fun := λ (F : (Π₀ (i : ι), M i) →ₗ[R] N) (i : ι), F.comp (dfinsupp.lsingle i), left_inv := _, right_inv := _}
While simp
can prove this, it is often convenient to avoid unfolding lsum
into sum_add_hom
with dfinsupp.lsum_apply_apply
Bundled versions of dfinsupp.map_range
The names should match the equivalent bundled finsupp.map_range
as an linear_map
- dfinsupp.map_range.linear_map f = {to_fun := dfinsupp.map_range (λ (i : ι) (x : β₁ i), ⇑(f i) x) _, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _}
as an linear_equiv
- dfinsupp.map_range.linear_equiv e = {to_fun := dfinsupp.map_range (λ (i : ι) (x : β₁ i), ⇑(e i) x) _, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _, inv_fun := dfinsupp.map_range (λ (i : ι) (x : β₂ i), ⇑((e i).symm) x) _, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}
The direct sum of free modules is free.
Note that while this is stated for dfinsupp
not direct_sum
, the types are defeq.
- dfinsupp.basis b = {repr := (dfinsupp.map_range.linear_equiv (λ (i : ι), (b i).repr)).trans (sigma_finsupp_lequiv_dfinsupp R).symm}
The supremum of a family of submodules is equal to the range of dfinsupp.lsum
; that is
every element in the supr
can be produced from taking a finite number of non-zero elements
of p i
, coercing them to N
, and summing them.
The bounded supremum of a family of commutative additive submonoids is equal to the range of
composed with dfinsupp.filter_add_monoid_hom
; that is, every element in the
bounded supr
can be produced from taking a finite number of non-zero elements from the S i
satisfy p i
, coercing them to γ
, and summing them.
A variant of submodule.mem_supr_iff_exists_dfinsupp
with the RHS fully unfolded.
Independence of a family of submodules can be expressed as a quantifier over dfinsupp
This is an intermediate result used to prove
Combining dfinsupp.lsum
with linear_map.to_span_singleton
is the same as
The canonical map out of a direct sum of a family of submodules is injective when the submodules
are complete_lattice.independent
Note that this is not generally true for [semiring R]
, for instance when A
is the
-submodules of the positive and negative integers.
See counterexamples/direct_sum_is_internal.lean
for a proof of this fact.
The canonical map out of a direct sum of a family of additive subgroups is injective when the
additive subgroups are complete_lattice.independent
A family of submodules over an additive group are independent if and only iff dfinsupp.lsum
applied with submodule.subtype
is injective.
Note that this is not generally true for [semiring R]
; see
for details.
A family of additive subgroups over an additive group are independent if and only if
applied with add_subgroup.subtype
is injective.
If a family of submodules is independent
, then a choice of nonzero vector from each submodule
forms a linearly independent family.
See also complete_lattice.independent.linear_independent'