Flat modules #
A module M
over a commutative ring R
is flat
if for all finitely generated ideals I
of R
the canonical map I ⊗ M →ₗ M
is injective.
This is equivalent to the claim that for all injective R
-linear maps f : M₁ → M₂
the induced map M₁ ⊗ M → M₂ ⊗ M
is injective.
See https://stacks.math.columbia.edu/tag/00HD.
This result is not yet formalised.
Main declaration #
: the predicate asserting that anR
is flat.
- Show that tensoring with a flat module preserves injective morphisms.
Show that this is equivalent to be flat.
See https://stacks.math.columbia.edu/tag/00HD.
To do this, it is probably a good idea to think about a suitable
categorical induction principle that should be applied to the category of
-modules, and that will take care of the administrative side of the proof. - Define flat
-algebras - Define flat ring homomorphisms
- Show that the identity is flat
- Show that composition of flat morphisms is flat
- Show that flatness is stable under base change (aka extension of scalars)
For base change, it will be very useful to have a "characteristic predicate"
instead of relying on the construction
A ⊗ B
. Indeed, such a predicate should allow us to treat bothpolynomial A
andA ⊗ polynomial R
as the base change ofpolynomial R
. (Similar examples exist withfin n → R
,R × R
,ℤ[i] ⊗ ℝ
, etc...) - Generalize flatness to noncommutative rings.
(R : Type u)
(M : Type v)
[comm_ring R]
[add_comm_group M]
[module R M] :
- out : ∀ ⦃I : ideal R⦄, I.fg → function.injective ⇑(tensor_product.lift ((linear_map.lsmul R M).comp (submodule.subtype I)))
An R
-module M
is flat if for all finitely generated ideals I
of R
the canonical map I ⊗ M →ₗ M
is injective.