The Unitary Group #
This file defines elements of the unitary group unitary_group n α
, where α
is a star_ring
This consists of all n
by n
matrices with entries in α
such that the star-transpose is its
inverse. In addition, we define the group structure on unitary_group n α
, and the embedding into
the general linear group general_linear_group α (n → α)
We also define the orthogonal group orthogonal_group n β
, where β
is a comm_ring
Main Definitions #
is the type of matrices where the star-transpose is the
is the group structure (under multiplication)matrix.unitary_group.embedding_GL
is the embeddingunitary_group n α → GLₙ(α)
is the type of matrices where the transpose is the inverse
References #
Tags #
matrix group, group, unitary group, orthogonal group
unitary_group n
is the group of n
by n
matrices where the star-transpose is the inverse.
- matrix.unitary_group.coe_matrix = {coe := subtype.val (λ (x : matrix n n α), x ∈ matrix.unitary_group n α)}
- matrix.unitary_group.coe_fun = {coe := λ (A : ↥(matrix.unitary_group n α)), A.val}
to_lin' A
is matrix multiplication of vectors by A
, as a linear map.
After the group structure on unitary_group n
is defined,
we show in to_linear_equiv
that this gives a linear equivalence.
to_linear_equiv A
is matrix multiplication of vectors by A
, as a linear equivalence.
is the map from the unitary group to the general linear group
is the embedding from unitary_group n α
to general_linear_group n α
- matrix.unitary_group.embedding_GL = {to_fun := λ (A : ↥(matrix.unitary_group n α)), matrix.unitary_group.to_GL A, map_one' := _, map_mul' := _}
orthogonal_group n
is the group of n
by n
matrices where the transpose is the inverse.