mathlib documentation


Pullbacks #

We define a category walking_cospan (resp. walking_span), which is the index category for the given data for a pullback (resp. pushout) diagram. Convenience methods cospan f g and span f g construct functors from the walking (co)span, hitting the given morphisms.

We define pullback f g and pushout f g as limits and colimits of such functors.

References #


The type of objects for the diagram indexing a pullback, defined as a special case of wide_pullback_shape.


The left point of the walking cospan.


The right point of the walking cospan.


The central point of the walking cospan.


The type of objects for the diagram indexing a pushout, defined as a special case of wide_pushout_shape.


The left point of the walking span.


The right point of the walking span.


The central point of the walking span.


The type of arrows for the diagram indexing a pullback.


The identity arrows of the walking cospan.


The type of arrows for the diagram indexing a pushout.


The identity arrows of the walking span.

To construct an isomorphism of cones over the walking cospan, it suffices to construct an isomorphism of the cone points and check it commutes with the legs to left and right.


To construct an isomorphism of cocones over the walking span, it suffices to construct an isomorphism of the cocone points and check it commutes with the legs from left and right.


cospan f g is the functor from the walking cospan hitting f and g.

Instances for category_theory.limits.cospan
def category_theory.limits.cospan_ext {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {f' : X' Z'} {g' : Y' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iZ.hom) (wg : iY.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :

Construct an isomorphism of cospans from components.

theorem category_theory.limits.cospan_ext_app_left {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {f' : X' Z'} {g' : Y' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iZ.hom) (wg : iY.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :
theorem category_theory.limits.cospan_ext_app_right {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {f' : X' Z'} {g' : Y' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iZ.hom) (wg : iY.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :
theorem category_theory.limits.cospan_ext_app_one {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {f' : X' Z'} {g' : Y' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iZ.hom) (wg : iY.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :
theorem category_theory.limits.cospan_ext_hom_app_left {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {f' : X' Z'} {g' : Y' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iZ.hom) (wg : iY.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :
theorem category_theory.limits.cospan_ext_hom_app_right {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {f' : X' Z'} {g' : Y' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iZ.hom) (wg : iY.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :
theorem category_theory.limits.cospan_ext_hom_app_one {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {f' : X' Z'} {g' : Y' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iZ.hom) (wg : iY.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :
theorem category_theory.limits.cospan_ext_inv_app_left {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {f' : X' Z'} {g' : Y' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iZ.hom) (wg : iY.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :
theorem category_theory.limits.cospan_ext_inv_app_right {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {f' : X' Z'} {g' : Y' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iZ.hom) (wg : iY.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :
theorem category_theory.limits.cospan_ext_inv_app_one {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {f' : X' Z'} {g' : Y' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iZ.hom) (wg : iY.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :
def category_theory.limits.span_ext {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {f' : X' Y'} {g' : X' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iY.hom) (wg : iX.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :

Construct an isomorphism of spans from components.

theorem category_theory.limits.span_ext_app_left {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {f' : X' Y'} {g' : X' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iY.hom) (wg : iX.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :
theorem category_theory.limits.span_ext_app_right {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {f' : X' Y'} {g' : X' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iY.hom) (wg : iX.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :
theorem category_theory.limits.span_ext_app_one {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {f' : X' Y'} {g' : X' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iY.hom) (wg : iX.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :
theorem category_theory.limits.span_ext_hom_app_left {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {f' : X' Y'} {g' : X' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iY.hom) (wg : iX.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :
theorem category_theory.limits.span_ext_hom_app_right {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {f' : X' Y'} {g' : X' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iY.hom) (wg : iX.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :
theorem category_theory.limits.span_ext_hom_app_zero {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {f' : X' Y'} {g' : X' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iY.hom) (wg : iX.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :
theorem category_theory.limits.span_ext_inv_app_left {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {f' : X' Y'} {g' : X' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iY.hom) (wg : iX.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :
theorem category_theory.limits.span_ext_inv_app_right {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {f' : X' Y'} {g' : X' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iY.hom) (wg : iX.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :
theorem category_theory.limits.span_ext_inv_app_zero {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z X' Y' Z' : C} (iX : X X') (iY : Y Y') (iZ : Z Z') {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {f' : X' Y'} {g' : X' Z'} (wf : iX.hom f' = f iY.hom) (wg : iX.hom g' = g iZ.hom) :
def category_theory.limits.pullback_cone {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} (f : X Z) (g : Y Z) :
Type (max u v)

A pullback cone is just a cone on the cospan formed by two morphisms f : X ⟶ Z and g : Y ⟶ Z.

def category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.fst {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} (t : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g) :
t.X X

The first projection of a pullback cone.

def category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.snd {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} (t : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g) :
t.X Y

The second projection of a pullback cone.

def category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.is_limit_aux {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} (t : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g) (lift : Π (s : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g), s.X t.X) (fac_left : ∀ (s : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g), lift s t.fst = s.fst) (fac_right : ∀ (s : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g), lift s t.snd = s.snd) (uniq : ∀ (s : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g) (m : s.X t.X), (∀ (j : category_theory.limits.walking_cospan), m t.π.app j = s.π.app j)m = lift s) :

This is a slightly more convenient method to verify that a pullback cone is a limit cone. It only asks for a proof of facts that carry any mathematical content

def category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.is_limit_aux' {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} (t : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g) (create : Π (s : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g), {l // l t.fst = s.fst l t.snd = s.snd ∀ {m : s.X t.X}, m t.fst = s.fstm t.snd = s.sndm = l}) :

This is another convenient method to verify that a pullback cone is a limit cone. It only asks for a proof of facts that carry any mathematical content, and allows access to the same s for all parts.

def {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {W : C} (fst : W X) (snd : W Y) (eq : fst f = snd g) :

A pullback cone on f and g is determined by morphisms fst : W ⟶ X and snd : W ⟶ Y such that fst ≫ f = snd ≫ g.

theorem category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.mk_X {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {W : C} (fst : W X) (snd : W Y) (eq : fst f = snd g) :
theorem category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.mk_π_app {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {W : C} (fst : W X) (snd : W Y) (eq : fst f = snd g) (j : category_theory.limits.walking_cospan) :
( fst snd eq).π.app j = option.cases_on j (fst f) (λ (j' : category_theory.limits.walking_pair), j'.cases_on fst snd)
theorem category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.mk_π_app_left {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {W : C} (fst : W X) (snd : W Y) (eq : fst f = snd g) :
theorem category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.mk_π_app_right {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {W : C} (fst : W X) (snd : W Y) (eq : fst f = snd g) :
theorem category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.mk_π_app_one {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {W : C} (fst : W X) (snd : W Y) (eq : fst f = snd g) :
theorem category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.mk_fst {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {W : C} (fst : W X) (snd : W Y) (eq : fst f = snd g) :
theorem category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.mk_snd {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {W : C} (fst : W X) (snd : W Y) (eq : fst f = snd g) :
theorem category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.condition {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} (t : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g) :
t.fst f = t.snd g
theorem category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.condition_assoc {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} (t : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g) {X' : C} (f' : Z X') :
t.fst f f' = t.snd g f'
theorem category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.equalizer_ext {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} (t : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g) {W : C} {k l : W t.X} (h₀ : k t.fst = l t.fst) (h₁ : k t.snd = l t.snd) (j : category_theory.limits.walking_cospan) :
k t.π.app j = l t.π.app j

To check whether a morphism is equalized by the maps of a pullback cone, it suffices to check it for fst t and snd t

theorem category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.is_limit.hom_ext {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {t : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g} (ht : category_theory.limits.is_limit t) {W : C} {k l : W t.X} (h₀ : k t.fst = l t.fst) (h₁ : k t.snd = l t.snd) :
k = l
def category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.ext {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {s t : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g} (i : s.X t.X) (w₁ : s.fst = i.hom t.fst) (w₂ : s.snd = i.hom t.snd) :
s t

To construct an isomorphism of pullback cones, it suffices to construct an isomorphism of the cone points and check it commutes with fst and snd.

def category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.is_limit.lift' {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {t : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g} (ht : category_theory.limits.is_limit t) {W : C} (h : W X) (k : W Y) (w : h f = k g) :
{l // l t.fst = h l t.snd = k}

If t is a limit pullback cone over f and g and h : W ⟶ X and k : W ⟶ Y are such that h ≫ f = k ≫ g, then we have l : W ⟶ t.X satisfying l ≫ fst t = h and l ≫ snd t = k.

def {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {W : C} {fst : W X} {snd : W Y} (eq : fst f = snd g) (lift : Π (s : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g), s.X W) (fac_left : ∀ (s : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g), lift s fst = s.fst) (fac_right : ∀ (s : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g), lift s snd = s.snd) (uniq : ∀ (s : category_theory.limits.pullback_cone f g) (m : s.X W), m fst = s.fstm snd = s.sndm = lift s) :

This is a more convenient formulation to show that a pullback_cone constructed using is a limit cone.

def category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.flip_is_limit {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} {W : C} {h : W X} {k : W Y} {comm : h f = k g} (t : category_theory.limits.is_limit ( k h category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.flip_is_limit._proof_1)) :

The flip of a pullback square is a pullback square.


The pullback cone (𝟙 X, 𝟙 X) for the pair (f, f) is a limit if f is a mono. The converse is shown in mono_of_pullback_is_id.


f is a mono if the pullback cone (𝟙 X, 𝟙 X) is a limit for the pair (f, f). The converse is given in pullback_cone.is_id_of_mono.

Suppose f and g are two morphisms with a common codomain and s is a limit cone over the diagram formed by f and g. Suppose f and g both factor through a monomorphism h via x and y, respectively. Then s is also a limit cone over the diagram formed by x and y.


If W is the pullback of f, g, it is also the pullback of f ≫ i, g ≫ i for any mono i.

def category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} (f : X Y) (g : X Z) :
Type (max u v)

A pushout cocone is just a cocone on the span formed by two morphisms f : X ⟶ Y and g : X ⟶ Z.

def category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.inl {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} (t : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g) :
Y t.X

The first inclusion of a pushout cocone.

def category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.inr {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} (t : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g) :
Z t.X

The second inclusion of a pushout cocone.

def category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.is_colimit_aux {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} (t : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g) (desc : Π (s : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g), t.X s.X) (fac_left : ∀ (s : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g), t.inl desc s = s.inl) (fac_right : ∀ (s : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g), t.inr desc s = s.inr) (uniq : ∀ (s : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g) (m : t.X s.X), (∀ (j : category_theory.limits.walking_span), t.ι.app j m = s.ι.app j)m = desc s) :

This is a slightly more convenient method to verify that a pushout cocone is a colimit cocone. It only asks for a proof of facts that carry any mathematical content

def category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.is_colimit_aux' {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} (t : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g) (create : Π (s : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g), {l // t.inl l = s.inl t.inr l = s.inr ∀ {m : t.X s.X}, t.inl m = s.inlt.inr m = s.inrm = l}) :

This is another convenient method to verify that a pushout cocone is a colimit cocone. It only asks for a proof of facts that carry any mathematical content, and allows access to the same s for all parts.

theorem category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.mk_ι_app {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {W : C} (inl : Y W) (inr : Z W) (eq : f inl = g inr) (j : category_theory.limits.walking_span) :
( inl inr eq).ι.app j = option.cases_on j (f inl) (λ (j' : category_theory.limits.walking_pair), j'.cases_on inl inr)
def {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {W : C} (inl : Y W) (inr : Z W) (eq : f inl = g inr) :

A pushout cocone on f and g is determined by morphisms inl : Y ⟶ W and inr : Z ⟶ W such that f ≫ inl = g ↠ inr.

theorem category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.mk_X {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {W : C} (inl : Y W) (inr : Z W) (eq : f inl = g inr) :
theorem category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.mk_ι_app_left {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {W : C} (inl : Y W) (inr : Z W) (eq : f inl = g inr) :
theorem category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.mk_ι_app_right {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {W : C} (inl : Y W) (inr : Z W) (eq : f inl = g inr) :
theorem category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.mk_ι_app_zero {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {W : C} (inl : Y W) (inr : Z W) (eq : f inl = g inr) :
theorem category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.mk_inl {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {W : C} (inl : Y W) (inr : Z W) (eq : f inl = g inr) :
theorem category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.mk_inr {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {W : C} (inl : Y W) (inr : Z W) (eq : f inl = g inr) :
theorem category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.condition_assoc {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} (t : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g) {X' : C} (f' : t.X X') :
f t.inl f' = g t.inr f'
theorem category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.condition {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} (t : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g) :
f t.inl = g t.inr
theorem category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.coequalizer_ext {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} (t : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g) {W : C} {k l : t.X W} (h₀ : t.inl k = t.inl l) (h₁ : t.inr k = t.inr l) (j : category_theory.limits.walking_span) :
t.ι.app j k = t.ι.app j l

To check whether a morphism is coequalized by the maps of a pushout cocone, it suffices to check it for inl t and inr t

theorem category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.is_colimit.hom_ext {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {t : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g} (ht : category_theory.limits.is_colimit t) {W : C} {k l : t.X W} (h₀ : t.inl k = t.inl l) (h₁ : t.inr k = t.inr l) :
k = l
def category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.is_colimit.desc' {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {t : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g} (ht : category_theory.limits.is_colimit t) {W : C} (h : Y W) (k : Z W) (w : f h = g k) :
{l // t.inl l = h t.inr l = k}

If t is a colimit pushout cocone over f and g and h : Y ⟶ W and k : Z ⟶ W are morphisms satisfying f ≫ h = g ≫ k, then we have a factorization l : t.X ⟶ W such that inl t ≫ l = h and inr t ≫ l = k.

def category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.ext {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {s t : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g} (i : s.X t.X) (w₁ : s.inl i.hom = t.inl) (w₂ : s.inr i.hom = t.inr) :
s t

To construct an isomorphism of pushout cocones, it suffices to construct an isomorphism of the cocone points and check it commutes with inl and inr.

def {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {W : C} {inl : Y W} {inr : Z W} (eq : f inl = g inr) (desc : Π (s : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g), W s.X) (fac_left : ∀ (s : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g), inl desc s = s.inl) (fac_right : ∀ (s : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g), inr desc s = s.inr) (uniq : ∀ (s : category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone f g) (m : W s.X), inl m = s.inlinr m = s.inrm = desc s) :

This is a more convenient formulation to show that a pushout_cocone constructed using is a colimit cocone.

def category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.flip_is_colimit {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} {W : C} {h : Y W} {k : Z W} {comm : f h = g k} (t : category_theory.limits.is_colimit ( k h category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.flip_is_colimit._proof_1)) :

The flip of a pushout square is a pushout square.


The pushout cocone (𝟙 X, 𝟙 X) for the pair (f, f) is a colimit if f is an epi. The converse is shown in epi_of_is_colimit_mk_id_id.


f is an epi if the pushout cocone (𝟙 X, 𝟙 X) is a colimit for the pair (f, f). The converse is given in pushout_cocone.is_colimit_mk_id_id.

Suppose f and g are two morphisms with a common domain and s is a colimit cocone over the diagram formed by f and g. Suppose f and g both factor through an epimorphism h via x and y, respectively. Then s is also a colimit cocone over the diagram formed by x and y.


If W is the pushout of f, g, it is also the pushout of h ≫ f, h ≫ g for any epi h.


This is a helper construction that can be useful when verifying that a category has all pullbacks. Given F : walking_cospan ⥤ C, which is really the same as cospan ( inl) ( inr), and a pullback cone on inl and inr, we get a cone on F.

If you're thinking about using this, have a look at has_pullbacks_of_has_limit_cospan, which you may find to be an easier way of achieving your goal.


This is a helper construction that can be useful when verifying that a category has all pushout. Given F : walking_span ⥤ C, which is really the same as span ( fst) (F.mal snd), and a pushout cocone on fst and snd, we get a cocone on F.

If you're thinking about using this, have a look at has_pushouts_of_has_colimit_span, which you may find to be an easiery way of achieving your goal.


Given F : walking_cospan ⥤ C, which is really the same as cospan ( inl) ( inr), and a cone on F, we get a pullback cone on inl and inr.


Given F : walking_span ⥤ C, which is really the same as span ( fst) ( snd), and a cocone on F, we get a pushout cocone on fst and snd.

def category_theory.limits.has_pullback {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} (f : X Z) (g : Y Z) :

has_pullback f g represents a particular choice of limiting cone for the pair of morphisms f : X ⟶ Z and g : Y ⟶ Z.

def category_theory.limits.has_pushout {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} (f : X Y) (g : X Z) :

has_pushout f g represents a particular choice of colimiting cocone for the pair of morphisms f : X ⟶ Y and g : X ⟶ Z.

noncomputable def category_theory.limits.pullback {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} (f : X Z) (g : Y Z) [category_theory.limits.has_pullback f g] :

pullback f g computes the pullback of a pair of morphisms with the same target.

noncomputable def category_theory.limits.pushout {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} (f : X Y) (g : X Z) [category_theory.limits.has_pushout f g] :

pushout f g computes the pushout of a pair of morphisms with the same source.

noncomputable def category_theory.limits.pullback.fst {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} [category_theory.limits.has_pullback f g] :

The first projection of the pullback of f and g.

noncomputable def category_theory.limits.pullback.snd {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} [category_theory.limits.has_pullback f g] :

The second projection of the pullback of f and g.

noncomputable def category_theory.limits.pushout.inl {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} [category_theory.limits.has_pushout f g] :

The first inclusion into the pushout of f and g.

noncomputable def category_theory.limits.pushout.inr {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} [category_theory.limits.has_pushout f g] :

The second inclusion into the pushout of f and g.

noncomputable def category_theory.limits.pullback.lift {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {W X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} [category_theory.limits.has_pullback f g] (h : W X) (k : W Y) (w : h f = k g) :

A pair of morphisms h : W ⟶ X and k : W ⟶ Y satisfying h ≫ f = k ≫ g induces a morphism pullback.lift : W ⟶ pullback f g.

noncomputable def category_theory.limits.pushout.desc {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {W X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} [category_theory.limits.has_pushout f g] (h : Y W) (k : Z W) (w : f h = g k) :

A pair of morphisms h : Y ⟶ W and k : Z ⟶ W satisfying f ≫ h = g ≫ k induces a morphism pushout.desc : pushout f g ⟶ W.

theorem category_theory.limits.pullback.lift_fst_assoc {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {W X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} [category_theory.limits.has_pullback f g] (h : W X) (k : W Y) (w : h f = k g) {X' : C} (f' : X X') :
theorem category_theory.limits.pullback.lift_snd_assoc {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {W X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} [category_theory.limits.has_pullback f g] (h : W X) (k : W Y) (w : h f = k g) {X' : C} (f' : Y X') :
theorem category_theory.limits.pushout.inl_desc_assoc {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {W X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} [category_theory.limits.has_pushout f g] (h : Y W) (k : Z W) (w : f h = g k) {X' : C} (f' : W X') :
theorem category_theory.limits.pushout.inr_desc_assoc {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {W X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} [category_theory.limits.has_pushout f g] (h : Y W) (k : Z W) (w : f h = g k) {X' : C} (f' : W X') :
noncomputable def category_theory.limits.pullback.lift' {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {W X Y Z : C} {f : X Z} {g : Y Z} [category_theory.limits.has_pullback f g] (h : W X) (k : W Y) (w : h f = k g) :

A pair of morphisms h : W ⟶ X and k : W ⟶ Y satisfying h ≫ f = k ≫ g induces a morphism l : W ⟶ pullback f g such that l ≫ pullback.fst = h and l ≫ pullback.snd = k.

noncomputable def category_theory.limits.pullback.desc' {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {W X Y Z : C} {f : X Y} {g : X Z} [category_theory.limits.has_pushout f g] (h : Y W) (k : Z W) (w : f h = g k) :

A pair of morphisms h : Y ⟶ W and k : Z ⟶ W satisfying f ≫ h = g ≫ k induces a morphism l : pushout f g ⟶ W such that pushout.inl ≫ l = h and pushout.inr ≫ l = k.

noncomputable def {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {W X Y Z S T : C} (f₁ : W S) (f₂ : X S) [category_theory.limits.has_pullback f₁ f₂] (g₁ : Y T) (g₂ : Z T) [category_theory.limits.has_pullback g₁ g₂] (i₁ : W Y) (i₂ : X Z) (i₃ : S T) (eq₁ : f₁ i₃ = i₁ g₁) (eq₂ : f₂ i₃ = i₂ g₂) :

Given such a diagram, then there is a natural morphism W ×ₛ X ⟶ Y ×ₜ Z.

W    Y
    S    T
X    Z
noncomputable def {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {W X Y Z S T : C} (f₁ : S W) (f₂ : S X) [category_theory.limits.has_pushout f₁ f₂] (g₁ : T Y) (g₂ : T Z) [category_theory.limits.has_pushout g₁ g₂] (i₁ : W Y) (i₂ : X Z) (i₃ : S T) (eq₁ : f₁ i₁ = i₃ g₁) (eq₂ : f₂ i₂ = i₃ g₂) :

Given such a diagram, then there is a natural morphism W ⨿ₛ X ⟶ Y ⨿ₜ Z.

    W    Y
S    T
    X    Z

Two morphisms into a pullback are equal if their compositions with the pullback morphisms are equal

@[protected, instance]

The pullback of a monomorphism is a monomorphism

@[protected, instance]

The pullback of a monomorphism is a monomorphism


Two morphisms out of a pushout are equal if their compositions with the pushout morphisms are equal

@[protected, instance]

The pushout of an epimorphism is an epimorphism

@[protected, instance]

The pushout of an epimorphism is an epimorphism

@[protected, instance]
def category_theory.limits.pullback.map_is_iso {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {W X Y Z S T : C} (f₁ : W S) (f₂ : X S) [category_theory.limits.has_pullback f₁ f₂] (g₁ : Y T) (g₂ : Z T) [category_theory.limits.has_pullback g₁ g₂] (i₁ : W Y) (i₂ : X Z) (i₃ : S T) (eq₁ : f₁ i₃ = i₁ g₁) (eq₂ : f₂ i₃ = i₂ g₂) [category_theory.is_iso i₁] [category_theory.is_iso i₂] [category_theory.is_iso i₃] :
category_theory.is_iso ( f₁ f₂ g₁ g₂ i₁ i₂ i₃ eq₁ eq₂)
noncomputable def category_theory.limits.pullback.congr_hom {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f₁ f₂ : X Z} {g₁ g₂ : Y Z} (h₁ : f₁ = f₂) (h₂ : g₁ = g₂) [category_theory.limits.has_pullback f₁ g₁] [category_theory.limits.has_pullback f₂ g₂] :

If f₁ = f₂ and g₁ = g₂, we may construct a canonical isomorphism pullback f₁ g₁ ≅ pullback f₂ g₂

theorem category_theory.limits.pullback.congr_hom_hom {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f₁ f₂ : X Z} {g₁ g₂ : Y Z} (h₁ : f₁ = f₂) (h₂ : g₁ = g₂) [category_theory.limits.has_pullback f₁ g₁] [category_theory.limits.has_pullback f₂ g₂] :
theorem category_theory.limits.pullback.congr_hom_inv {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f₁ f₂ : X Z} {g₁ g₂ : Y Z} (h₁ : f₁ = f₂) (h₂ : g₁ = g₂) [category_theory.limits.has_pullback f₁ g₁] [category_theory.limits.has_pullback f₂ g₂] :
@[protected, instance]
def category_theory.limits.pushout.map_is_iso {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {W X Y Z S T : C} (f₁ : S W) (f₂ : S X) [category_theory.limits.has_pushout f₁ f₂] (g₁ : T Y) (g₂ : T Z) [category_theory.limits.has_pushout g₁ g₂] (i₁ : W Y) (i₂ : X Z) (i₃ : S T) (eq₁ : f₁ i₁ = i₃ g₁) (eq₂ : f₂ i₂ = i₃ g₂) [category_theory.is_iso i₁] [category_theory.is_iso i₂] [category_theory.is_iso i₃] :
category_theory.is_iso ( f₁ f₂ g₁ g₂ i₁ i₂ i₃ eq₁ eq₂)
theorem category_theory.limits.pushout.congr_hom_hom {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f₁ f₂ : X Y} {g₁ g₂ : X Z} (h₁ : f₁ = f₂) (h₂ : g₁ = g₂) [category_theory.limits.has_pushout f₁ g₁] [category_theory.limits.has_pushout f₂ g₂] :
noncomputable def category_theory.limits.pushout.congr_hom {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f₁ f₂ : X Y} {g₁ g₂ : X Z} (h₁ : f₁ = f₂) (h₂ : g₁ = g₂) [category_theory.limits.has_pushout f₁ g₁] [category_theory.limits.has_pushout f₂ g₂] :

If f₁ = f₂ and g₁ = g₂, we may construct a canonical isomorphism pushout f₁ g₁ ≅ pullback f₂ g₂

theorem category_theory.limits.pushout.congr_hom_inv {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {X Y Z : C} {f₁ f₂ : X Y} {g₁ g₂ : X Z} (h₁ : f₁ = f₂) (h₂ : g₁ = g₂) [category_theory.limits.has_pushout f₁ g₁] [category_theory.limits.has_pushout f₂ g₂] :

The comparison morphism for the pullback of f,g. This is an isomorphism iff G preserves the pullback of f,g; see category_theory/limits/preserves/shapes/pullbacks.lean

Instances for category_theory.limits.pullback_comparison

The comparison morphism for the pushout of f,g. This is an isomorphism iff G preserves the pushout of f,g; see category_theory/limits/preserves/shapes/pullbacks.lean

Instances for category_theory.limits.pushout_comparison
theorem category_theory.limits.pushout_comparison_map_desc_assoc {C : Type u} [category_theory.category C] {D : Type u₂} [category_theory.category D] {X Y Z : C} (G : C D) (f : X Y) (g : X Z) [category_theory.limits.has_pushout f g] [category_theory.limits.has_pushout ( f) ( g)] {W : C} {h : Y W} {k : Z W} (w : f h = g k) {X' : D} (f' : G.obj W X') :

Making this a global instance would make the typeclass seach go in an infinite loop.