Grothendieck pretopologies #
Definition and lemmas about Grothendieck pretopologies.
A Grothendieck pretopology for a category C
is a set of families of morphisms with fixed codomain,
satisfying certain closure conditions.
We show that a pretopology generates a genuine Grothendieck topology, and every topology has a maximal pretopology which generates it.
The pretopology associated to a topological space is defined in spaces.lean
Tags #
coverage, pretopology, site
References #
- coverings : Π (X : C), set (category_theory.presieve X)
- has_isos : ∀ ⦃X Y : C⦄ (f : Y ⟶ X) [_inst_3 : category_theory.is_iso f], category_theory.presieve.singleton f ∈ self.coverings X
- pullbacks : ∀ ⦃X Y : C⦄ (f : Y ⟶ X) (S : category_theory.presieve X), S ∈ self.coverings X → category_theory.presieve.pullback_arrows f S ∈ self.coverings Y
- transitive : ∀ ⦃X : C⦄ (S : category_theory.presieve X) (Ti : Π ⦃Y : C⦄ (f : Y ⟶ X), S f → category_theory.presieve Y), S ∈ self.coverings X → (∀ ⦃Y : C⦄ (f : Y ⟶ X) (H : S f), Ti f H ∈ self.coverings Y) → S.bind Ti ∈ self.coverings X
A (Grothendieck) pretopology on C
consists of a collection of families of morphisms with a fixed
target X
for every object X
in C
, called "coverings" of X
, which satisfies the following
three axioms:
- Every family consisting of a single isomorphism is a covering family.
- The collection of covering families is stable under pullback.
- Given a covering family, and a covering family on each domain of the former, the composition is a covering family.
In some sense, a pretopology can be seen as Grothendieck topology with weaker saturation conditions, in that each covering is not necessarily downward closed.
See:, or, or [MM92] Chapter III, Section 2, Definition 2. Note that Stacks calls a category together with a pretopology a site, and [MM92] calls this a basis for a topology.
Instances for category_theory.pretopology
- category_theory.pretopology.has_le = {le := λ (K₁ K₂ : category_theory.pretopology C), ⇑K₁ ≤ ⇑K₂}
- category_theory.pretopology.partial_order C = {le := has_le.le category_theory.pretopology.has_le, lt := has_le.le, le_refl := _, le_trans := _, lt_iff_le_not_le := _, le_antisymm := _}
A pretopology K
can be completed to a Grothendieck topology J
by declaring a sieve to be
-covering if it contains a family in K
See, or [MM92] Chapter III, Section 2, Equation (2).
- category_theory.pretopology.to_grothendieck C K = {sieves := λ (X : C) (S : category_theory.sieve X), ∃ (R : category_theory.presieve X) (H : R ∈ ⇑K X), R ≤ ⇑S, top_mem' := _, pullback_stable' := _, transitive' := _}
The largest pretopology generating the given Grothendieck topology.
See [MM92] Chapter III, Section 2, Equations (3,4).
- category_theory.pretopology.of_grothendieck C J = {coverings := λ (X : C) (R : category_theory.presieve X), category_theory.sieve.generate R ∈ ⇑J X, has_isos := _, pullbacks := _, transitive := _}
We have a galois insertion from pretopologies to Grothendieck topologies.
- C = {choice := λ (x : category_theory.pretopology C) (hx : category_theory.pretopology.of_grothendieck C (category_theory.pretopology.to_grothendieck C x) ≤ x), category_theory.pretopology.to_grothendieck C x, gc := _, le_l_u := _, choice_eq := _}
The trivial pretopology, in which the coverings are exactly singleton isomorphisms. This topology is also known as the indiscrete, coarse, or chaotic topology.
- category_theory.pretopology.trivial C = {coverings := λ (X : C) (S : category_theory.presieve X), ∃ (Y : C) (f : Y ⟶ X) (h : category_theory.is_iso f), S = category_theory.presieve.singleton f, has_isos := _, pullbacks := _, transitive := _}
- category_theory.pretopology.order_bot C = {bot := category_theory.pretopology.trivial C _inst_2, bot_le := _}
The trivial pretopology induces the trivial grothendieck topology.