Colex #
We define the colex ordering for finite sets, and give a couple of important lemmas and properties relating to it.
The colex ordering likes to avoid large values - it can be thought of on
finset ℕ
as the "binary" ordering. That is, order A based on
∑_{i ∈ A} 2^i
It's defined here in a slightly more general way, requiring only has_lt α
the definition of colex on finset α
. In the context of the Kruskal-Katona
theorem, we are interested in particular on how colex behaves for sets of a
fixed size. If the size is 3, colex on ℕ starts
123, 124, 134, 234, 125, 135, 235, 145, 245, 345, ...
Main statements #
: strictly monotone functions preserve colex- Colex order properties - linearity, decidability and so on.
: if A < B in colex, and everything in B is < t, then everything in A is < t. This confirms the idea that an enumeration under colex will exhaust all sets using elements < t before allowing t to be included.sum_two_pow_le_iff_lt
: colex for α = ℕ is the same as binary (this also proves binary expansions are unique)
See also #
Related files are:
: Lexicographic order on
: Lexicographic order onΠₗ i, α i
: Lexicographic order onΣ' i, α i
: Lexicographic order onΣ i, α i
: Lexicographic order onα × β
Tags #
colex, colexicographic, binary
References #
We define this type synonym to refer to the colexicographic ordering on finsets rather than the natural subset ordering.
- finset.colex α = finset α
Instances for finset.colex
A convenience constructor to turn a finset α
into a finset.colex α
, useful in order to
use the colex ordering rather than the subset ordering.
is less than B
in the colex ordering if the largest thing that's not in both sets is in B.
In other words, max (A ∆ B) ∈ B
(if the maximum exists).
We can define (≤) in the obvious way.
- finset.colex.has_le = {le := λ (A B : finset.colex α), A < B ∨ A = B}
Strictly monotone functions preserve the colex ordering.
A special case of colex.hom_lt_iff
which is sometimes useful.
- colex.finset.colex.linear_order = {le := has_le.le finset.colex.has_le, lt := finset.colex.has_lt, le_refl := _, le_trans := _, lt_iff_le_not_le := _, le_antisymm := _, le_total := _, decidable_le := λ (A B : finset.colex α), or.decidable, decidable_eq := λ (A B : finset.colex α), finset.has_decidable_eq A B, decidable_lt := λ (A B : finset.colex α), colex.decidable_lt, max := max_default (λ (a b : finset.colex α), or.decidable), max_def := _, min := min_default (λ (a b : finset.colex α), or.decidable), min_def := _}
Strictly monotone functions preserve the colex ordering.
s.to_colex < {r}.to_colex
iff all elements of s
are less than r
If {r} is less than or equal to s in the colexicographical sense, then s contains an element greater than or equal to r.
Colex is an extension of the base ordering on α.
Colex is an extension of the base ordering on α.
If A ⊂ B
, then A
is less than B
in the colex order. Note the converse does not hold, as
is not a linear order.
If A ⊆ B
, then A ≤ B
in the colex order. Note the converse does not hold, as ⊆
is not a
linear order.
The function from finsets to finsets with the colex order is a relation homomorphism.
- colex.to_colex_rel_hom = {to_fun := finset.to_colex α, map_rel' := _}
- colex.finset.colex.order_top = {top := finset.univ.to_colex, le_top := _}
- colex.finset.colex.lattice = {sup := semilattice_sup.sup (lattice.to_semilattice_sup (finset.colex α)), le := semilattice_sup.le (lattice.to_semilattice_sup (finset.colex α)), lt := (lattice.to_semilattice_sup (finset.colex α)), le_refl := _, le_trans := _, lt_iff_le_not_le := _, le_antisymm := _, le_sup_left := _, le_sup_right := _, sup_le := _, inf := semilattice_inf.inf (lattice.to_semilattice_inf (finset.colex α)), inf_le_left := _, inf_le_right := _, le_inf := _}