The centralizer of a Lie submodule and the normalizer of a Lie subalgebra. #
Given a Lie module M
over a Lie subalgebra L
, the centralizer of a Lie submodule N ⊆ M
the Lie submodule with underlying set { m | ∀ (x : L), ⁅x, m⁆ ∈ N }
The lattice of Lie submodules thus has two natural operations, the centralizer: N ↦ N.centralizer
and the ideal operation: N ↦ ⁅⊤, N⁆
; these are adjoint, i.e., they form a Galois connection. This
adjointness is the reason that we may define nilpotency in terms of either the upper or lower
central series.
Given a Lie subalgebra H ⊆ L
, we may regard H
as a Lie submodule of L
over H
, and thus
consider the centralizer. This turns out to be a Lie subalgebra and is known as the normalizer.
Main definitions #
Tags #
lie algebra, centralizer, normalizer
The centralizer of a Lie submodule.
Regarding a Lie subalgebra H ⊆ L
as a module over itself, its centralizer is in fact a Lie
subalgebra. This is called the normalizer of the Lie subalgebra.
- H.normalizer = {to_submodule := {carrier := H.to_lie_submodule.centralizer.carrier, add_mem' := _, zero_mem' := _, smul_mem' := _}, lie_mem' := _}
A Lie subalgebra is an ideal of its normalizer.
A Lie subalgebra H
is an ideal of any Lie subalgebra K
containing H
and contained in the
normalizer of H