Super-Polynomial Function Decay #
This file defines a predicate asymptotics.superpolynomial_decay f
for a function satisfying
one of following equivalent definitions (The definition is in terms of the first condition):
x ^ n * f
tends to𝓝 0
for all (or sufficiently large) naturalsn
|x ^ n * f|
tends to𝓝 0
for all naturalsn
)|x ^ n * f|
is bounded for all naturalsn
iso(x ^ c)
for all integersc
isO(x ^ c)
for all integersc
These conditions are all equivalent to conditions in terms of polynomials, replacing x ^ c
or p(x)⁻¹
as appropriate, since asymptotically p(x)
behaves like X ^ p.nat_degree
These further equivalences are not proven in mathlib but would be good future projects.
The definition of superpolynomial decay for f : α → β
is relative to a parameter k : α → β
Super-polynomial decay then means f x
decays faster than (k x) ^ c
for all integers c
Equivalently f x
decays faster than p.eval (k x)
for all polynomials p : polynomial β
The definition is also relative to a filter l : filter α
where the decay rate is compared.
When the map k
is given by n ↦ ↑n : ℕ → ℝ
this defines negligible functions:
When the map k
is given by (r₁,...,rₙ) ↦ r₁*...*rₙ : ℝⁿ → ℝ
this is equivalent
to the definition of rapidly decreasing functions given here:
Main Theorems #
says that iff(x)
is negligible, then so isp(x) * f(x)
for any polynomialp
gives an equivalence between definitions in terms of decaying faster thank(x) ^ n
for all naturalsn
ork(x) ^ c
for all integerc
has superpolynomial decay in parameter k
along filter l
k ^ n * f
tends to zero at l
for all naturals n
- asymptotics.superpolynomial_decay l k f = ∀ (n : ℕ), filter.tendsto (λ (a : α), k a ^ n * f a) l (nhds 0)