In this file, we prove that the plus functor is compatible with functors which preserve the correct limits and colimits.
See category_theory/sites/compatible_sheafification
for the compatibility
of sheafification, which follows easily from the content in this file.
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
(F : D ⥤ E)
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
(P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D)
(X : C) :
The diagram used to define P⁺
, composed with F
, is isomorphic
to the diagram used to define P ⋙ F
- J.diagram_comp_iso F P X = category_theory.nat_iso.of_components (λ (W : (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ), (category_theory.limits.is_limit_of_preserves F (category_theory.limits.limit.is_limit ((opposite.unop W).index P).multicospan)).cone_point_unique_up_to_iso (category_theory.limits.limit.is_limit (((opposite.unop W).index P).multicospan ⋙ F)) ≪≫ category_theory.limits.has_limit.iso_of_nat_iso (category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.multicospan_comp F P (opposite.unop W)).symm) _
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
(F : D ⥤ E)
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
(P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D)
(X : C)
(W : (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ)
(i : (opposite.unop W).arrow)
{X' : E}
(f' : ((opposite.unop W).index (P ⋙ F)).left i ⟶ X') :
(J.diagram_comp_iso F P X) W ≫ category_theory.limits.multiequalizer.ι ((opposite.unop W).index (P ⋙ F)) i ≫ f' = (category_theory.limits.multiequalizer.ι ((opposite.unop W).index P) i) ≫ f'
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
(F : D ⥤ E)
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
(P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D)
(X : C)
(W : (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ)
(i : (opposite.unop W).arrow) :
(J.diagram_comp_iso F P X) W ≫ category_theory.limits.multiequalizer.ι ((opposite.unop W).index (P ⋙ F)) i = (category_theory.limits.multiequalizer.ι ((opposite.unop W).index P) i)
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
(F : D ⥤ E)
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
(P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D)
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ D]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ E]
[Π (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ F] :
The isomorphism between P⁺ ⋙ F
and (P ⋙ F)⁺
- J.plus_comp_iso F P = category_theory.nat_iso.of_components (λ (X : Cᵒᵖ), (category_theory.limits.is_colimit_of_preserves F (category_theory.limits.colimit.is_colimit (J.diagram P (opposite.unop X)))).cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso (category_theory.limits.colimit.is_colimit (J.diagram P (opposite.unop X) ⋙ F)) ≪≫ category_theory.limits.has_colimit.iso_of_nat_iso (J.diagram_comp_iso F P (opposite.unop X))) _
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
(F : D ⥤ E)
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
(P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D)
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ D]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ E]
[Π (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ F]
(X : Cᵒᵖ)
(W : (J.cover (opposite.unop X))ᵒᵖ)
{X' : E}
(f' : (J.plus_obj (P ⋙ F)).obj X ⟶ X') : (category_theory.limits.colimit.ι (J.diagram P (opposite.unop X)) W) ≫ (J.plus_comp_iso F P) X ≫ f' = (J.diagram_comp_iso F P (opposite.unop X)) W ≫ category_theory.limits.colimit.ι (J.diagram (P ⋙ F) (opposite.unop X)) W ≫ f'
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
(F : D ⥤ E)
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
(P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D)
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ D]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ E]
[Π (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ F]
(X : Cᵒᵖ)
(W : (J.cover (opposite.unop X))ᵒᵖ) : (category_theory.limits.colimit.ι (J.diagram P (opposite.unop X)) W) ≫ (J.plus_comp_iso F P) X = (J.diagram_comp_iso F P (opposite.unop X)) W ≫ category_theory.limits.colimit.ι (J.diagram (P ⋙ F) (opposite.unop X)) W
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ D]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ E]
{F G : D ⥤ E}
(η : F ⟶ G)
(P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D)
[Π (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ F]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
[Π (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ G]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan G]
{X' : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ E}
(f' : J.plus_obj (P ⋙ G) ⟶ X') :
category_theory.whisker_left (J.plus_obj P) η ≫ (J.plus_comp_iso G P).hom ≫ f' = (J.plus_comp_iso F P).hom ≫ J.plus_map (category_theory.whisker_left P η) ≫ f'
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ D]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ E]
{F G : D ⥤ E}
(η : F ⟶ G)
(P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D)
[Π (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ F]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
[Π (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ G]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan G] :
category_theory.whisker_left (J.plus_obj P) η ≫ (J.plus_comp_iso G P).hom = (J.plus_comp_iso F P).hom ≫ J.plus_map (category_theory.whisker_left P η)
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ D]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ E]
(P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D)
[Π (F : D ⥤ E) (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ F]
[Π (F : D ⥤ E) (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
(X : D ⥤ E) :
(J.plus_functor_whisker_left_iso P) X = (J.plus_comp_iso X P).hom
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ D]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ E]
(P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D)
[Π (F : D ⥤ E) (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ F]
[Π (F : D ⥤ E) (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
(X : D ⥤ E) :
(J.plus_functor_whisker_left_iso P) X = (J.plus_comp_iso X P).inv
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ D]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ E]
(P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D)
[Π (F : D ⥤ E) (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ F]
[Π (F : D ⥤ E) (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F] :
(category_theory.whiskering_left Cᵒᵖ D E).obj (J.plus_obj P) ≅ (category_theory.whiskering_left Cᵒᵖ D E).obj P ⋙ J.plus_functor E
The isomorphism between P⁺ ⋙ F
and (P ⋙ F)⁺
, functorially in F
- J.plus_functor_whisker_left_iso P = category_theory.nat_iso.of_components (λ (X : D ⥤ E), J.plus_comp_iso X P) _
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
(F : D ⥤ E)
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ D]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ E]
[Π (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ F]
{P Q : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D}
(η : P ⟶ Q) :
category_theory.whisker_right (J.plus_map η) F ≫ (J.plus_comp_iso F Q).hom = (J.plus_comp_iso F P).hom ≫ J.plus_map (category_theory.whisker_right η F)
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
(F : D ⥤ E)
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ D]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ E]
[Π (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ F]
{P Q : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D}
(η : P ⟶ Q)
{X' : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ E}
(f' : J.plus_obj (Q ⋙ F) ⟶ X') :
category_theory.whisker_right (J.plus_map η) F ≫ (J.plus_comp_iso F Q).hom ≫ f' = (J.plus_comp_iso F P).hom ≫ J.plus_map (category_theory.whisker_right η F) ≫ f'
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
(F : D ⥤ E)
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ D]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ E]
[Π (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ F] :
J.plus_functor D ⋙ (category_theory.whiskering_right Cᵒᵖ D E).obj F ≅ (category_theory.whiskering_right Cᵒᵖ D E).obj F ⋙ J.plus_functor E
The isomorphism between P⁺ ⋙ F
and (P ⋙ F)⁺
, functorially in P
- J.plus_functor_whisker_right_iso F = category_theory.nat_iso.of_components (λ (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), J.plus_comp_iso F P) _
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
(F : D ⥤ E)
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ D]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ E]
[Π (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ F]
(X : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D) :
(J.plus_functor_whisker_right_iso F) X = (J.plus_comp_iso F X).inv
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
(F : D ⥤ E)
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ D]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ E]
[Π (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ F]
(X : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D) :
(J.plus_functor_whisker_right_iso F) X = (J.plus_comp_iso F X).hom
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
(F : D ⥤ E)
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
(P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D)
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ D]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ E]
[Π (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ F]
{X' : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ E}
(f' : J.plus_obj (P ⋙ F) ⟶ X') :
category_theory.whisker_right (J.to_plus P) F ≫ (J.plus_comp_iso F P).hom ≫ f' = J.to_plus (P ⋙ F) ≫ f'
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
(F : D ⥤ E)
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
(P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D)
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ D]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ E]
[Π (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ F] :
category_theory.whisker_right (J.to_plus P) F ≫ (J.plus_comp_iso F P).hom = J.to_plus (P ⋙ F)
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
(F : D ⥤ E)
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
(P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D)
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ D]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ E]
[Π (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ F] :
J.to_plus (P ⋙ F) ≫ (J.plus_comp_iso F P).inv = category_theory.whisker_right (J.to_plus P) F
{C : Type u}
[category_theory.category C]
(J : category_theory.grothendieck_topology C)
{D : Type w₁}
[category_theory.category D]
{E : Type w₂}
[category_theory.category E]
(F : D ⥤ E)
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) D]
[∀ (α β : Type (max v u)) (fst snd : β → α), category_theory.limits.has_limits_of_shape (category_theory.limits.walking_multicospan fst snd) E]
[Π (X : C) (W : J.cover X) (P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D), category_theory.limits.preserves_limit (W.index P).multicospan F]
(P : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D)
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ D]
[∀ (X : C), category_theory.limits.has_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ E]
[Π (X : C), category_theory.limits.preserves_colimits_of_shape (J.cover X)ᵒᵖ F]
(hP : category_theory.presheaf.is_sheaf J (J.plus_obj P ⋙ F)) :
(J.plus_comp_iso F P).inv = J.plus_lift (category_theory.whisker_right (J.to_plus P) F) hP