Categorical (co)products #
This file defines (co)products as special cases of (co)limits.
A product is the categorical generalization of the object Π i, f i
where f : ι → C
. It is a
limit cone over the diagram formed by f
, implemented by converting f
into a functor
discrete ι ⥤ C
A coproduct is the dual concept.
Main definitions #
- a
is a cone over a discrete category
constructs a fan from an indexed collection of maps- a
is alimit (discrete.functor f)
Each of these has a dual.
Implementation notes #
As with the other special shapes in the limits library, all the definitions here are given as
s of the general statements for limits, so all the simp
lemmas and theorems about
general limits can be used.
A fan over f : β → C
consists of a collection of maps from an object P
to every f b
A cofan over f : β → C
consists of a collection of maps from every f b
to an object P
A fan over f : β → C
consists of a collection of maps from an object P
to every f b
- P p = {X := P, π := {app := λ (X : category_theory.discrete β), p, naturality' := _}}
A cofan over f : β → C
consists of a collection of maps from every f b
to an object P
- P p = {X := P, ι := {app := λ (X : category_theory.discrete β), p, naturality' := _}}
Get the j
th map in the fan
An abbreviation for has_limit (discrete.functor f)
An abbreviation for has_colimit (discrete.functor f)
Make a fan f
into a limit fan by providing lift
, fac
, and uniq
just a convenience lemma to avoid having to go through discrete
An abbreviation for has_limits_of_shape (discrete f)
An abbreviation for has_colimits_of_shape (discrete f)
pi_obj f
computes the product of a family of elements f
(It is defined as an abbreviation for limit (discrete.functor f)
so for most facts about pi_obj f
, you will just use general facts about limits.)
sigma_obj f
computes the coproduct of a family of elements f
(It is defined as an abbreviation for colimit (discrete.functor f)
so for most facts about sigma_obj f
, you will just use general facts about colimits.)
The b
-th projection from the pi object over f
has the form ∏ f ⟶ f b
The b
-th inclusion into the sigma object over f
has the form f b ⟶ ∐ f
The fan constructed of the projections from the product is limiting.
The cofan constructed of the inclusions from the coproduct is colimiting.
- category_theory.limits.coproduct_is_coproduct f = (category_theory.limits.colimit.is_colimit (category_theory.discrete.functor f)).of_iso_colimit (category_theory.limits.cocones.ext (category_theory.iso.refl (category_theory.limits.colimit.cocone (category_theory.discrete.functor (λ (b : β), f b))).X) _)
A collection of morphisms P ⟶ f b
induces a morphism P ⟶ ∏ f
A collection of morphisms f b ⟶ P
induces a morphism ∐ f ⟶ P
Construct a morphism between categorical products (indexed by the same type) from a family of morphisms between the factors.
Construct an isomorphism between categorical products (indexed by the same type) from a family of isomorphisms between the factors.
Construct a morphism between categorical coproducts (indexed by the same type) from a family of morphisms between the factors.
Construct an isomorphism between categorical coproducts (indexed by the same type) from a family of isomorphisms between the factors.
The comparison morphism for the product of f
. This is an iso iff G
preserves the product
of f
, see preserves_product.of_iso_comparison
- category_theory.limits.pi_comparison G f = category_theory.limits.pi.lift (λ (b : β), (category_theory.limits.pi.π f b))
Instances for category_theory.limits.pi_comparison
The comparison morphism for the coproduct of f
. This is an iso iff G
preserves the coproduct
of f
, see preserves_coproduct.of_iso_comparison
- category_theory.limits.sigma_comparison G f = category_theory.limits.sigma.desc (λ (b : β), (category_theory.limits.sigma.ι f b))
Instances for category_theory.limits.sigma_comparison
An abbreviation for Π J, has_limits_of_shape (discrete J) C
An abbreviation for Π J, has_colimits_of_shape (discrete J) C
(Co)products over a type with a unique term.
The limit cone for the product over an index type with exactly one term.
- category_theory.limits.limit_cone_of_unique f = {cone := {X := f inhabited.default, π := {app := λ (j : category_theory.discrete β), category_theory.eq_to_hom _, naturality' := _}}, is_limit := {lift := λ (s : category_theory.limits.cone (category_theory.discrete.functor f)), s.π.app inhabited.default, fac' := _, uniq' := _}}
A product over a index type with exactly one term is just the object over that term.
The colimit cocone for the coproduct over an index type with exactly one term.
- category_theory.limits.colimit_cocone_of_unique f = {cocone := {X := f inhabited.default, ι := {app := λ (j : category_theory.discrete β), category_theory.eq_to_hom _, naturality' := _}}, is_colimit := {desc := λ (s : category_theory.limits.cocone (category_theory.discrete.functor f)), s.ι.app inhabited.default, fac' := _, uniq' := _}}
A coproduct over a index type with exactly one term is just the object over that term.
Reindex a categorical product via an equivalence of the index types.
- category_theory.limits.pi.reindex ε f = category_theory.limits.has_limit.iso_of_equivalence (category_theory.discrete.equivalence ε) (category_theory.discrete.nat_iso (λ (i : category_theory.discrete β), category_theory.iso.refl (((category_theory.discrete.equivalence ε).functor ⋙ category_theory.discrete.functor f).obj i)))
Reindex a categorical coproduct via an equivalence of the index types.
- category_theory.limits.sigma.reindex ε f = category_theory.limits.has_colimit.iso_of_equivalence (category_theory.discrete.equivalence ε) (category_theory.discrete.nat_iso (λ (i : category_theory.discrete β), category_theory.iso.refl (((category_theory.discrete.equivalence ε).functor ⋙ category_theory.discrete.functor f).obj i)))