- tactic.interactive.apply_rel R x' y' h hx hy = _.mpr (_.mpr h)
- tactic.interactive.list.minimum_on f (x :: xs) = (list.foldl (λ (_x : β × list α), tactic.interactive.list.minimum_on._match_1 f _x) (f x, [x]) xs).snd
- tactic.interactive.list.minimum_on f list.nil = list.nil
- tactic.interactive.list.minimum_on._match_1 f (k, a) = λ (b : α), let k' : β := f b in ite (k < k') (k, a) (ite (k' < k) (k', [b]) (k, b :: a))
applies a monotonicity rule.mono*
applies monotonicity rules repetitively.mono with x ≤ y
ormono with [0 ≤ x,0 ≤ y]
creates an assertion for the listed propositions. Those help to select the right monotonicity rule.mono left
ormono right
is useful when proving strict orderings: forx + y < w + z
could be broken down into either- left:
x ≤ w
andy < z
or - right:
x < w
andy ≤ z
- left:
mono using [rule1,rule2]
callssimp [rule1,rule2]
before applying mono.- The general syntax is
mono '*'? ('with' hyp | 'with' [hyp1,hyp2])? ('using' [hyp1,hyp2])? mono_cfg?
To use it, first import tactic.monotonicity
Here is an example of mono:
example (x y z k : ℤ)
(h : 3 ≤ (4 : ℤ))
(h' : z ≤ y) :
(k + 3 + x) - y ≤ (k + 4 + x) - z :=
mono, -- unfold `(-)`, apply add_le_add
{ -- ⊢ k + 3 + x ≤ k + 4 + x
mono, -- apply add_le_add, refl
-- ⊢ k + 3 ≤ k + 4
mono },
{ -- ⊢ -y ≤ -z
mono /- apply neg_le_neg -/ }
More succinctly, we can prove the same goal as:
example (x y z k : ℤ)
(h : 3 ≤ (4 : ℤ))
(h' : z ≤ y) :
(k + 3 + x) - y ≤ (k + 4 + x) - z :=
by mono*
- one : tactic.interactive.rep_arity
- exactly : ℕ → tactic.interactive.rep_arity
- many : tactic.interactive.rep_arity
Instances for tactic.interactive.rep_arity
- tactic.interactive.rep_arity.has_sizeof_inst
- tactic.interactive.rep_arity.has_reflect
- tactic.interactive.rep_arity.inhabited
reduces the f x ⊑ f y
, for some relation ⊑
and a
monotonic function f
to x ≺ y
unwraps monotonic functions until it can't.
, for some literal number k
applies monotonicity k
ac_mono := h
, with h
a hypothesis, unwraps monotonic functions and
uses h
to solve the remaining goal. Can be combined with *
or ^k
ac_mono* := h
ac_mono : p
asserts p
and uses it to discharge the goal result
unwrapping a series of monotonic functions. Can be combined with * or
^k: ac_mono* : p
In the case where f
is an associative or commutative operator,
will consider any possible permutation of its arguments and
use the one the minimizes the difference between the left-hand side
and the right-hand side.
To use it, first import tactic.monotonicity
can be used as follows:
example (x y z k m n : ℕ)
(h₀ : z ≥ 0)
(h₁ : x ≤ y) :
(m + x + n) * z + k ≤ z * (y + n + m) + k :=
-- ⊢ (m + x + n) * z ≤ z * (y + n + m)
-- ⊢ m + x + n ≤ y + n + m
As with mono*
, ac_mono*
solves the goal in one go and so does
ac_mono* := h₁
. The latter syntax becomes especially interesting in the
following example:
example (x y z k m n : ℕ)
(h₀ : z ≥ 0)
(h₁ : m + x + n ≤ y + n + m) :
(m + x + n) * z + k ≤ z * (y + n + m) + k :=
by ac_mono* := h₁.
By giving ac_mono
the assumption h₁
, we are asking ac_refl
stop earlier than it would normally would.