Number fields #
This file defines a number field, the ring of integers corresponding to it and includes some basic facts about the embeddings into an algebraic closed field.
Main definitions #
defines a number field as a field which has characteristic zero and is finite dimensional over ℚ.ring_of_integers
defines the ring of integers (or number ring) corresponding to a number field as the integral closure of ℤ in the number field.
Main Result #
: letx ∈ K
number field and letA
be an algebraic closed field of char. 0, then the images ofx
by the embeddings ofK
are exactly the roots inA
of the minimal polynomial ofx
Implementation notes #
The definitions that involve a field of fractions choose a canonical field of fractions, but are independent of that choice.
References #
- D. Marcus, Number Fields
- J.W.S. Cassels, A. Frölich, Algebraic Number Theory
- [P. Samuel, Algebraic Theory of Numbers][samuel1970algebraic]
Tags #
number field, ring of integers
- to_char_zero : char_zero K
- to_finite_dimensional : finite_dimensional ℚ K
A number field is a field which has characteristic zero and is finite dimensional over ℚ.
Instances of this typeclass
The ring of integers (or number ring) corresponding to a number field is the integral closure of ℤ in the number field.
Given an algebra between two fields, create an algebra between their two rings of integers.
For now, this is not an instance by default as it creates an equal-but-not-defeq diamond with
when K = L
. This is caused by x = ⟨x, x.prop⟩
not being defeq on subtypes. This
will likely change in Lean 4.
- number_field.ring_of_integers_algebra K L = {to_fun := λ (k : ↥(number_field.ring_of_integers K)), ⟨⇑(algebra_map K L) ↑k, _⟩, map_one' := _, map_mul' := _, map_zero' := _, map_add' := _}.to_algebra
The ring of integers of K
are equivalent to any integral closure of ℤ
in K
The ring of integers of a number field is not a field.
The ring of integers of ℚ
as a number field is just ℤ
The quotient of ℚ[X]
by the ideal generated by an irreducible polynomial of ℚ[X]
is a number field.
There are finitely many embeddings of a number field.
The number of embeddings of a number field is equal to its finrank.
Let A
an algebraically closed field and let x ∈ K
, with K
a number field. For F
subfield of K
, the images of x
by the F
-algebra morphisms from K
to A
are exactly
the roots in A
of the minimal polynomial of x
over F
Let A
be an algebraically closed field and let x ∈ K
, with K
a number field.
The images of x
by the embeddings of K
in A
are exactly the roots in A
the minimal polynomial of x
over ℚ