The homotopy category #
homotopy_category V c
gives the category of chain complexes of shape c
in V
with chain maps identified when they are homotopic.
The congruence on homological_complex V c
given by the existence of a homotopy.
Instances for homotopic
homotopy_category V c
is the category of chain complexes of shape c
in V
with chain maps identified when they are homotopic.
- homotopy_category V c = category_theory.quotient (homotopic V c)
Instances for homotopy_category
The quotient functor from complexes to the homotopy category.
- homotopy_category.inhabited V c = {default := (homotopy_category.quotient V c).obj 0}
If two chain maps become equal in the homotopy category, then they are homotopic.
An arbitrarily chosen representation of the image of a chain map in the homotopy category is homotopic to the original chain map.
Homotopy equivalent complexes become isomorphic in the homotopy category.
- homotopy_category.iso_of_homotopy_equiv f = {hom := (homotopy_category.quotient V c).map f.hom, inv := (homotopy_category.quotient V c).map f.inv, hom_inv_id' := _, inv_hom_id' := _}
If two complexes become isomorphic in the homotopy category, then they were homotopy equivalent.
- homotopy_category.homotopy_equiv_of_iso i = {hom := quot.out i.hom, inv := quot.out i.inv, homotopy_hom_inv_id := homotopy_category.homotopy_of_eq (quot.out i.hom ≫ quot.out i.inv) (𝟙 C) _, homotopy_inv_hom_id := homotopy_category.homotopy_of_eq (quot.out i.inv ≫ quot.out i.hom) (𝟙 D) _}
The i
-th homology, as a functor from the homotopy category.
- homotopy_category.homology_functor V c i = category_theory.quotient.lift (homotopic V c) (homology_functor V c i) _
The homology functor on the homotopy category is just the usual homology functor.
- homotopy_category.homology_factors V c i = category_theory.quotient.lift.is_lift (homotopic V c) (homology_functor V c i) _
An additive functor induces a functor between homotopy categories.
- category_theory.functor.map_homotopy_category c F = {obj := λ (C : homotopy_category V c), (homotopy_category.quotient W c).obj ((F.map_homological_complex c).obj, map := λ (C D : homotopy_category V c) (f : C ⟶ D), (homotopy_category.quotient W c).map ((F.map_homological_complex c).map (quot.out f)), map_id' := _, map_comp' := _}
A natural transformation induces a natural transformation between the induced functors on the homotopy category.
- category_theory.nat_trans.map_homotopy_category α c = {app := λ (C : homotopy_category V c), (homotopy_category.quotient W c).map ((category_theory.nat_trans.map_homological_complex α c).app, naturality' := _}