Ordinal arithmetic #
Ordinals have an addition (corresponding to disjoint union) that turns them into an additive monoid, and a multiplication (corresponding to the lexicographic order on the product) that turns them into a monoid. One can also define correspondingly a subtraction, a division, a successor function, a power function and a logarithm function.
We also define limit ordinals and prove the basic induction principle on ordinals separating
successor ordinals and limit ordinals, in limit_rec_on
Main definitions and results #
o₁ + o₂
is the order on the disjoint union ofo₁
obtained by declaring that every element ofo₁
is smaller than every element ofo₂
.o₁ - o₂
is the unique ordinalo
such thato₂ + o = o₁
, wheno₂ ≤ o₁
.o₁ * o₂
is the lexicographic order ono₂ × o₁
.o₁ / o₂
is the ordinalo
such thato₁ = o₂ * o + o'
witho' < o₂
. We also define the divisibility predicate, and a modulo operation.succ o = o + 1
is the successor ofo
.pred o
if the predecessor ofo
. Ifo
is not a successor, we setpred o = o
We also define the power function and the logarithm function on ordinals, and discuss the properties
of casts of natural numbers of and of omega
with respect to these operations.
Some properties of the operations are also used to discuss general tools on ordinals:
is_limit o
: an ordinal is a limit ordinal if it is neither0
nor a successor. -
is the main induction principle of ordinals: if one can prove a property by induction at successor ordinals and at limit ordinals, then it holds for all ordinals. -
: a functionf : ordinal → ordinal
if it is strictly increasing and order-continuous, i.e., the imagef o
of a limit ordinalo
is the sup off a
fora < o
. -
nfp f a
: the next fixed point of a functionf
on ordinals, abovea
. It behaves well for normal functions. -
CNF b o
is the Cantor normal form of the ordinalo
in baseb
. -
: the supremum of an indexed family of ordinals inType u
, as an ordinal inType u
. -
: the supremum of a set of ordinals indexed by ordinals less than a given ordinalo
Further properties of addition on ordinals #
The zero ordinal #
The predecessor of an ordinal #
Limit ordinals #
Main induction principle of ordinals: if one can prove a property by induction at successor ordinals and at limit ordinals, then it holds for all ordinals.
- o.limit_rec_on H₁ H₂ H₃ = ordinal.wf.fix (λ (o : ordinal) (IH : Π (y : ordinal), y < o → C y), dite (o = 0) (λ (o0 : o = 0), _.mpr H₁) (λ (o0 : ¬o = 0), dite (∃ (a : ordinal), o = a.succ) (λ (h : ∃ (a : ordinal), o = a.succ), _.mpr (H₂ o.pred (IH o.pred _))) (λ (h : ¬∃ (a : ordinal), o = a.succ), H₃ o _ IH))) o
Normal ordinal functions #
A normal ordinal function is a strictly increasing function which is
order-continuous, i.e., the image f o
of a limit ordinal o
is the sup of f a
a < o
Subtraction on ordinals #
a - b
is the unique ordinal satisfying
b + (a - b) = a
when b ≤ a
Multiplication of ordinals #
The multiplication of ordinals o₁
and o₂
is the (well founded) lexicographic order on
o₂ × o₁
- ordinal.monoid = {mul := λ (a b : ordinal), quotient.lift_on₂ a b (λ (_x : Well_order), ordinal.monoid._match_2 _x) ordinal.monoid._proof_1, mul_assoc := ordinal.monoid._proof_2, one := 1, one_mul := ordinal.monoid._proof_3, mul_one := ordinal.monoid._proof_4, npow := npow_rec (mul_one_class.to_has_mul ordinal), npow_zero' := ordinal.monoid._proof_7, npow_succ' := ordinal.monoid._proof_8}
- ordinal.monoid._match_2 {α := α, r := r, wo := wo} = λ (_x : Well_order), ordinal.monoid._match_1 α r wo _x
- ordinal.monoid._match_1 α r wo {α := β, r := s, wo := wo'} = ⟦{α := β × α, r := prod.lex s r, wo := _}⟧
Division on ordinals #
Supremum of a family of ordinals #
The supremum of a family of ordinals
- ordinal.sup f = ordinal.omin {c : ordinal | ∀ (i : ι), f i ≤ c} _
The supremum of a family of ordinals indexed by the set
of ordinals less than some o : ordinal.{u}
(This is not a special case of sup
over the subtype,
because {a // a < o} : Type (u+1)
and sup
only works over
families in Type u
Ordinal exponential #
Ordinal logarithm #
The Cantor normal form #
The Cantor normal form of an ordinal is the list of coefficients
in the base-b
expansion of o
CNF b (b ^ u₁ * v₁ + b ^ u₂ * v₂) = [(u₁, v₁), (u₂, v₂)]
- ordinal.CNF b o = dite (b = 0) (λ (b0 : b = 0), list.nil) (λ (b0 : ¬b = 0), ordinal.CNF_rec b0 list.nil (λ (o : ordinal) (o0 : o ≠ 0) (h : o % b ^ ordinal.log b o < o) (IH : list (ordinal × ordinal)), (ordinal.log b o, o / b ^ ordinal.log b o) :: IH) o)
Casting naturals into ordinals, compatibility with operations #
Properties of omega
Fixed points of normal functions #
The next fixed point function, the least fixed point of the
normal function f
above a
- ordinal.nfp f a = ordinal.sup (λ (n : ℕ), f^[n] a)
The derivative of a normal function f
the sequence of fixed points of f
- ordinal.deriv f o = o.limit_rec_on (ordinal.nfp f 0) (λ (a IH : ordinal), ordinal.nfp f IH.succ) (λ (a : ordinal) (l : a.is_limit), a.bsup)