Brown CS News

Articles by Eli Pullaro

R. Iris Bahar Has Been Elevated To A Fellow Of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers


Brown CS Professor R. Iris Bahar has been elevated to a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) as of January this year. IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization that is dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. The Fellow grade is a distinction awarded to those who have made important individual contributions in any of the IEEE fields of interest. Iris Bahar was honored by IEEE for her “contributions to modeling and design of power-aware and noise-tolerant nanoscale computing systems.” In particular, Iris was an early pioneer in exploring computer architecture level …

Brown CS Alum Guillaume Marceau And Professors Fisler And Krishnamurthi Win The Onward! 2011 Most Notable Paper Award


Brown CS alum Guillaume Marceau, Professor Kathi Fisler, and Professor Shriram Krishnamurthi have just received the Onward! 2011 Most Notable Paper Award. This honor is given annually to the authors of a paper that was presented at the Onward! conference, an international event focusing on everything to do with programming and software. The papers are judged based on the influence they have had and their impact over the last ten years. 

Brown CS PhD Student Fumeng Yang Wins A Computing Innovation Fellowship 2021


Brown CS PhD student Fumeng Yang has just received a Computing Innovation fellowship, which will support her to join Northwestern University as a postdoctoral fellow in 2022. The Computing Innovation fellowship aids recent and soon-to-be PhD computing graduates whose job search was hampered by the continued disruption COVID-19 has had on academic job hiring practices and the economy. 
