Events Schedule For The Next Three Months:
- Monday, January 27 11:00AM, 477, Watson Center for Information Technology (CIT)
- Thursday, January 30 12:00PM
- Friday, January 31 12:00PM, Carney Innovation Area, Floor 4, 164 Angell Street
- Wednesday, February 5 4:00PM, 302, 164 Angell Street
- Thursday, February 6 3:00PM, Floor 3, 164 Angell Street
- Mirages of Digital Access and the Shaping of History: Data Matter Seminar (Rebecca Nedostup, History)
Data Matters Seminar, Feb 6th 3:00pm. “Chinese history corpora extraction using generative AI”Rebecca Nedostup, History, Brown.
- Friday, February 7 12:00PM, Carney Innovation Area, Floor 4, 164 Angell Street
- Monday, February 10 11:00AM, 477, Watson Center for Information Technology (CIT)
- Friday, February 14 12:00PM, Carney Innovation Area, Floor 4, 164 Angell Street
- Tuesday, February 25 3:00PM, Floor 3, 164 Angell Street
- Data Matters Seminar: Using Data to Enable Quantum Computing (Brenda Rubenstein, Chemistry & Physics)
Data Matters Seminar, Feb 6th 3:00pm. “Chinese history corpora extraction using generative AI”Rebecca Nedostup, History, Brown.
- Thursday, March 6 3:00PM, Floor 3, 164 Angell Street
- Data Matters Seminar (Alessandro Zito, Harvard Biostatistics)
Data Matters Seminar, March 6th 3:00pm. Alessandro Zito, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Biostatistic, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
- Wednesday, April 2 4:00PM, 302, 164 Angell Street
- Wednesday, April 16 4:00PM, 302, 164 Angell Street