Brown CS Student Organizations
Mosaic+: a student-run organization which advocates for diversity in computer science. They strive towards an academic environment receptive to underrepresented minority students and faculty at Brown University. They are a group of committed and creative students working together to make proactive steps towards the celebration of diversity in the world of technology. To join the listserv email: MOSAICPLUS_LISTSERV-request@LISTSERV.BROWN.EDU
WiCS: a student-run organization which advocates for students from underrepresented genders in computer science. To join the listserv email: . For graduate students, to join GWiCS, email
Department Undergraduate Group (DUG): seeks to increase undergraduate participation in the department and continue the Brown legacy of involved undergraduates
CS Student Groups Policy Manual: includes a department affiliation request form for newly created student groups.
Brown STEM Student Organizations
oSTEM: Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics at Brown is a chapter of the national non-profit professional society (oSTEM Incorporated) with more than 75 chapters across the United States. Our overarching mission is to empower LGBTQIA+ folks at Brown University studying or working in STEM fields to succeed personally, academically, and professionally.
GSOC: Graduate Students of Color community: Our mission aims to build a communuty of graduate students of color in STEM, increase interaction between faculty and students of color in STEM, and encourage a pipeline for underrepresented groups in STEM to increase their representation in STEM fields.
SACNAS: Brown University's Chapeter of the Society of Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science work to foster an includive community and resilient network of scientists from underrepresented identities in STEM at Brown University and behyond.
NSBE: National Society of Black Engineers, Brown University Chapter. NSBE's mission is, "to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community."
SHPE: Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Brown University Chapter. The SHPE-Brown chapter strives to provide the STEM Hispanic community opportunities to achieve their full potential as students, professional and leaders.