Master of Science in Cybersecurity

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Brown University’s two year Master's in Cybersecurity delivers the advanced training needed to navigate the modern cybersecurity landscape. The Master's degree is offered both as a fully online option or as an on-campus option (for domestic students only). There is also a fifth-year Master's degree option for Brown undergraduates.

Cybersecurity students choose from two tracks and benefit from Brown's investment in scholars and research on a broad range of interdisciplinary topics. When our students examine cybersecurity events such as the SolarWinds incident, they explore politics and history alongside the technical elements of attacks.

"When I teach cryptography, the online format allows me to teach to different students at a different pace.  The ones with a strong math background may cruise through the more technical material, while others can take things more slowly.  I try to challenge both groups when working on how to apply these concepts in practice.

— Anna Lysyanskaya, Professor of Computer Science

Brown is a longtime cybersecurity innovator. Cybersecurity at Brown is rooted in an interdisciplinary approach that leverages multiple perspectives. Students graduate with a sophisticated technical understanding and the ability to communicate cybersecurity topics to both technical and non-technical audiences.

"The Brown online experience is excellent. Both supportive and directive, the coursework is tailored for interaction and high engagement from world-class faculty and a diverse student cohort."

— Cybersecurity alum Ray Cotton, SVP and COO for IT Infrastructure, Risk, and Cybersecurity at Wells Fargo

Studying cybersecurity at Brown means being able to think like an attacker: utilizing social engineering attack vectors, exploiting intelligence, and finding security gaps. Our Master of Science in Cybersecurity graduates are prepared for a variety of roles. Our Computer Science Track focuses on providing students with opportunities to focus on the technical elements of cybersecurity at a granular level. The program's Policy Track provides opportunities to study the technical elements of cybersecurity, but focuses on sharpening skills such as research, writing, and analysis. Students from both tracks learn about law, research methods, and writing in the cybersecurity context.

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"My professors always stayed connected with me during my online coursework. They care deeply about students, and I'm proof of that: their mentorship led to me teaching at Brown. The Master of Science in Cybersecurity builds on Brown's proven online teaching methods to continue delivering content in innovative ways."

Cybersecurity alum Ernesto Zaldivar, now Associate Professor of the Practice of Computer Science and Co-Chair of Admissions for Brown's Master of Science in Cybersecurity

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