Industry Partners Program

AdvantagesAbout Brown CSBecome a PartnerCurrent PartnersSymposiaTech FairMembership Levels

The Department of Computer Science at Brown University runs an industry partners program that offers corporations and non-profit organizations opportunities to collaborate with faculty, learn about Brown's research, and meet Brown students who are looking for employment.

The Department seeks partners whose activities are aligned with Brown’s mission of education and research. Brown CS celebrates diversity and is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our constituents.  Membership in the IPP is by invitation. We welcome organizations whose business practices align with our expectation for equal opportunity and fair employment, as well as the responsible, transparent, and accessible use of technology, which precludes racial profiling, mass surveilllance and other forms of discrimination and violation of civil rights. If you have questions, we are happy to discuss this with you.

Industry Partners are introduced to the Department's research and development efforts and to our students. We seek to develop relationships with a limited number of Partners who share an interest in supporting faculty and students.


The full scope of the Department's research interests are listed here.

Member institutions are encouraged to recruit our students, participate in the selection of topics for our IPP symposia, and advise on the employment and research needs of corporations. The IPP Director and the Program Manager stay in regular contact with participating companies, arrange campus visits, identify faculty to serve as consultants, and respond to specific requests.

We encourage our students to thoughtfully consider their career interests and goals, and decide for themselves which companies they should engage with. Please contact us if you have any input regarding our program.

Students: If you want to receive notifications of IPP events please click this link to be added to the mailing list:

Click here for upcoming IPP events


Icon Recruiting policies 2021-2022 (113.5 KB) .

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