Theophilus A. Benson Has Been Promoted To Associate Professor With Tenure
- Posted by Jesse Polhemus
- on March 16, 2022

Brown CS is happy to announce that Theophilus A. Benson has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure (pending the approval of Brown's Corporation), effective as of July 1, 2022.
Theophilus came to Brown in 2017 after earning his MS and PhD in Computer Science from University of Wisconsin, completing a postdoctorate at Princeton University, and then serving as Assistant Professor at Duke University from 2013 to 2017.
Benson's research group focuses on developing models and designing algorithms and frameworks to improve the performance and availability of computer networks. In particular, they explore the critical role that network state plays in determining network performance and availability with the state’s inherent semantics and emergent state management techniques by investigating designs and algorithms to more holistically understand and manage this state. More recently, they have applied this approach to addressing the digital divide, improving microservices/clouds, managing software defined networks, and rethinking CDN designs. Their designs and systems have been deployed at web scale companies, adopted by opensource systems, and acquired by a large hardware manufacturer.
Recently, Theophilus was invited to chair the Internet Measurement Conference, to serve on the steering committee for the ACM Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies, to join DARPA's Information Science and Technology (ISAT) Study Group, to give a keynote ("Network protocols are dead, long live networking abstractions!") at HotDC, and serve on a panel ("The Future of Hardware Development, A Perspective from Systems Researchers") at HotOS. His recent honors include a NEC Faculty Award, a Google Faculty Award, an NSF CAREER Award, several Facebook Faculty Awards, several Yahoo Faculty Awards, and the Applied Networking Research Prize. His work has won awards at SIGCOMM 2020 SRC, CoNEXT ENCP 2019, and EuroSYS 2019.
For more information, click the link that follows to contact Brown CS Communication and Outreach Specialist Jesse C. Polhemus.