AB Requirements

These requirements have been replaced with the 2024 requirements, though the 2020 ones are still available for students in classes 2024-2027.

The requirements for an AB are as follows:

A professional track is also available. To complete this track, you must complete the requirements for your concentration and complete two two-to-four-month full-time professional experiences, doing work that's related to your concentration program. Such work is normally done within an industrial organization, but may also be at a university under the supervision of a faculty member.

Calculus Prerequisite

You must either complete or place out of second-semester calculus (MATH 100, 170, or 190). MATH 180, MATH 200, MATH 350, and ECON 170 also satisfy this requirement. Note that if you haven't had sufficient calculus in high school, you may need to take Math 90 (or other courses) before taking a second-semester calculus course.  

Introductory Courses

You must complete one of these introductory course sequences:

Intermediate Courses

Intermediate courses are grouped into categories as follows:



Systems (only one of CSCI 300 and CSCI 330 may be counted)