The initial configuration of BUGS, built by Professor Andries van Dam's graphics group, became operational in mid-1971. It consisted of a pair of Digital Scientific Meta 4 processors and a Vector General vector-graphics display and was augmented with the SIMALE (Super-Integral Microprogrammable Arithmetic Logic Expediter) in 1975. The SIMALE, designed and built by former undergraduate Harold Webber, had a 4-processor 18-bit SIMD architecture. Each processor had a 38-nanosecond cycle time for an effective peak performance of 105 MIPS. It supported real-time 2D, 3D, and 4D vector graphics with matrix transformations, clipping, and dynamic level-of-detail management, and it was distinguished by never having a hardware failure in its 7-year lifetime – it was taken down only to replace light bulbs. The SIMALE currently rests in the department's computer museum.
BUGS was originally installed in the Brown University Computing Lab at 180 George St. It was connected to the IBM 360/67 via RPC used for dynamic division of labor experiments between the mainframe host and the graphics satellite. It's believed that this was the first published use of RPC. When Brown CS moved to the new building (Kassar House at 151 Thayer Street) in May '79, BUGS moved to the basement, along with Nancy. Its tenth birthday was celebrated in the summer of '81 (those dealing with the VAX were explicitly not invited). It was decommissioned in early '82 when it became clear that there was no future in vector graphics and when work on the extension to 151 Thayer Street (Gould Lab) made part of the basement unusable.
Thanks to the efforts of Brown CS alums Paul Anagnostopoulos, Read Fleming, and Craig Matthias, a number of BUGS documents are available in PDF form below. You can find other artifacts of our history at the Brown CS Digital Archive, where we invite you to submit items of your own!
- BUGS Glossary (January, 1975)
- BUGS Overview (February, 1973)
- Doctor Memory Eidetic Memory System (September, 1976)
- FUDD Users Guide (January, 1977)
- Graphics Monitor System User's Guide (February, 1977)
- ICOPS Application Development Manual
- Level0 Extended Machine Principles of Operation (June, 1974)
- Level0 Extended Machine PLM (September,1976)
- Meta-4A Principles of Operation (April, 1975)
- Meta-4B Green Card
- Meta-4B SIMALE VG Concepts and Facilities (January, 1976)
- MIDAS: A Microprocessor Display Animation System (November, 1979)
- MIDAS Data Structures (September, 1977)
- MIDAS Display Layouts (May, 1978)
- MIDAS PLM (October, 1977)
- MIDAS Preliminary Description (March, 1976)
- MIDAS User's Guide (October, 1977)
- MIDAS Video Script
- Programmer's Guide to Algol W (June, 1977)
- SIMALE Principles of Operation (December, 1975)
- SIMALE Principles of Operation (June, 1975)
- SIMALE Principles of Operation (October, 1971)
- SIMALE Standard Graphics Package (December, 1977)
- Theseus PLM (October, 1977)
- Theseus Reference Manual (November, 1977)
- Using FRESS on BUGS (July, 1974)
The following people worked on the BUGS system during its lifetime:
- Andries van Dam
- Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
- Dick Bulterman
- Russell Burns
- Ingrid Carlbom
- John Crawford
- Thomas Doeppner
- Steven Feiner
- Kenneth Field
- Read Fleming
- Sidney Gudes
- Paul Hanau
- Richard Harrington
- David Holland
- David Irvine
- Roy Johnson
- Howard Koslow
- Janet Levitt
- Steven Lewis
- Kenneth Magel
- Andrew Malis
- Craig Mathias
- Jan Michel
- Marty Michel
- Robert Munck
- Robert Schiavone
- Robert Sedgewick
- Gary Sockut
- Charles Sorgie
- George Stabler
- Jack Stankovic
- John Stockenberg
- Josiah Strandberg
- Charles Strauss
- David Taffs
- Pal Verebeley
- Harold Webber
- John Zahorjan