Brown CS Introductory Course Enrollment Sets Records
- Posted by Jesse Polhemus
- on Sept. 30, 2015
To read more stories about the Brown CS department's increasing enrollment click here.
Enrollment in Brown Computer Science’s core introductory courses is continuing to accelerate year after year:
- In the past year alone, CS 015 (Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and Computer Science) has seen 20% growth, arriving at a record-setting 391 students.
- At this time four years ago, CS 017 (CS: An Integrated Introduction) had 154 students enrolled. Currently, it’s 214, an increase of more than 38%.
- Final enrollment of CS 019 (Accelerated Introduction to Computer Science) has more than doubled over the past four years, rising from 27 to 60 students.
What can we derive from these statistics? Among other conclusions, the parallel growth of all three courses suggests that Brown CS has successfully answered growing interest in our field by establishing multiple entrances that allow for varied definitions of computer science and its many uses.