User Interfaces and User Experience
Spring 2023
Have you ever had trouble using someone else’s microwave? Have you ever wondered why keyboards are ordered “qwertyuiop”? We will focus on hands-on experience to learn when to use different interfaces, how to model and represent user interaction, how to elicit requirements and feedback from users, as well as the principles of user experience design, methods for designing and prototyping interfaces, and user interface evaluation. Students interested in gaining hands-on experience designing a user interface as well as learning the process behind building an effective interface should take this course. There will be assignments, readings, and workshop time, where students will have the opportunity to work alongside each other as they learn critical tools for interface and web design. This course is open to students that have not taken CSCI 1300 or CSCI 0130 in the past.
An application to join the course will be released to students on the first day of class.
Instructor(s): |
CRN: | 27525 |