
Computers, Freedom and Privacy: Current Topics in Law and Policy

Fall 2024

Who is the Big Brother that we most fear? Is it the NSA -- or is it Google and Facebook? Rapidly changing social mores and the growing problem of cybersecurity have all contributed to a sense that privacy is dead. Laws protecting privacy and civil liberties are stuck in the analog age, while the capabilities for mass digital surveillance continue to advance rapidly. This course will examine a variety of informational privacy and technology issues. A major theme: the historical and contemporary struggle to bring surveillance under democratic control to protect against abuses of privacy, civil liberties and human rights.

TTh 9am-10:20am in Barus & Holley 168

No final exam has been scheduled for this course by the department through the registrar's office. Please consult syllabus or contact instructor.

If an exam were to have scheduled, it would have been held:
Exam Date: 16-DEC-2024  Exam Time: 09:00:00 AM  Exam Group: 05

Max Seats:134