
Program Design with Data Structures and Algorithms

Fall 2024

Students extend their program-design skills while learning multiple data structures, common graph algorithms, different forms of societal impacts from programs, how to analyze programs for performance, and how to work effectively with multiple styles of programming languages. Examples and course projects draw from several areas of computer science to help students identify their broader interests within the field. There will be a required weekly lab session involving hands-on work with course material.
Prerequisite: CSCI 0112, CSCI 0150, 0170, or CSCI 0190. In addition, CSCI 0111 can be used with both additional work and the instructor's permission. The first two weeks of the course will be taught as at least two parallel tracks based on which prerequisite course a student has taken.
CSCI 0200 will be offered every semester (fall and spring).

Home Page:
MWF 2pm-2:50pm in CIT Center (Thomas Watson CIT) 165 (9/4 to 9/10)
MWF 2pm-2:50pm in Kassar House FOX (9/11 to 12/21)

A final exam is scheduled for:
Exam Date: 21-DEC-2024  Exam Time: 09:00:00 AM
in Alumnae Hall AUD

Max Seats:69

Spring 2025

As above

Home Page:
MWF 11am-11:50am in Salomon Center DECI

If an exam is scheduled for the final exam period, it will be held:
Exam Date: 12-MAY-2025  Exam Time: 09:00:00 AM  Exam Group: 04
