A brief consultation of the Internet will show that meanwhile, at the
other end of the business, everyone has become a literary
critic or at least a book-reviewer.
Martin Amis,
The War Against Cliché
These are my old reviews. Now I post them as a hashtag in my Google+ posts.
- Tycho & Kepler, Kitty Ferguson [July-August 2007]
- French Revolutions, Tim Moore [August 2003, July 2007]
- In High Gear, Samuel Abt [July 2007]
- The Secret Life of Lobsters, Trevor Corson [June 2007]
- Thumbs Up Australia, Tom Parry [June 2007]
- Clara's Grand Tour, Glynis Ridley [June 2007]
- No Onions Nor Garlic, Srividya Natarajan [May 2007]
- A Geoscience Guide to the Burgess Shale, Murray Coppold and Wayne Powell [May 2007]
- Opening Skinner's Box, Lauren Slater [May 2007]
- The Portugal Story, John Dos Passos [April-May 2007]
- Pleasure by the Busload, Emily Kimbrough [April-May 2007]
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, J.K. Rowling [April 2007]
- The Lusíads, Luiz Vaz de Camões [April 2007]
- Walter Benjamin at the Dairy Queen, Larry McMurtry [March-April 2007]
- The Psychedelic Armadillo Picnic, Kinky Friedman [March 2007]
- Unconventional Success, David Swensen [March 2007]
- A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian, Marina Lewycka [February 2007]
- Gilgamesh, anonymous [February 2007]
- Middlesex, Jeffrey Eugenides [January-February 2007]
- The Dog Fence, James Woodford [January-February 2007]
- Country, Tim Flannery [January 2007]
- The Dig Tree, Sarah Murgatroyd [January 2007]
- A Spirit of Play, David Malouf [January 2007]
- In It to Win It, Peter Roebuck [January 2007]
- Not a Nice Man to Know, Khushwant Singh [December 2006-January 2007]
- Buddha Da, Anne Donovan [December 2006]
- The Age of Kali, William Dalrymple [November-December 2006]
- Revolving Culture, Angus Calder [November 2006]
- Modern Scottish Culture, Michael Gardiner [November 2006]
- Walking Through Scotland's History, Ian R. Mitchell [November 2006]
- The Forgotten Hume, Ernest Campbell Mossner [November 2006]
- The Emperor's New Kilt, Jan-Andrew Henderson [November 2006]
- How the Scots
Invented the Modern World,
Arthur Herman [October 2002, November 2006]
- The Argumentative Indian, Amartya Sen [October 2006]
- Crowded with Genius, James Buchan [October 2006]
- Stones of Empire, Jan Morris with Simon Winchester [September-October 2006]
- The Songlines, Bruce Chatwin [September 2006]
- The Road From Coorain, Jill Ker Conway [September 2006]
- In a Sunburned Country, Bill Bryson [September 2006]
- Alfred Tarski: Life and Logic, Anita Burdman Feferman and Solomon Feferman [September 2006]
- Fatal Shore, Robert Hughes [August-September 2006]
- How to Lie With Maps, Mark Monmonier [July 2006]
- Among the Thugs, Bill Buford [June-July 2006]
- The World of Christopher Marlowe, David Riggs [June-July 2006]
- The Thinking Fan's Guide to the World Cup, Edited by Matt Weiland and Sean Wilsey [June-July 2006]
- The Speckled Monster, Jennifer Lee Carrell [June-July 2006]
- Picklehead, Rohan Candappa [May-June 2006]
- Tibet's Sacred Mountain, Russell Johnson and Kerry Moran [May 2006]
- Amusing Ourselves to Death, Neil Postman [May 2006]
- Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, David Sedaris [April-May 2006]
- The Natural, Bernard Malamud [April-May 2006]
- Golden Stages of the Tour de France, Compiled by Richard Allchin and Adrian Bell [April 2006]
- Dr. Johnson's Dictionary, Henry Hitchings [April 2006]
- Six Memos for the Next Millennium, Italo Calvino [March 2006]
- Imprint of the Raj, Chandak Sengoopta [February-March 2006]
- The Control of Nature, John McPhee [February-March 2006]
- An Entertainment for Angels, Patricia Fara [February 2006]
- Amazing Grace, E.S. Turner [February 2006]
- 36 Views of Mount Fuji, Cathy Davidson [January-February 2006]
- Wrong About Japan, Peter Carey [January 2006]
- Small World, David Lodge [January 2006]
- The Navigator of New York, Wayne Johnston [January 2006]
- Mysteries of Terra Firma, James Lawrence Powell [January 2006]
- Hogarth: A Life and a World, Jenny Uglow [November-December 2005]
- The World is Flat, Thomas Friedman [December 2005]
- The Short Reign of Pippin IV, John Steinbeck [December 2005]
- The War Against Cliché, Martin Amis [December 2005]
- The King of Sunlight, Adam Macqueen [December 2005]
- Nobody's Perfect, Anthony Lane [November 2005]
- 1215: The Year of Magna Carta, Danny Danziger and John Gillingham [November 2005]
- Why Things Break, Mark Eberhart [November 2005]
- Mapping Mars, Oliver Morton [September-October 2005]
- Bug: The Strange Mutations of the World's Most Famous Automobile, Phil Patton [October 2005]
- City Life, Witold Rybczynski [October 2005]
- One More Kilometre and We're in the Showers, Tim Hilton [September 2005]
- Beyond the Blue Horizon, Alexander Frater [September 2005]
- Watchmen, Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons [September 2005]
- One Wheel Many Spokes, Lars Clausen [August 2005]
- Pilgrimage to India, Pramila Jayapal [August 2005]
- 23 Days in July, John Wilcockson [August 2005]
- Mountain Passages, Jeremy Bernstein [August 2005]
- Yellow Fever, Jeremy Whittle [July 2005, September 2002]
- The Perfect Mile, Neal Bascomb [July 2005]
- The Third Man, Graham Greene [June 2005]
- A Walk Across France, Miles Morland [June 2005]
- Almost French, Sarah Turnbull [June 2005]
- Pat and Kirby go to Hell, Robert Kirby and Pat Bagley [June 2005]
- On the Natural History of Destruction, W.G. Sebald [May 2005]
- Sam Patch, the Famous Jumper, Paul E. Johnson [May 2005]
- The Turk, Tom Standage [May 2005]
- Monster of God, David Quammen [April-May 2005]
- Talk of the Devil, Riccardo Orizio [April 2005]
- The Shipping News, E. Annie Proulx [April 2005]
- The Riddle and the Knight, Giles Milton [April 2005]
- Devil Take the Hindmost: A History of Financial Speculation, Edward Chancellor [March-April 2005]
- Eating in the Dark, Kathleen Hart [March 2005]
- Spain: The Root and the Flower, John A. Crow [March 2005]
- Invertebrate Spain, José Ortega y Gasset [February-March 2005]
- Shakespeare, Einstein, and the Bottom Line, David L. Kirp [February-March 2005]
- On a Shoestring to Coorg, Dervla Murphy [February 2005]
- The Creation of the Future, Frank H. T. Rhodes [February 2005]
- Dialogue with Death, Arthur Koestler [February 2005]
- A Darker Shade of Crimson, Ruben Navarrette, Jr. [January 2005]
- The Frozen-Water Trade, Gavin Weightman [December 2004]
- Why Switzerland?, Jonathan Steinberg [November-December 2004]
- Me Talk Pretty One Day, David Sedaris [December 2004]
- A Tour of the Calculus, David Berlinski [December 2004]
- Parting the Desert, Zachary Karabell [September-November 2004]
- Mr. Wilson's Cabinet of Wonders, Lawrence Weschler [November 2004]
- La Place de la Concorde Suisse, John McPhee [November 2004]
- River of Shadows, Rebecca Solnit [November 2004]
- A Significant Other, Matt Rendell [November 2004]
- Blandings Castle, P.G. Wodehouse [October 2004]
- Life at Blandings, P.G. Wodehouse [October 2004]
- A Wodehouse Bestiary, P.G. Wodehouse [October 2004]
- The Invention of Clouds, Richard Hamblyn [September-October 2004]
- London: The Biography, Peter Ackroyd [April-October 2004]
- How the Cadillac Got its Fins,
Jack Mingo [October 2004]
- Mistress Masham's Repose, T.H. White [October 2004]
- The Tower Menagerie, Daniel Hahn [September 2004]
- Coronation Everest, James Morris [August 2004]
- A Game of Polo with a Headless Goat, Emma Levine [July 2004]
- Do Not Pass Go, Tim Moore [June 2004]
- Cricket and All That, Henry Blofeld [June 2004]
- Only a Bloody Game!, Tony Rossiter [May 2004]
- Brilliant Orange, David Winner [May 2004]
- The Barmy British Empire, Terry Deary [May 2004]
- A Rhyming History of Britain, James Muirden [April 2004]
- Illustrated English Social History: 1, G. M. Trevelyan [April 2004]
- In Search of Britain, Michael Wood [April 2004]
- Every Second Counts, Lance Armstrong [March 2004]
- Angels and Demons, Dan Brown [March 2004]
- Picasso's War, Russell
Martin [March 2004]
- Remembering Denny, Calvin Trillin [March 2004]
- Boswell's Presumptuous Task,
Adam Sisman [February-March 2004]
- At the Tomb of the
Inflatable Pig, John Gimlette [February 2004]
- The Gatekeepers,
Jacques Steinberg [February 2004]
- The Name of War, Jill Lepore [January 2004]
- Sweetness and Power,
Sidney Mintz [January 2004]
- The Da Vinci Code, Dan
Brown [January 2004]
- Two Wheels in the Dust, Anne Mustoe [December 2003]
- England, Nikos Kazantzakis [December 2003]
- Measuring America,
Andro Linklater [December 2003]
- The Emperors of Chocolate, Joël Glenn Brenner [December 2003]
- McSweeney's Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales, edited by Michael Chabon [December 2003]
- Out of the Flames, Lawrence and Nancy Goldstone [December 2003]
- Adventures in the
Screen Trade, William Goldman [November-December 2003]
- Journeys, Jan Morris
[February-November 2003]
- Driving Mr. Albert,
Michael Paterniti [November 2003]
- The Peterbilt Journals,
Alan Haworth [November 2003]
- The Yellow Jersey,
Ralph Hurne [October-November 2003]
- The Sewing Circles of Herat, Christina Lamb [October 2003]
- The Measure of All Things, Ken Alder [October 2003]
- The Devil's Cloth: A
History of Stripes, Michel Pastoureau [October 2003]
- Koba the Dread, Martin Amis
[September 2003]
- The Rider, Tim Krabbé [September 2003]
- Disgrace, J.M. Coetzee [September 2003]
- Sacré Blues,
Taras Grescoe [September 2003]
- Girl with a Pearl
Earring, Tracy Chevalier [August 2003]
- My 'Dam Life, Sean Condon [August 2003]
- French Revolutions,
Tim Moore [August 2003, July 2007]
- A Bike Ride: 12000 Miles Around
the World, Anne Mustoe [August 2003]
- Magic Christian,
Terry Southern [August 2003]
- The Arcanum, Janet Gleeson
[July 2003]
- Super Car, Mark
Christensen [July 2003]
- Dating Your Mom, Ian
Frazier [July 2003]
- Celebration Chronicles,
Andrew Ross [June 2003]
- The Tummy Trilogy,
Calvin Trillin [June 2003]
- Flight Maps, Jennifer
Price [June 2003]
- Peck's Bad Boy and his Pa,
George W. Peck [May-June 2003]
- The Small Bachelor,
P.G. Wodehouse [May 2003]
- Wittgenstein's
Poker, David Edmonds and John Eidinow [May 2003]
- Travel Writing, L.
Peat O'Neil [May 2003]
- Time's Pendulum, Jo
Ellen Barnett [May 2003]
- Henry Ford and the Jews,
Neil Baldwin [May 2003]
- Acquired Tastes,
Peter Mayle [May 2003]
- Basket Case, Carl
Hiaasen [May 2003]
- Up The Agency: The Funny Business
of Advertising, Peter Mayle [May 2003]
- Last Train to Paradise,
Les Standiford [May 2003]
- The Picador Book of Cricket,
Ramachandra Guha (ed.) [April-May 2003]
- Uniforms, Paul Fussell [April 2003]
- Amsterdam, Ian McEwan
[April 2003]
- One Pitch Away, Mike
Sowell [April 2003]
- Tishomingo Blues,
Elmore Leonard [April 2003]
- Designs on the Land,
Alex S. MacLean [April 2003]
- Molly Ivins Can't Say That, Can
She?, Molly Ivins [April
- Motiba's Tattoos,
Mira Kamdar [March 2003]
- The Bridge of San Luis
Rey, Thornton Wilder [March 2003]
- The Name of the Rose, Umberto
Eco [March 2003]
- A Worldly Art,
Mariët Westermann [March 2003]
- Social Studies,
Fran Lebowitz [March 2003]
- Gutenberg, John Man
[February-March 2003]
- Nobody's Fool, Richard
Russo [March 2003]
- A Woman's Education,
Jill Ker Conway [February 2003]
- 16th Century
Paintings, Rose-Marie and Rainer Hagen [March
- 15th
Century Paintings, Rose-Marie and Rainer Hagen [February 2003]
- Ways
of Seeing, John Berger and others [January 2003]
- The Best American Travel Writing,
edited by Frances Mayes [January 2003]
- Harvey's
Heart, Andrew Gregory [January 2003]
- The
Ice Finders, Edmund Blair Bolles
[January 2003]
- Kitchen
Confidential, Anthony Bourdain [January 2003]
- Metropolitan Life,
Fran Liebowitz [January 2003]
2002 and Earlier
- Millionaire,
Janet Gleeson [December 2002]
- The Bone Lady, Mary Manhein
[December 2002]
- La Capital, Jonathan
Kandell [December 2002]
- The Road to Oxiana,
Robert Byron [December 2002]
- Headlong, Michael
Frayn [December 2002]
- Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica,
John Kendrick Bangs
[December 2002]
- The Northern Lights,
Lucy Jago [November 2002]
- Mendeleyev's Dream,
Paul Strathern [November 2002]
- Coyote v. Acme,
Ian Frazier [November 2002]
- Beyond the Edge of the
Sea, Mauricio Obregón
[October 2002]
- One Good Turn,
Witold Rybczynski [October 2002]
- Home, Witold
Rybczynski [October 2002]
- The Kon-Tiki
Expedition, Thor Heyerdahl [October 2002]
- How the Scots
Invented the Modern World, Arthur
Herman [October 2002, November 2006]
- Yellow Fever, Jeremy
Whittle [September 2002]
- The Grapes of Wrath,
John Steinbeck [June-July 2001]
- In the Heart of the Sea: The
Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex, Nathaniel Philbrick [June
- The Debt of Pleasure,
John Lanchester [May 2001]
- The
Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara, David Kertzer [April 2001]