Malte Schwarzkopf
Eliot Horowitz Assistant Professor of Computer Science
ETOS and Systems Groups
Computer Science Department, Brown University
CIT 525
I'm interested in computer systems, especially distributed systems, operating systems, and privacy-preserving systems.
In Fall 2024, I'm not teaching. In Spring 2025, I'm co-teaching CSCI 1670/1690: Operating Systems with Tom Doeppner.
Outside of CS, I enjoy history, woodworking, biking, and art.
- 2024/07: Appointed Eliot Horowitz Assistant Professor of Computer Science.
- 2024/04: Received an Amazon Research Award for our work on privacy compliance by construction.
- 2023/05: The Omega paper wins the Test-of-Time Award at EuroSys 2023!
- 2023/05: Received a Barrett Hazeltine Citation for Excellence in Teaching, Guidance, and Support from Brown's Class of 2023.
- 2022/04: Received Brown's Henry Merritt Wriston Fellowship for 2022.
- 2021/04: Received a Google Research Scholar award.
- 2021/02: Received an NSF CAREER award for my work on privacy-compliance by construction in web applications.
Publications [all]
A Stakeholder-Based Framework to Highlight Tensions when Implementing Privacy Features
Julia Netter, Tim Nelson, Skyler Austen, Eva Lau, Colton Rusch, Malte Schwarzkopf, Kathi Fisler
To appear at USENIX Security 2025
Quicksand: Harnessing Stranded Datacenter Resources with Granular Computing
Zhenyuan Ruan, Shihang Li, Kaiyan Fan, Marcos K. Aguilera, Adam Belay, Seo Jin Park, Malte Schwarzkopf
To appear at NSDI 2025
Sesame: Practical End-to-End Privacy Compliance with Policy Containers and Privacy Regions
Kinan Dak Albab, Artem Agvanian, Allen Aby, Corinn Tiffany, Alexander Portland, Sarah Ridley, Malte Schwarzkopf
SOSP 2024
Edna: Disguising and Revealing User Data in Web Applications
Lillian Tsai, Hannah Gross, Eddie Kohler, Frans Kaashoek, Malte Schwarzkopf
SOSP 2023
K9db: Privacy-Compliant Storage For Web Applications By Construction
Kinan Dak Albab, Ishan Sharma, Justus Adam, Benjamin Kilimnik, Aaron Jeyaraj, Raj Paul, Artem Agvanian, Leonhard Spiegelberg, Malte Schwarzkopf
OSDI 2023
Towards Increased Datacenter Efficiency with Soft Memory
Megan Frisella, Shirley Loayza Sanchez, Malte Schwarzkopf
HotOS 2023
Unleashing True Utility Computing with Quicksand
Zhenyuan Ruan, Shihang Li, Kaiyan Fan, Marcos K. Aguilera, Adam Belay, Seo Jin Park, Malte Schwarzkopf
HotOS 2023
Nu: Achieving Microsecond-Scale Resource Fungibility with Logical Processes
Zhenyuan Ruan, Seo Jin Park, Marcos K. Aguilera, Adam Belay, Malte Schwarzkopf
NSDI 2023 -
Retrofitting GDPR Compliance onto Legacy Databases
Archita Agarwal, Marilyn George, Aaron Jeyaraj, Malte Schwarzkopf
VLDB 2022
Privacy Heroes Need Data Disguises
Lillian Tsai, Malte Schwarzkopf, Eddie Kohler
HotOS 2021 Best presentation runner-up
Tuplex: Data Science in Python at Native Code Speed
Leonhard F. Spiegelberg, Rahul Yesantharao, Malte Schwarzkopf, Tim Kraska
AIFM: High-Performance, Application-Integrated Far Memory
Zhenyuan Ruan, Malte Schwarzkopf, Marcos Aguilera, Adam Belay
OSDI 2020
Shared Arrangements: practical inter-query sharing for streaming dataflows
Frank McSherry, Andrea Lattuada, Malte Schwarzkopf, Timothy Roscoe
VLDB 2020
GDPR Compliance by Construction
Malte Schwarzkopf, Eddie Kohler, M. Frans Kaashoek, Robert Morris
Poly 2019 workshop at VLDB 2019
Learning Scheduling Algorithms for Data Processing Clusters
Hongzi Mao, Malte Schwarzkopf, Shaileshh Bojja Venkatakrishnan, Zili Meng, Mohammad Alizadeh
SIGCOMM 2019 – (See also our related ICLR'19 paper on reducing variance in training!)
Towards Multiverse Databases
Alana Marzoev, Lara Timbó Araújo, Malte Schwarzkopf, Samyukta Yagati, Eddie Kohler, Robert Morris, M. Frans Kaashoek, Sam Madden
HotOS 2019
Conclave: secure multi-party computation on big data
[extended TR (with proofs)]
Nikolaj Volgushev, Malte Schwarzkopf, Ben Getchell, Andrei Lapets, Mayank Varia, Azer Bestavros
EuroSys 2019
Noria: dynamic, partially-stateful data-flow for high-performance web applications
Jon Gjengset, Malte Schwarzkopf, Jonathan Behrens, Lara Timbó Araújo, Martin Ek, Eddie Kohler, M. Frans Kaashoek, Robert Morris
OSDI 2018
Firmament: fast, centralized cluster scheduling at scale
[code] –
Now available for Kubernetes!
Ionel Gog, Malte Schwarzkopf, Adam Gleave, Robert N. M. Watson, Steven Hand
OSDI 2016
Queues don't matter when you can JUMP them!
Matthew P. Grosvenor, Malte Schwarzkopf, Ionel Gog, Robert N. M. Watson, Andrew W. Moore, Steven Hand, Jon Crowcroft
NSDI 2015 Best paper award
Musketeer: all for one, one for all in data processing systems
Ionel Gog, Malte Schwarzkopf, Natacha Crooks, Matthew P. Grosvenor, Allen Clement, Steven Hand
EuroSys 2015
Omega: flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters
Malte Schwarzkopf, Andy Konwinski, Michael Abd-El-Malek, John Wilkes
EuroSys 2013 Best student paper award Test-of-Time Award
Ciel: a universal execution engine for distributed data-flow computing
Derek G. Murray, Malte Schwarzkopf, Christopher Smowton, Steven Smith, Anil Madhavapeddy, Steven Hand
NSDI 2011
- Justus Adam
- Howie Chen
- Kinan Dak Albab
- Franco Solleza (with Stan Zdonik, Nesime Tatbul)
- Timothée Zerbib
- Alumni:
- Allen Aby (MSc, → Microsoft)
- Megan Frisella (ScB, → University of Washington)
- Shirley Loayza Sanchez (ScB, → Google/Stanford University)
- Carolyn Zech (ScB, → AWS, Automated Reasoning Group)
- Lillian Tsai (PhD, at MIT with Frans Kaashoek, → Google Systems Research)
- Livia Zhu (ScB, → Databricks)
- Leonhard Spiegelberg (PhD, with Tim Kraska; → Snowflake)
- Sreshtaa Rajesh (ScB, → MIT Lincoln Labs)
- Raj Paul (ScB, → Oracle)
- Vic Li (MSc, → University of Washington)
- Benjamin Kilimnik (ScB → New Relic)
- Aaron Jeyaraj (ScB → Crusoe Energy)
- Hannah Gross (ScB, → MIT)
- Benjamin Givertz (ScB, → Twitch)
- Ishan Sharma (MSc, → AWS)
- Yunzhi Shao (MSc, → Amazon)
- Sinan Pehlivanoglu (MSc, → VMware/Indiana University)
- Eleonora Kiziv (ScB, → Google)
- Jon Gjengset (MIT PhD, → AWS)
- Jackie Bredenberg (MIT MEng, → Ab Initio)
- Samyukta Yagati (MIT UROP, → UC Berkeley)
- Gina Yuan (MIT MEng, → Stanford)
- Lara Timbó Araújo (MIT MEng, → Airbnb)
- Fall 2024: Henry Merritt Wriston Fellowship Leave on Special Assignment
- Spring 2024: CSCI 0300: Fundamentals of Computer Systems
- Fall 2023: CSCI 2390: Privacy-Conscious Computer Systems
- Spring 2023: CSCI 0300: Fundamentals of Computer Systems
- Fall 2022: Junior Faculty Teaching Relief
- Spring 2022: CSCI 0300: Fundamentals of Computer Systems
- Fall 2021: CSCI 2390: Privacy-Conscious Computer Systems
- Spring 2021: CSCI 0300: Fundamentals of Computer Systems
- Fall 2020: CSCI 2390: Privacy-Conscious Computer Systems
- Spring 2020: CSCI 1310: Fundamentals of Computer Systems
- Fall 2019: CSCI 2390: Privacy-Conscious Computer Systems
- Spring 2018: 6.824: Distributed Systems Engineering (at MIT)
Program Committee:
- SOSP 2021, 2024.
- OSDI 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.
- NSDI 2025.
- EuroSys 2016, 2021, 2023, 2024, 2025.
- VLDB 2025.
- ASPLOS 2025.
- HotNets 2025.
- USENIX ATC 2020.
- SoCC 2020, 2022.
- SYSTOR 2019.
- HotOS 2021.
My research is supported by the NSF, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and VMware.
Before joining Brown, I was a postdoc in the PDOS group at MIT CSAIL. Prior to MIT, I spent several enjoyable years doing my PhD in the NetOS group in the other Cambridge.
You can find me on Twitter and GitHub. My wife, Julia Netter, is a political philosopher.