Lecture 24: Bounded Buffer

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Example program: Bounded Buffer

A bounded buffer is a common abstraction in computer systems: memory is finite, so we need to cap the amount of space we use for our buffers. However, we may not know in advance how much data we need to store in the buffer, so we may need to allow some data to be consumed out of the buffer before we can insert more.

This idea is efficiently implemented using a cyclic buffer, in which writes (and reads) wrap around the end to continue at the beginning. A cyclic buffer is efficient because it never requires any data (bytes) to be moved within the buffer unless those bytes are read or written.

In the example above, the cyclic buffer contains the data !Hello wor.

The bounded buffer we look at here is a synchronized object that supports the following operations:

Bounded buffers are the abstraction used to implement pipes in the kernel. In our example, though, we're looking at a bounded buffer in user-space and between threads (you can think of Go's channels as such bounded buffers, for example).

In the following, we will use a bounded buffer that is accessed by multiple threads as an example for a data structure that requires synchronization. In the examples, we use two threads: one writer thread and one reader thread. The writer (also called "producer") writes data into the bounded buffer, and the reader (also called "consumer") reads data from it.

The buffer can hold up to CAP characters, where CAP is the capacity of the buffer. The API of the bounded buffer is specified as follows:

Example: Assuming we have a bounded buffer object bbuf with CAP=4.

bbuf.write("ABCDE", 5); // returns 4
bbuf.read(buf, 3);      // returns 3 ("ABC")
bbuf.read(buf, 3);      // returns 1 ("D")
bbuf.read(buf, 3);      // blocks

The bounded buffer preserves two important properties:

Each bounded buffer operation should also be atomic, just like read() and write() system calls.

Unsynchronized buffer

Let's first look at a bounded buffer implementation bbuffer-basic.cc, which does not perform any synchronization.

struct bbuffer {
    static constexpr size_t bcapacity = 128;
    char bbuf_[bcapacity];
    size_t bpos_ = 0;
    size_t blen_ = 0;
    bool write_closed_ = false;

    ssize_t read(char* buf, size_t sz);
    ssize_t write(const char* buf, size_t sz);
    void shutdown_write();

ssize_t bbuffer::write(const char* buf, size_t sz) {
    size_t pos = 0;
    while (pos < sz && this->blen_ < bcapacity) {
        size_t bindex = (this->bpos_ + this->blen_) % bcapacity;
        size_t bspace = std::min(bcapacity - bindex, bcapacity - this->blen_);
        size_t n = std::min(sz - pos, bspace);
        memcpy(&this->bbuf_[bindex], &buf[pos], n);
        this->blen_ += n;
        pos += n;
    if (pos == 0 && sz > 0) {
        return -1;  // try again
    } else {
        return pos;

ssize_t bbuffer::read(char* buf, size_t sz) {
    size_t pos = 0;
    while (pos < sz && this->blen_ > 0) {
        size_t bspace = std::min(this->blen_, bcapacity - this->bpos_);
        size_t n = std::min(sz - pos, bspace);
        memcpy(&buf[pos], &this->bbuf_[this->bpos_], n);
        this->bpos_ = (this->bpos_ + n) % bcapacity;
        this->blen_ -= n;
        pos += n;
    if (pos == 0 && sz > 0 && !this->write_closed_) {
        return -1;  // try again
    } else {
        return pos;

This implements a circular buffer, because reads and writes logically wrap around at the end of the buffer. Every time we read a character out of the buffer, we increment bpos_, which is the index of the next character to be read in the buffer. Whenever we write to the buffer, we increment blen_, which is the number of bytes currently stored in the buffer. To make the buffer circular, we perform all index arithmetic modulo the total capacity of the buffer.

When there is just one thread accessing the buffer, it works perfectly fine. But does it work when multiple threads are using the buffer at the same time? In our test program in bbuffer-basic.cc, we have one reader thread reading from the buffer and a second writer thread writing to the buffer. We would expect everything written to the buffer by the writer thread to show up exactly as it was written once read out by the reader thread.

In particular, the example writes the string Hello world! one million times over, so we would expect to read one million strings, composed of 13 million total characters.

When we try this, it does not work! The reason is that there is no synchronization over the internal state of the bounded buffer. bbuffer::read() and bbuffer::write() both modify internal state of the bbuffer object (most critically bpos_ and blen_), and such accesses require synchronization to work correctly in a multi-threaded environment – recall the fundamental rule of sychronization, which says that if state is accessed by multiple threads and at least one thread may write to the state, synchronization is required.

One way to fix the bounded buffer is to turn the function bodies of the read() and write() methods into critical sections using a mutex.

Correctly Synchronized buffer

To figure out what state we need to protect through synchronization, let's look at the definition of the bounded buffer:

struct bbuffer {
    static constexpr size_t bcapacity = 128;
    char bbuf_[bcapacity];
    size_t bpos_ = 0;
    size_t blen_ = 0;
    bool write_closed_ = false;


Recall the basic rule of synchronization from Lecture 21: if two or more threads can concurrently access an object, and at least one of the accesses is a write, a race condition can occur and synchronization is required.

The bounded buffer's internal state, bbuf_, bpos_, blen_, and write_closed_ are both modified and read by read() and write() methods. Local variables defined within these methods are not shared. We need to synchronize on shared variables (internal state of the buffer), but not on local variables.

A correct version of a synchronized bounded buffer via a mutex is in bbuffer-mutex.cc. Key differences from the unsynchronized version are highlighted below:

struct bbuffer {

    std::mutex mutex_;


ssize_t bbuffer::write(const char* buf, size_t sz) {


    if (pos == 0 && sz > 0) {
        return -1;  // try again
    } else {
        return pos;

ssize_t bbuffer::read(char* buf, size_t sz) {


    if (pos == 0 && sz > 0 && !this->write_closed_) {
        return -1;  // try again
    } else {
        return pos;

This correctly implements a synchronized bounded buffer. Simply wrapping accesses to shared state within critical sections using a mutex is the easiest and probably also the most common way to make complex in-memory objects synchronized (or "thread-safe").

Using a mutex associated with the bounded buffer object allows threads to operate on different bounded buffers in parallel (but not on the same bounded buffer). Using a single, global mutex, by contrast, would synchronize all threads operating on any bounded buffer in the program (there could be many!), an example of extremely coarse-grained synchronization Coarse-grained synchronization is correct, but it also limits concurrency.

The bounded_buffer::write() method in bbuffer-mutex.cc is implemented with mutex synchronization. Note that we added a definition of a mutex to the bbuffer struct definition, and we are only accessing the internal state of the buffer within the region between this->mutex_.lock() and this->mutex_.unlock(), which the the time period when the thread locks the mutex.

How do we identify critical sections?

One question you may wonder about is how we figured out where to put the lock() and unlock() calls for the mutex, and even what mutex we should use in the first place. For the latter question, the answer is that the association between mutex and shared state is purely in the developer's (your!) head.

Association between mutexes and the state they protect

The association between the mutex and the state it protects is rather arbitrary. These mutexes are also called "advisory locks", as their association with the state they protect are not enforced in any way by the compiler, and must be taken care of by the programmer. Their effectiveness solely relies on the program following protocols associating the mutex with the protected state. In other words, if a mutex is not used correctly, there is no guarantee that the underlying state is being properly protected.

The general rule for where to put the boundaries of critical sections in the code (the lock() and unlock() calls is that they must be placed such that all accesses to shared state are inside the critical section. In the following, we will consider a few locking strategies that violate this rule in subtle ways.

Consider the following code, which move the mutex lock()/unlock() pair to inside the while loop. We still have just one lock() and one unlock() in our code. Is it correct?

ssize_t bbuffer::write(const char* buf, size_t sz) {
    size_t pos = 0;
    while (pos < sz && this->blen_ < bcapacity) {
        size_t bindex = (this->bpos_ + this->blen_) % bcapacity;
        this->bbuf_[bindex] = buf[pos];

The code is incorrect because this->blen_ is not protected by the mutex, but it should be.

What about the following code -- is it correct?

ssize_t bbuffer::write(const char* buf, size_t sz) {
    size_t pos = 0;
    while (pos < sz && this->blen_ < bcapacity) {
        size_t bindex = (this->bpos_ + this->blen_) % bcapacity;
        this->bbuf_[bindex] = buf[pos];

It's also wrong! Upon entering the while loop for the first time, the mutex is already locked, and we are trying to lock it again. Trying to lock a mutex multiple times in the same thread causes the second lock attempt to block indefinitely.

So what if we do this:

ssize_t bbuffer::write(const char* buf, size_t sz) {
    size_t pos = 0;
    while (pos < sz && this->blen_ < bcapacity) {
        size_t bindex = (this->bpos_ + this->blen_) % bcapacity;
        this->bbuf_[bindex] = buf[pos];

Now everything is protected, right? NO! This is also incorrect and in many ways much worse than the two previous cases.

Although this->blen_ is now seemingly protected by the mutex, it is being protected within a different region from the region where the rest of the buffer state (bbuf_, bpos_) is protected. Further more, the mutex is unlocked at the end of every iteration of the while loop. This means that when two threads call the write() method concurrently, the lock can bounce between the two threads and the characters written by the threads can be interleaved, violating the atomicity requirement of the write() method.

Back to our original plan!

With the original placement of lock() and unlock(), wrapping the whole function body, we have correctly synchronized the buffer. Running bbuffer-mutex provides correct output strings as well as producing the right number of total output characters (checkable via ./bbuffer-mutex | wc -c), 13,000,000.

The only part of the bounded buffer specification that we have not yet implemented is the part that specifies that the buffer ought to block for writing when full and for reading when empty. Instead, our bounded buffer simply returns -1 in these situations. The caller needs to check and retry, but this is very inefficient: threads might spin for a long time, repeatedly calling read() or write() only to find that it still returns -1. To solve this problem, we need another synchronization object: a condition variable.


Today, we looked into how to correctly synchronize a bounded buffer data structure with concurrent reader and writer threads. This required identifying the shared state that is not constant (read-only) associated with the bounded buffer, and making sure that each access to that state – both reads and writes – happens in a critical section, i.e., while a mutex is locked. This ensures that only one thread can execute this code at a time.