(Mar 14)
Keynote talk: "What
is the Future of the Internet."
by Prof. Joseph Hellerstein, UC Berkeley.
(Mar 14) Workshop
program is posted.
- (Dec 23) List of
accepted papers is posted.
Ugur Cetintemel (Brown)
John Jannotti (Brown)
Hari Balakrishnan (MIT)
Michael Franklin (UC Berkeley)
Ramesh Govindan (USC)
Cyrus Shahabi (USC)
Program Committee
Amr El Abbadi (UC Santa Barbara)
Karl Aberer (EPFL, Lausanne)
Magdalena Balazinska (MIT)
Alex Buchmann (Darmstadt U. of Technology)
John Byers (Boston U.)
Amol Desphande (UMD, College Park)
Minos Garofalakis (Intel Research)
Frans Kaashoek (MIT)
Peter Keleher (UMD, College Park)
Dejan Kostic (EPFL, Lausanne)
Alex Labrinidis (U. Pittsburgh)
Wang Chien Lee (Pennsylvania State U.)
Philip Levis (Stanford)
Sam Madden (MIT)
Peter Pietzuch (Harvard)
Krithi Ramamritham (IIT, Bombay)
Lakshmish Ramaswamy (U. Georgia)
Sean Rhea (MIT)
Scott Shenker (ICSI and UC Berkeley)
Oliver Spatscheck (AT&T Labs)
Ion Stoica (UC Berkeley)
Ouri Wolfson (U. Illinois, Chicago)
Jim Xu (Georgia Tech)
The 2nd Workshop on Networking Meets
Databases, NetDB'06, will bring together researchers in the networking and
database communities. We are witnessing the blurring of the traditional
boundaries between these two disciplines, most clearly in the emerging areas of
peer-to-peer networks, sensor networks, and distributed information systems. The
goal of the workshop is to promote discussion of ideas that will influence and
foster continued research that draws heavily from both communities.
We encourage submissions across a broad range of topics that lie at the
intersection of databases and networking,
specifically including
peer-to-peer systems, sensor networks, widely-distributed query processing, data
dissemination, and networked storage. Topics of interest in this context
include, but are not limited to:
Architectures and applications for widely-distributed
Data analysis for network traffic estimation and security
Data mining and retrieval in
widely-distributed systems
Data models, query models, and
query languages for networking
Networked data placement and
Distributed data structures for
data management
Distributed stream processing
and dissemination
Dynamic schema integration in
peer-to-peer networks
Indexing, caching, and replication techniques for wide-area
Query planning, execution, and
optimization in networked systems
Transaction management for
peer-to-peer networks
Submissions are expected to include
components from both areas and will be judged primarily on their originality and
potential to influence future research.
The link to last year's
workshop is here.
Nov 14 Nov 18, 2005 (firm
Notification of acceptance:
Dec 18, Dec 21, 2005
Camera-ready copy due: Jan 13, 2006 |