Dynamics Home Page
Many problems in biology, computer science, control theory, and
nonlinear dynamics make use of or attempt to infer models of dynamical
systems. Vehicle routing, speech recognition, alignments and
classification in molecular biology, and packet routing in
communication networks are examples of problems that could profit from
more efficient or more accurate methods for recovering and exploiting
dynamical models. The dynamics research
group at Brown studies prediction and control problems
involving dynamical systems. This web page focuses on methods for
learning dynamical systems from data.
As part of our investigation, we are developing a tutorial and helped to organize the
AAAI Symposium on Dynamical Systems, in the spring of 1996.
The tutorial is used for courses taught at Brown since the Fall of 1995.
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For further information, please contact
Thomas Dean,
Sonia Leach,
Hagit Shatkay,
Last changed by Hagit Shatkay, 9/25/98