1. Containers
- Concepts
- ColumnMatrix
A Column-Oriented MTL Matrix
- DiagonalMatrix
A Diagonally-Oriented Matrix
- Matrix
The MTL Matrix Concept
- RowMatrix
A Row-Oriented MTL Matrix
- TwoDStorage
The MTL TwoD Storage Concept
- Vector
The MTL Vector Concept
- Container type generators
- band_view
Band View Matrix Type Constructor
- block_view
Block View Matrix Type Constructor
- matrix
Matrix type generators class.
- symmetric_view
Symmetric View Matrix Type Constructor
- tri_view
Triangle View Creation Helper Fuctor
- triangle_view
Triangle View Matrix Type Constructor
- Container type selectors
- array
Array storage type selectors
- banded
banded shape type selectors, also banded storage type selectors
- banded_view
Banded view storage type selectors
- compressed
Compressed sparse storage type selectors (for both OneD and TwoD)
- dense
Dense storage type selectors (for both TwoD and OneD storage)
- diagonal
diagonal shape type selectors
- envelope
Envelope storage type selectors
- hermitian
hermitian shape type selectors
- linked_list
Index-Value Pair Sparse Vector implemented with std::list
- packed
Packed storage type selectors
- rectangle
rectangle shape type selector
- sparse_pair
Index-Value Pair Sparse Vector implemented with mtl::dense1D
- symmetric
symmetric shape type selectors
- tree
Index-Value Pair Sparse Vector implemented with std::set
- triangle
triangle shape type selectors
- Container classes
- array2D
Array 2-D Container
- compressed1D
Compressed Sparse Vector
- dense2D
Dense2D Storage Type
- external2D
External2D Storage Type
- external_vec
External 1-D Container
- generic_comp2D
Compressed 2-D Container
- generic_dense2D
Generic Dense 2-D Container
- Container adaptors
- block2D
Block View TwoD Storage
- linalg_vec
Linalg Vector Adaptor
- scaled1D
Scaled Container
- scaled2D
Scaled 2D container adaptor
- sparse1D
Sparse 1-D Container Adaptor
- strided1D
Strided Vector Adaptor
- Container functions
- scaled Shortcut for Creating a Scaled Argument
- strided Shortcut for Creating a Strided Argument
- blocked Blocked Matrix Generator
- blocked Blocked Matrix Generator
- rows Access the row-wise view of the matrix
- columns Access the column-wise view of the matrix
- trans Swap the orientation of a matrix.
- Container tags
- banded_tag
Identifies banded matrices
- column_matrix_traits
Column Matrix Traits
- column_tag
Identifies a column-major Matrix
- dense_tag
Identifies a dense Matrix or Vector
- diagonal_matrix_traits
Diagonal Matrix Traits
- diagonal_tag
Identifies diagonal matrices
- external_tag
Identifies the Matrix as not owning its data
- hermitian_tag
Identifies hermitian matrices
- internal_tag
Identifies the Matrix as owning its data
- linalg_traits
Linear Algebra Object (Matrix and Vector) Traits
- matrix_traits
The "traits" class for MTL matrices.
- not_strideable
Identifies matrices that can not be used with the rows and columns functions
- oned_tag
Identifies linear algebra objects as 1D (Vector)
- rectangle_tag
Identifies rectangular matrices
- row_matrix_traits
Row Matrix Traits
- row_tag
Identifies a row-major Matrix
- sparse_tag
Identifies a sparse Matrix or Vector
- strideable
Identifies matrices that can be used with the rows and columns functions
- symmetric_tag
Identifies symmetric matrices
- triangle_tag
Identifies triangular matrices
- twod_tag
Identifies linear algebra objects as 2D (Matrix)
2. Iterators
- Concepts
- IndexedIterator
- Iterator functions
- trans_iter Helper function for creating a transforming iterator
- Iterator classes
- compressed_iter
Compressed Storage Iterator
- Iterator adaptors
- dense_iterator
dense iterator
- scale_iterator
scale iterator
- sparse_iterator
Sparse Vector Iterator
- strided_iterator
strided iterator
- transform_iterator
Tranforming Iterator
3. Algorithms
- sum Sum: s <- sum_i(x(i))
- scale Scale: A <- alpha*A or x <- alpha x
- set_diagonal Set Diagonal: A(i,i) <- alpha
- two_norm Two Norm: s <- sqrt(sum_i(|x(i)^2|))
- sum_squares Sum of the Squares
- one_norm One Norm: s <- sum(|x_i|) or s <- max_i(sum_j(|A(i,j)|))
- infinity_norm Infinity Norm: s <- max_j(sum_i(|A(i,j)|)) or s <- max_i(|x(i)|)
- max_index Max Index: i <- index of max(|x(i)|)
- max_abs_index Maximum Absolute Index: i <- index of max(|x(i)|)
- min_index Minimum Index: i <- index of min(x(i))
- min_abs_index Minimum Absolute Index: i <- index of min(|x(i)|)
- max Max Value: s <- max(x(i))
- min Min Value: s <- min(x_i)
- transpose Transpose in Place: A <- A^T
- transpose Transpose: B <- A^T
- mult Multiplication: z <- A x + y
- __mult_dim Matrix Vector Multiplication: y <- A x
- __mult_dim Matrix multiplication C <- C + A * B
- tri_solve Triangular Solve: x <- T^{-1} * x
- tri_solve Triangular Solve: B <- A^{-1} * B or B <- B * A^{-1}
- rank_one_update Rank One Update: A <- A + x * y^T
- rank_two_update Rank Two Update: A <- A + x * y^T + y * x^T
- scatter Scatter y <- x
- gather Gather y <- x
- copy Copy: B <- A or y <- x
- add Add: z <- x + y
- add Add: w <- x + y + z
- add Add: B <- A + B or y <- x + y
- ele_mult Element-wise Multiplication: z <- x O* y
- ele_mult Element-wise Multiply: B <- A O* B
- ele_div Element-wise Division: z <- x O/ y
- swap Swap: B <-> A or y <-> x
- dot Dot Product: s <- x . y + s
- dot Dot Product: s <- x . y
- dot Dot Product (extended precision): s <- x . y + s
- dot_conj Dot Conjugate: s <- x . conj(y) + s
- dot_conj Dot Conjugate: s <- x . conj(y)
- lu_factor LU Factorization of a general (dense) matrix
- lu_solve LU Solve
- lu_inverse LU Inverse
4. Function Objects
- givens_rotation
Givens Plane Rotation
- givens_rotation__2
The specialization for complex numbers.
- givens_rotation__3
The specialization for complex numbers.
- givens_rotation__4
The specialization for complex numbers.
- modified_givens
Modified Givens Transformation
5. Interval Class
- Interval Object
- interval
Interval Class
- numeric_limits
Interval Numeric Limits
- Utilities
- isnan Is not a number
- empty Empty
- sign Sign
- left Left Constant Non-member Acessor
- right Right Constant Non-member Acessor
- inf Infinum Constant Non-member Acessor
- sup Suprenum Constant Non-member Acessor
- pos_half Positive Half
- neg_half Negative Half
- pred Pred (Interval)
- pred Pred (Tnum)
- succ Succ (Interval)
- succ Succ (Tnum)
- hull Hull of 2 Intervals
- hull Hull of an Interval and a Tnum
- hull Hull of a Tnum and an Interval
- hull Hull of 2 Tnums
- hull Hull of a Tnum
- sym_hull Symmetric Hull
- intersection Intersection of 2 Intervals
- Operators
- operator == Operator ==
- operator == Operator ==
- operator == Operator ==
- operator != Operator !=
- operator != Operator !=
- operator != Operator !=
- operator <= Operator <=
- operator <= Operator <=
- operator < Operator <
- operator < Operator <
- operator >= Operator >=
- operator >= Operator >=
- operator > Operator >
- operator > Operator >
- operator + Operator x+y ( x+y = [inf(x)+inf(y),sup(x)+sup(y)] )
- operator + Operator x+b ( x+b = [inf(x)+b,sup(x)+b] )
- operator + Operator a+x ( x = [inf(x)+a,sup(x)+a] )
- operator - Operator x-y ( x-y = [inf(x)-inf(y),sup(x)-sup(y)] )
- operator - Operator x-b ( x-b = [inf(x)-b,sup(x)-b] )
- operator - Operator a-y ( a-y = [a-inf(y),a-sup(y)] )
- operator & Operator &
- operator * Operator *
- operator * Operator x*y ( x*y = [inf(x)*y,sup(x)*y] )
- operator * Operator x*y ( x*y = [x*inf(y),y*sup(y)] )
- operator / Operator x/y
- operator / Operator x/b ( x/b = [inf(x)/b,sup(x)/b] )
- operator / Operator a/y
- Math
- subset interval-interval Subset Specialization
- subset Subset (Interval in Interval)
- subset Subset (Tnum in Interval)
- proper_subset Proper Subset (Interval in Interval)
- proper_subset Proper Subset (Tnum in Interval)
- poslte Possibly Less Than Or Equal To
- poslte Possibly Less Than Or Equal To
- poslt Possibly Less Than
- poslt Possibly Less Than
- posgte Possibly Greater Than Or Equal To
- posgte Possibly Greater Than Or Equal To
- posgt Possibly Greater Than
- posgt Possibly Greater Than
- midpoint Midpoint
- bisect Bisect an Interval
- diameter Diameter
- abs Absolute Value
- dist Distance between 2 Intervals
- dist Distance between a number and an Interval
- dist Distance between a number and an Interval
- sqrt Square Root ( sqrt(x) = [sqrt(inf(x)),sqrt(sup(x))] )
- exp Exponent ( exp(x) = [exp(inf(x),exp(sup(x))] )
- log Log ( log(x) = [log(inf(x)),log(sup(c))] )
- ln ln ( ln(x) = [ln(inf(x)),ln(sup(c))] )
- sqr Square
- tan Tangent ( tan(x) = [tan(inf(x)),tan(sup(x))] )
- atan ArcTan ( arctan(x) = [arctan(inf(x)),arctan(sup(x))] )
- sin Sine
- asin ArcSin ( asin(x) = [asin(inf(x)),asin(sup(x))] )
- acos ArcCos ( acos(x) = [acos(inf(x)),acos(sup(x))] )
- cos Cosine
- pow Power (interval^Tnum)
- pow Power ( pow(x,p) = [inf(x)^inf(p),sup(x)^sup(p)] )
6. Iterative Template Library (ITL)
- Concepts
- Iteration
- Preconditioner
- Algorithms
- cg Conjugate Gradient(CG)
- cgs Conjugate Gradient Squared
- bicg BiConjugate Gradient
- gmres Generalized Minimum Residual
- bicgstab BiConjugate Gradient Stabilized
- qmr Quasi-Minimal Residual
- tfqmr Transpose Free Quasi-Minimal Residual
- gcr Generalized Conjugate Residual
- cheby Chebyshev Iteration
- richardson Preconditioned Richardson
- Preconditioners
Incomplete LU without fill-in Preconditioner.
ILUT: Incomplete LU with threshold and K fill-in Preconditioner.
SSOR preconditioner.
- cholesky
Incomplete Cholesky Preconditioner.
7. Fixed Algorithm Size Template (FAST) Library
- Functions
- copy Copy
- transform Transform (one input iterator)
- transform Transform (two input iterators)
- fill Fill
- swap_ranges Swap Ranges
- accumulate Accumulate (with default operation)
- accumulate Accumulate (with user-supplied operation)
- inner_product Inner Product (user supplied operators)
- inner_product Inner Product (with default operators)
- Classes
- count
The static size count class
8. Basic Linear Algebra Instruction Set (BLAIS) Library
- add
Add y <- x + y
- copy
Copy y <- x
- copy__2
Copy B <- A
- dot
Dot Product s <- x . y
- mult
Multiplication y <- A x + y
- mult__2
Multiplication C <- A * B
- rank_one
Rank One Update A <- A + x * y^T
- set
Set elements of vector x to alpha
- set__2
Set matrix A to alpha
9. MTL to LAPACK Interface
- Type Generators
- lapack_matrix
Lapack Matrix
- Functions
- gecon Estimate the reciprocal of the condition number of a general matrix.
- geev Compute the eigenvalues.
- geqpf QR Factorization with Column Pivoting.
- geqrf QR Factorization of a General Matrix
- gesv Solution to a linear system in a general matrix.
- getrf LU factorization of a general matrix A.
- getrs Solution to a system using LU factorization
- geequ Equilibrate and reduce condition number.
- gelqf Compute an LQ factorization.
- orglq Generate a matrix Q with orthonormal rows.
- orgqr Generate a matrix Q with orthonormal columns.
10. Utilities
- Concepts
- Indexer
Maps from Matrix coordinates to TwoD coordinates
- Offset
Maps from TwoD coordinates to linear memory
- Functions
- read_dense_matlab Read a Dense Real Matrix from a Matlab file (.mat)
- write_dense_matlab Write a Dense Real Matrix to a Matlab file (.mat)
- read_sparse_matlab Read a Sparse Real Matrix from a Matlab file (.mat)
- write_sparse_matlab Write a Sparse Real Matrix to a Matlab file (.mat)
- Classes
- banded_offset
Banded Offset Class
- banded_view_offset
Banded View Offset Class
- dimension
The Dimension Class
- harwell_boeing_stream
A Matrix File Input Stream for Harwell-Boeing Matrix Files
- matrix_market_stream
A Matrix File Input Stream for Matrix Market Files
- packed_offset
Packed Offset Class
- rect_offset
Rectangular Offset Class
- strided_band_view_offset
Strided Band View Offset Class
- strided_offset
Strided Rectangular Offset Class
11. Bibliography
12. Categorized index