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General Usage Examples
Dates as Strings
Days Alive
Days Between New Years
End of the Months
Localization Demonstration
Date Period Calculations
Print Holidays
Print Month
Month Adding
Time Math
Print Hours
Local to UTC Conversion
Time Periods

General Usage Examples

The following provides some sample usage of dates. See Date Programming for more details.

	 using namespace boost::gregorian; 
	 date weekstart(2002,Feb,1);
	 date weekend  = weekstart + week(1);
	 date d2 = d1 + days(5);
	 date today = day_clock::local_day();
	 if (d2 >= today) {} //date comparison operators
	 date_period thisWeek(d1,d2);
	 if (thisWeek.contains(today)) {}//do something
	 //iterate and print the week
	 day_iterator itr(weekstart);
	 while (itr <= weekend) {
	   std::cout << (*itr) << std::endl;
         //input streaming
         std::stringstream ss("2004-Jan-1");
         ss >> d3;
         //localized i/o using facets
         std::locale global;
         std::locale german(global, 
                            new date_facet(de_short_month_names, 
         date d4(2002, Oct, 1);
         std::cout << d4; //01.Okt.2002

         //date generator functions
         date d5 = next_weekday(d4, Sunday); //calculate sunday following d4

         //define a shorthand for the nth_day_of_the_week_in_month function object
	 typedef nth_day_of_the_week_in_month nth_dow;
         //US labor day is first Monday in Sept
	 nth_dow labor_day(nth_dow::first,Monday, Sep); 
	 date d6 = labor_day.get_date(2004); //calculate a specific date from functor

The following provides some example code using times. See Time Programming for more details.

	 use namespace boost::posix_time; 
	 date d(2002,Feb,1); //an arbitrary date
	 ptime t1(d, hours(5)+nanosec(100)); //date + time of day offset
	 ptime t2 = t1 - minutes(4)+seconds(2);
	 ptime now = second_clock::local_time(); //use the clock
	 date today =; //Get the date part out of the time
	 date tommorrow = today + date_duration(1);
	 ptime tommorrow_start(tommorrow); //midnight 

         //input streaming
         std::stringstream ss("2004-Jan-1 05:21:33.20");
         ss >> t2;

	 //starting at current time iterator adds by one hour
	 time_iterator titr(now,hours(1)); 
	 for (; titr < tommorrow_start; ++titr) {
	   std::cout << (*titr) << std::endl;


Dates as Strings

Various parsing and output of strings.


      /* The following is a simple example that shows conversion of dates 
       * to and from a std::string.
       * Expected output:
       * 2001-Oct-09
       * 2001-10-09
       * Tuesday October 9, 2001
       * An expected exception is next: 
       * Exception: Month number is out of range 1..12

      #include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp"
      #include <iostream>
      #include <string>


	using namespace boost::gregorian;

	try {
	  // The following date is in ISO 8601 extended format (CCYY-MM-DD)
	  std::string s("2001-10-9"); //2001-October-09
	  date d(from_simple_string(s));
	  std::cout << to_simple_string(d) << std::endl;
	  //Read ISO Standard(CCYYMMDD) and output ISO Extended
	  std::string ud("20011009"); //2001-Oct-09
	  date d1(from_undelimited_string(ud));
	  std::cout << to_iso_extended_string(d1) << std::endl;
	  //Output the parts of the date - Tuesday October 9, 2001
	  date::ymd_type ymd = d1.year_month_day();
	  greg_weekday wd = d1.day_of_week();
	  std::cout << wd.as_long_string() << " "
		    << ymd.month.as_long_string() << " "
		    << << ", " << ymd.year
		    << std::endl;

	  //Let's send in month 25 by accident and create an exception
	  std::string bad_date("20012509"); //2001-??-09
	  std::cout << "An expected exception is next: " << std::endl;
	  date wont_construct(from_undelimited_string(bad_date));
	  //use wont_construct so compiler doesn't complain, but you wont get here!
	  std::cout << "oh oh, you shouldn't reach this line: " 
		    << to_iso_string(wont_construct) << std::endl;
	catch(std::exception& e) {
	  std::cout << "  Exception: " <<  e.what() << std::endl;

	return 0;



Days Alive

Calculate the number of days you have been living using durations and dates.

      /* Short example that calculates the number of days since user was born.
       * Demonstrates comparisons of durations, use of the day_clock,
       * and parsing a date from a string.

      #include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp"
      #include <iostream>

	using namespace boost::gregorian;
	std::string s;
	std::cout << "Enter birth day YYYY-MM-DD (eg: 2002-02-01): ";
	std::cin >> s;
	try {
	  date birthday(from_simple_string(s));
	  date today = day_clock::local_day();
	  days days_alive = today - birthday;
	  days one_day(1);
	  if (days_alive == one_day) {
	    std::cout << "Born yesterday, very funny" << std::endl;
	  else if (days_alive < days(0)) {
	    std::cout << "Not born yet, hmm: " << days_alive.days() 
		      << " days" <<std::endl;
	  else {
	    std::cout << "Days alive: " << days_alive.days() << std::endl;

	catch(...) {
	  std::cout << "Bad date entered: " << s << std::endl;
	return 0;


Days Between New Years

Calculate the number of days till new years

      /* Provides a simple example of using a date_generator, and simple
       * mathematical operatorations, to calculate the days since 
       * New Years day of this year, and days until next New Years day.
       * Expected results:
       * Adding together both durations will produce 366 (365 in a leap year).
      #include <iostream>
      #include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp"

	using namespace boost::gregorian;

	date today = day_clock::local_day();
	partial_date new_years_day(1,Jan);
	//Subtract two dates to get a duration
	days days_since_year_start = today - new_years_day.get_date(today.year());
	std::cout << "Days since Jan 1: " << days_since_year_start.days() 
		  << std::endl;
	days days_until_year_start = new_years_day.get_date(today.year()+1) - today;
	std::cout << "Days until next Jan 1: " << days_until_year_start.days() 
		  << std::endl;
	return 0;



End of the Months

Iterates accross the remaining months in a given year, always landing on the last day of the month.

      /* Simple program that uses the gregorian calendar to find the last
       * day of the month and then display the last day of every month left 
       * in the year.

      #include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp"
      #include <iostream>

	using namespace boost::gregorian;
	std::cout << "   Enter Year(ex: 2002): ";
	int year, month;
	std::cin >> year;
	std::cout << "   Enter Month(1..12): ";
	std::cin >> month;
	try {
	  int day = gregorian_calendar::end_of_month_day(year,month);
	  date end_of_month(year,month,day);

	  //Iterate thru by months --
	  month_iterator mitr(end_of_month,1);
	  date start_of_next_year(year+1, Jan, 1);
	  //loop thru the days and print each one
	  while (mitr < start_of_next_year){
	    std::cout << to_simple_string(*mitr) << std::endl;

	catch(...) {
	  std::cout << "Invalid Date Entered" << std::endl;
	return 0;




Localization Demonstration

The boost::date_time library provides the ability to create customized locale facets. Date ordering, language, seperators, and abbreviations can be customized.


      /* The following shows the creation of a facet for the output of 
       * dates in German (please forgive me for any errors in my German --
       * I'm not a native speaker).

      #include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp"
      #include <iostream>

      /* Define a series of char arrays for short and long name strings to be 
       * associated with date output. */
      const char* const de_short_month_names[] = 
	"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun",
	"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez", "NAM" 
      const char* const de_long_month_names[] =
	"Januar", "Februar", "Marz", "April", "Mai",
	"Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober",
	"November", "Dezember", "NichtDerMonat"
      const char* const de_special_value_names[] =
	"NichtDatumzeit", "-unbegrenztheit", "+unbegrenztheit"
      const char* const de_long_weekday_names[] = 
	"Sonntag", "Montag", "Dienstag", "Mittwoch",
	"Donnerstag", "Freitag", "Samstag"
      const char* const de_short_weekday_names[] =
	"Son", "Mon", "Die","Mit", "Don", "Fre", "Sam"

      const char* const us_short_month_names[] = 
	"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
	"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", "NAD"
      const char* const us_long_month_names[] =
	"January", "February", "March", "April", "May",
	"June", "July", "August", "September", "October",
	"November", "December", "Not-A-Date"
      const char* const us_special_value_names[] =
	"Not-A-Date", "-infinity", "+infinity"
      const char* const us_long_weekday_names[] =
	"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wenesday", 
	"Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
      const char* const us_short_weekday_names[] =
	"Sun", "Mon", "Tue","Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"



	using namespace boost::gregorian;
	typedef boost::date_time::all_date_names_put<greg_facet_config> date_facet;
	//create a new local
	std::locale default_locale;
	std::locale german_dates1(default_locale, 
				  new date_facet(de_short_month_names, 
	date d1(2002, Oct, 1);
	// output the date in German using short month names
	std::cout << d1 << std::endl; //01.10.2002
	std::locale german_dates2(default_locale, 
				  new date_facet(de_short_month_names, 
	greg_month m = d1.month();
	std::cout << m << std::endl; //Oktober
	greg_weekday wd = d1.day_of_week();
	std::cout << wd << std::endl; //Dienstag

	//Numeric date format with US month/day/year ordering
	std::locale usa_dates1(default_locale, 
			       new date_facet(us_short_month_names, 
	std::cout << d1 << std::endl; //  10/01/2002
	//English names, iso order (year-month-day), '-' separator
	std::locale usa_dates2(default_locale, 
			       new date_facet(us_short_month_names, 

	std::cout << d1 << std::endl; //  2002-Oct-01
	std::cout << "Sorry, localization is not supported by this compiler/library" 
		  << std::endl;
	return 0;



Date Period Calculations

Calculates if a date is in an 'irregular' collection of periods using period calculation functions.

      This example demonstrates a simple use of periods for the calculation
      of date information.

      The example calculates if a given date is a weekend or holiday
      given an exclusion set.  That is, each weekend or holiday is
      entered into the set as a time interval.  Then if a given date
      is contained within any of the intervals it is considered to
      be within the exclusion set and hence is a offtime.

      Number Excluded Periods: 5
      In Exclusion Period: 20020216 --> 20020216/20020217


      #include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp"
      #include <set>
      #include <algorithm>
      #include <iostream>

      typedef std::set<boost::gregorian::date_period> date_period_set;

      //Simple population of the exclusion set
	using namespace boost::gregorian;
	date_period periods_array[] = 
	  { date_period(date(2002,Feb,2), date(2002,Feb,4)),//weekend of 2nd-3rd
	    date_period(date(2002,Feb,9), date(2002,Feb,11)),
	    date_period(date(2002,Feb,16), date(2002,Feb,18)),
	    date_period(date(2002,Feb,23), date(2002,Feb,25)),
	    date_period(date(2002,Feb,12), date(2002,Feb,13))//a random holiday 2-12
	const int num_periods = sizeof(periods_array)/sizeof(date_period);

	date_period_set ps;
	//insert the periods in the set
	std::insert_iterator<date_period_set> itr(ps, ps.begin());
	std::copy(periods_array, periods_array+num_periods, itr );
	return ps;

      int main() 
	using namespace boost::gregorian;
	date_period_set ps = generateExclusion();
	std::cout << "Number Excluded Periods: "  << ps.size() << std::endl;

	date d(2002,Feb,16);
	date_period_set::const_iterator i = ps.begin();
	//print the periods, check for containment
	for (;i != ps.end(); i++) {
	  std::cout << to_iso_string(*i) << std::endl;
	  //if date is in exclusion period then print it
	  if (i->contains(d)) {
	    std::cout << "In Exclusion Period: "
		<< to_iso_string(d) << " --> " << to_iso_string(*i)
		<< std::endl;

	return 0;  




Print Holidays

This is an example of using functors to define a holiday schedule


      /* Generate a set of dates using a collection of date generators
       * Output looks like:
       * Enter Year: 2002
       * 2002-Jan-01 [Tue]
       * 2002-Jan-21 [Mon]
       * 2002-Feb-12 [Tue]
       * 2002-Jul-04 [Thu]
       * 2002-Sep-02 [Mon]
       * 2002-Nov-28 [Thu]
       * 2002-Dec-25 [Wed]
       * Number Holidays: 7

      #include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp"
      #include <algorithm>
      #include <functional>
      #include <vector>
      #include <iostream>
      #include <set>

      print_date(boost::gregorian::date d) 
	using namespace boost::gregorian;
      #if defined(BOOST_DATE_TIME_NO_LOCALE)
	std::cout << to_simple_string(d) << " [" << d.day_of_week() << "]\n";
	std::cout << d << " [" << d.day_of_week() << "]\n";

      main() {

	std::cout << "Enter Year: ";
	int year;
	std::cin >> year;

	using namespace boost::gregorian;

	//define a collection of holidays fixed by month and day
	std::vector<year_based_generator*> holidays;
	holidays.push_back(new partial_date(1,Jan)); //Western New Year
	holidays.push_back(new partial_date(4,Jul)); //US Independence Day
	holidays.push_back(new partial_date(25, Dec));//Christmas day

	//define a shorthand for the nth_day_of_the_week_in_month function object
	typedef nth_day_of_the_week_in_month nth_dow;
	//US labor day
	holidays.push_back(new nth_dow(nth_dow::first,  Monday,   Sep)); 
	//MLK Day
	holidays.push_back(new nth_dow(nth_dow::third,  Monday,   Jan)); 
	//Pres day
	holidays.push_back(new nth_dow(nth_dow::second, Tuesday,  Feb)); 
	holidays.push_back(new nth_dow(nth_dow::fourth, Thursday, Nov)); 

	typedef std::set<date> date_set;
	date_set all_holidays;
	for(std::vector<year_based_generator*>::iterator it = holidays.begin();
	    it != holidays.end(); ++it)

	//print the holidays to the screen
	std::for_each(all_holidays.begin(), all_holidays.end(), print_date);
	std::cout << "Number Holidays: " << all_holidays.size() << std::endl;

	return 0;



Print Month

Simple utility to print out days of the month with the days of a month. Demontstrates date iteration (date_time::date_itr).

      /* This example prints all the dates in a month. It demonstrates
       * the use of iterators as well as functions of the gregorian_calendar
       * Output:
       * Enter Year: 2002
       * Enter Month(1..12): 2
       * 2002-Feb-01 [Fri]
       * 2002-Feb-02 [Sat]
       * 2002-Feb-03 [Sun]
       * 2002-Feb-04 [Mon]
       * 2002-Feb-05 [Tue]
       * 2002-Feb-06 [Wed]
       * 2002-Feb-07 [Thu]

      #include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp"
      #include <iostream>

	std::cout << "Enter Year: ";
	int year, month;
	std::cin >> year;
	std::cout << "Enter Month(1..12): ";
	std::cin >> month;

	using namespace boost::gregorian;
	try {
	  //Use the calendar to get the last day of the month
	  int eom_day = gregorian_calendar::end_of_month_day(year,month);
	  date endOfMonth(year,month,eom_day);

	  //construct an iterator starting with firt day of the month
	  day_iterator ditr(date(year,month,1));
	  //loop thru the days and print each one
	  for (; ditr <= endOfMonth; ++ditr) {
      #if defined(BOOST_DATE_TIME_NO_LOCALE) 
	    std::cout << to_simple_string(*ditr) << " ["
	    std::cout << *ditr << " ["
		      << ditr->day_of_week() << "]"
		      << std::endl; 
	catch(std::exception& e) {

	  std::cout << "Error bad date, check your entry: \n"
		    << "  Details: " << e.what() << std::endl;
	return 0;



Month Adding

Adding a month to a day without the use of iterators.

      /* Simple program that uses the gregorian calendar to progress by exactly
       * one month, irregardless of how many days are in that month.
       * This method can be used as an alternative to iterators

      #include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp"
      #include <iostream>


	using namespace boost::gregorian;
	typedef boost::date_time::month_functor<date> add_month;

	date d = day_clock::local_day();
	add_month mf(1);
	date d2 = d + mf.get_offset(d);
	std::cout << "Today is: " << to_simple_string(d) << ".\n"
	  << "One month from today will be: " << to_simple_string(d2) 
	  << std::endl;

	return 0;


Time Math

Various types of calculations with times and time durations.

      /* Some simple examples of constructing and calculating with times
       * Output:
       * 2002-Feb-01 00:00:00 - 2002-Feb-01 05:04:02.001000000 = -5:04:02.001000000

      #include "boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp"
      #include <iostream>

	using namespace boost::posix_time;
	using namespace boost::gregorian;

	date d(2002,Feb,1); //an arbitrary date
	//construct a time by adding up some durations durations
	ptime t1(d, hours(5)+minutes(4)+seconds(2)+millisec(1));
	//construct a new time by subtracting some times
	ptime t2 = t1 - hours(5)- minutes(4)- seconds(2)- millisec(1);
	//construct a duration by taking the difference between times
	time_duration td = t2 - t1;
	std::cout << to_simple_string(t2) << " - " 
		  << to_simple_string(t1) << " = "
		  << to_simple_string(td) << std::endl;
	return 0;


Print Hours

Demonstrate time iteration, clock retrieval, and simple calculation.

      /* Print the remaining hours of the day
       * Uses the clock to get the local time 
       * Use an iterator to iterate over the remaining hours
       * Retrieve the date part from a time
       * Expected Output something like:
       * 2002-Mar-08 16:30:59
       * 2002-Mar-08 17:30:59
       * 2002-Mar-08 18:30:59
       * 2002-Mar-08 19:30:59
       * 2002-Mar-08 20:30:59
       * 2002-Mar-08 21:30:59
       * 2002-Mar-08 22:30:59
       * 2002-Mar-08 23:30:59
       * Time left till midnight: 07:29:01

      #include "boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp"
      #include <iostream>

	using namespace boost::posix_time;
	using namespace boost::gregorian;

	//get the current time from the clock -- one second resolution
	ptime now = second_clock::local_time();
	//Get the date part out of the time
	date today =;
	date tommorrow = today + days(1);
	ptime tommorrow_start(tommorrow); //midnight 

	//iterator adds by one hour
	time_iterator titr(now,hours(1)); 
	for (; titr < tommorrow_start; ++titr) {
	  std::cout << to_simple_string(*titr) << std::endl;
	time_duration remaining = tommorrow_start - now;
	std::cout << "Time left till midnight: " 
		  << to_simple_string(remaining) << std::endl;
	return 0;



Local to UTC Conversion

Demonstrate utc to local and local to utc calculations including dst.


      /* Demonstrate conversions between a local time and utc
       * Output:
       * UTC <--> New York while DST is NOT active (5 hours)
       * 2001-Dec-31 19:00:00 in New York is 2002-Jan-01 00:00:00 UTC time 
       * 2002-Jan-01 00:00:00 UTC is 2001-Dec-31 19:00:00 New York time 
       * UTC <--> New York while DST is active (4 hours)
       * 2002-May-31 20:00:00 in New York is 2002-Jun-01 00:00:00 UTC time 
       * 2002-Jun-01 00:00:00 UTC is 2002-May-31 20:00:00 New York time 
       * UTC <--> Arizona (7 hours)
       * 2002-May-31 17:00:00 in Arizona is 2002-Jun-01 00:00:00 UTC time 

      #include "boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp"
      #include "boost/date_time/local_time_adjustor.hpp"
      #include "boost/date_time/c_local_time_adjustor.hpp"
      #include <iostream>

	using namespace boost::posix_time;
	using namespace boost::gregorian;

	//This local adjustor depends on the machine TZ settings-- highly dangerous!
	typedef boost::date_time::c_local_adjustor<ptime> local_adj;
	ptime t10(date(2002,Jan,1), hours(7)); 
	ptime t11 = local_adj::utc_to_local(t10);
	std::cout << "UTC <--> Zone base on TZ setting" << std::endl;
	std::cout << to_simple_string(t11) << " in your TZ is " 
		  << to_simple_string(t10) << " UTC time "
		  << std::endl;
	time_duration td = t11 - t10;
	std::cout << "A difference of: " 
		  << to_simple_string(td) << std::endl;

	//eastern timezone is utc-5
	typedef boost::date_time::local_adjustor<ptime, -5, us_dst> us_eastern;

	ptime t1(date(2001,Dec,31), hours(19)); //5 hours b/f midnight NY time

	std::cout << "\nUTC <--> New York while DST is NOT active (5 hours)" 
		  << std::endl;
	ptime t2 =  us_eastern::local_to_utc(t1);
	std::cout << to_simple_string(t1) << " in New York is " 
		  << to_simple_string(t2) << " UTC time "
		  << std::endl;

	ptime t3 = us_eastern::utc_to_local(t2);//back should be the same
	std::cout << to_simple_string(t2) << " UTC is " 
		  << to_simple_string(t3) << " New York time "
		  << "\n\n";

	ptime t4(date(2002,May,31), hours(20)); //4 hours b/f midnight NY time
	std::cout << "UTC <--> New York while DST is active (4 hours)" << std::endl;
	ptime t5 = us_eastern::local_to_utc(t4);
	std::cout << to_simple_string(t4) << " in New York is " 
		  << to_simple_string(t5) << " UTC time "
		  << std::endl;

	ptime t6 = us_eastern::utc_to_local(t5);//back should be the same
	std::cout << to_simple_string(t5) << " UTC is " 
		  << to_simple_string(t6) << " New York time "
		  << "\n" << std::endl;

	//Arizona timezone is utc-7 with no dst
	typedef boost::date_time::local_adjustor<ptime, -7, no_dst> us_arizona;

	ptime t7(date(2002,May,31), hours(17)); 
	std::cout << "UTC <--> Arizona (7 hours)" << std::endl;
	ptime t8 = us_arizona::local_to_utc(t7);
	std::cout << to_simple_string(t7) << " in Arizona is " 
		  << to_simple_string(t8) << " UTC time "
		  << std::endl;

	return 0;



Time Periods

Demonstrate some simple uses of time periods.


      /* Some simple examples of constructing and calculating with times
       * Returns:
       * [2002-Feb-01 00:00:00/2002-Feb-01 23:59:59.999999999] contains 2002-Feb-01 03:00:05
       * [2002-Feb-01 00:00:00/2002-Feb-01 23:59:59.999999999] intersected with
       * [2002-Feb-01 00:00:00/2002-Feb-01 03:00:04.999999999] is 
       * [2002-Feb-01 00:00:00/2002-Feb-01 03:00:04.999999999]

      #include "boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp"
      #include <iostream>

      using namespace boost::posix_time;
      using namespace boost::gregorian;

      //Create a simple period class to contain all the times in a day
      class day_period : public time_period
	day_period(date d) : time_period(ptime(d),//midnight



	date d(2002,Feb,1); //an arbitrary date
	//a period that represents a day  
	day_period dp(d);
	ptime t(d, hours(3)+seconds(5)); //an arbitray time on that day
	if (dp.contains(t)) {
	  std::cout << to_simple_string(dp) << " contains "
		    << to_simple_string(t)  << std::endl;
	//a period that represents part of the day
	time_period part_of_day(ptime(d, hours(0)), t);
	//intersect the 2 periods and print the results
	if (part_of_day.intersects(dp)) {
	  time_period result = part_of_day.intersection(dp);
	  std::cout << to_simple_string(dp) << " intersected with\n"
		    << to_simple_string(part_of_day) << " is \n"
		    << to_simple_string(result) << std::endl;
	return 0;



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