UNDER CONSTRUCTION ! Suggestions welcome!

Sample past projects

These are some examples of final reports of past projects in this class, that also happen to be relevant to the current edition. They are good examples of scope.





Here are some online bibliographies related to MapReduce:
  • Alex, from Columbia, has a bibliography of MapReduce-related papers.
  • Atbrox has a list of academic papers "about how the mapreduce parallel model and hadoop implementation is used to solve algorithmic problems".
  • Abhishek Tiwari has a list of papers using MapReduce and Hadoop for computational biology.
  • Map Reduce Applications Group at Mendeley, started by Jeff Hammerbacher, from Cloudera.
  • MAPREDUCE 2011 - Second International Workshop on MapReduce and its Applications
  • MAPREDUCE 2010 - First International Workshop on MapReduce and its Applications
  • NSF CLuE PI Meeting, October 2009. Several interesting presentations on work done within the scope of the NSF Cluster Exploratory Program.
If you are outside of Brown's campus, you can access many of the documents via the University Library. See this page for details. I think the easiest way is to use this bookmarklet: EZProxy. Just drag it to your bookmarks bar. It transforms the url of an exclusive resource, such as an article page in the ACM Digital Library, into one that can be accessed via the Library proxy once you authenticate!

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