Welcome to CSCI 200 at Brown!

Welcome! This is the third-ever offering of CS200, which replaces the former CS016 and CS018! CSCI 200 centers around data structures, the design and analysis of algorithms for performance and social-impacts, and good programming practices using a combination of object-oriented (OO) and functional programming (FP). Each of the prereq courses (111, 112, 150, 170, or 190) teaches one of these two programming styles; in the first two weeks of the course, you’ll learn the foundations of the other style so we can build on both throughout the semester.

Lecture Logistics

We meet in Saloman DECI at 11 on MWF. Lectures involve several exercises in which you will work on a problem with your neighbor before we come back together to go over questions. Most of the lectures are better-suited to pencil and paper notes than coding along, but you are welcome to code along if you wish.


We will be taking questions in real time during class via Ed Discussions. If you have the course in your cart, you should have access to each of Ed, the zoom link in Canvas, and the lecture recordings in the Canvas Media Library.

Post questions on Ed. Personal or registration-based questions should be sent to cs200-profs@brown.edu (which reaches both Nick and Kathi).


We will have two paper-and-pencil exams: a midterm (which you can take on either March 15 or March 16 from 7-9pm) and a final (which you can take either in the evening of Wed May 3 or in our university-assigned slot of May 18). Barring significant extenuating circumstances or taking the course off campus, you must take these exams in person. Having booked early flights home will not count.

You can visit the Brown CSCI 200 landing page and view previous offerings here.