1 Introduction
1.1 Our Philosophy
Please watch the
video on YouTube.
Someday there will be a textual description here instead.
1.2 The Structure of This Book
Unlike some other textbooks, this one does not follow a top-down
narrative. Rather it has the flow of a conversation, with
backtracking. We will often build up programs incrementally, just as
a pair of programmers would. We will include mistakes, not because I
don’t know the answer, but because this is the best way for you
to learn. Including mistakes makes it impossible for you to read
passively: you must instead engage with the material, because you can
never be sure of the veracity of what you’re reading.
At the end, you’ll always get to the right answer. However, this
non-linear path is more frustrating in the short term (you will often
be tempted to say, “Just tell me the answer, already!”), and it
makes the book a poor reference guide (you can’t open up to a random
page and be sure what it says is correct). However, that feeling of
frustration is the sensation of learning. I don’t know of a way
around it.
At various points you will encounter this:
This is an exercise. Do try it.
This is a traditional textbook exercise. It’s something you need to
do on your own. If you’re using this book as part of a course, this
may very well have been assigned as homework. In contrast, you will
also find exercise-like questions that look like this:
Do Now!
There’s an activity here! Do you see it?
When you get to one of these, stop. Read, think, and formulate
an answer before you proceed. You must do this because this is
actually an exercise, but the answer is already in the
book—most often in the text immediately following (i.e., in the part
you’re reading right now)—or is something you can determine for
yourself by running a program. If you just read on, you’ll see the
answer without having thought about it (or not see it at all, if the
instructions are to run a program), so you will get to neither (a)
test your knowledge, nor (b) improve your intuitions. In other words,
these are additional, explicit attempts to encourage active learning.
Ultimately, however, I can only encourage it; it’s up to you to
practice it.
1.3 The Language of This Book
The main programming language used in this book is
Like with all operating systems, however, Racket actually supports a
host of programming languages, so you must tell Racket
which language you’re programming in. You inform the Unix
shell by writing a line like
at the top of a script; you inform the browser by writing, say,
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ...> |
Similarly, Racket asks that you declare which language you will be
using. Racket languages can have the same parenthetical syntax as
Racket but with a different semantics; the same semantics but a
different syntax; or different syntax and semantics. Thus every
Racket program begins with #lang
followed by the name of some language: by default, it’s Racket
(written as racket).
In DrRacket v. 5.3, go to Language, then Choose
Language, and select “Use the language declared in the source”.
In this book we’ll almost always use the language
When we deviate we’ll say so explicitly, so unless indicated
otherwise, put
at the top of every file (and assume I’ve done the same).
The Typed PLAI language differs from traditional Racket most
importantly by being statically typed. It also gives you some useful
new constructs:
define-type, type-case, and test.
There are
additional commands for controlling the output of testing, for
instance. Be sure to read the documentation for the
language In DrRacket v. 5.3, go to Help, then Help Desk,
and in the Help Desk search bar, type “plai-typed”.
Here’s an example of each in use. We can introduce new datatypes:
(define-type MisspelledAnimal |
[caml (humps : number)] |
[yacc (height : number)]) |
You can roughly think of this as analogous to the following in
Java: an abstract class MisspelledAnimal and two concrete
sub-classes caml and yacc, each of which has one numeric
constructor argument named humps and height, respectively.
In this language, we construct instances as follows:
As the name suggests, define-type creates a type of the given
name. We can use this when, for instance, binding the above instances
to names:
(define ma1 : MisspelledAnimal (caml 2)) |
(define ma2 : MisspelledAnimal (yacc 1.9)) |
In fact you don’t need these particular type declarations, because
Typed PLAI will infer types for you here and in many other cases.
Thus you could just as well have written
(define ma1 (caml 2)) |
(define ma2 (yacc 1.9)) |
but we prefer to write explicit type declarations as a matter of both
discipline and comprehensibility when we return to programs later.
The type names can even be used recursively, as we will see
repeatedly in this book (for instance, Completing the Parser).
The language provides a pattern-matcher for use when
writing expressions, such as a function’s body:
(define (good? [ma : MisspelledAnimal]) : boolean |
(type-case MisspelledAnimal ma |
[caml (humps) (>= humps 2)] |
[yacc (height) (> height 2.1)])) |
In the expression (>= humps 2), for instance, humps is
the name given to whatever value was given as the argument to the
constructor caml.
Finally, you should write test cases, ideally before you’ve defined
your function, but also afterwards to protect against accidental
(test (good? ma1) #t) |
(test (good? ma2) #f) |
When you run the above program, the language will give you verbose
output telling you both tests passed. Read the documentation to learn
how to suppress most of these messages.
Here’s something important that is obscured above. We’ve used the same
name, humps (and height), in both the datatype
definition and in the fields of the pattern-match. This is absolutely
unnecessary because the two are related by position, not name.
Thus, we could have as well written the function as
(define (good? [ma : MisspelledAnimal]) : boolean |
(type-case MisspelledAnimal ma |
[caml (h) (>= h 2)] |
[yacc (h) (> h 2.1)])) |
Because each h is only visible in the case branch in which it
is introduced, the two hs do not in fact clash. You can
therefore use
convention and readability to dictate your choices. In general, it
makes sense to provide a long and descriptive name when defining the
datatype (because you probably won’t use that name again), but shorter
names in the type-case because you’re likely to use use those
names one or more times.
I did just say you’re unlikely to use the field descriptors
introduced in the datatype definition, but you can. The language
provides selectors to extract fields without the need
for pattern-matching: e.g., caml-humps. Sometimes, it’s much
easier to use the selector directly rather than go through the
pattern-matcher. It often isn’t, as when defining good? above,
but just to be clear, let’s write it without pattern-matching:
(define (good? [ma : MisspelledAnimal]) : boolean |
(cond |
[(caml? ma) (>= (caml-humps ma) 2)] |
[(yacc? ma) (> (yacc-height ma) 2.1)])) |
Do Now!
What happens if you mis-apply functions to the wrong kinds of values?
For instance, what if you give the caml constructor a string?
What if you send a number into each version of good? above?