6 From Substitution to Environments
Though we have a working definition of functions, you may feel a slight unease about it. When the interpreter sees an identifier, you might have had a sense that it needs to “look it up”. Not only did it not look up anything, we defined its behavior to be an error! While absolutely correct, this is also a little surprising. More importantly, we write interpreters to understand and explain languages, and this implementation might strike you as not doing that, because it doesn’t match our intuition.
There’s another difficulty with using substitution, which is the
number of times we traverse the source program. It would be nice to
have to traverse only those parts of the program that are actually
evaluated, and then, only when necessary. But substitution traverses
Does substitution have implications for the time complexity of evaluation?
There’s yet another problem with substitution, which is that it is
defined in terms of representations of the program source. Obviously,
our interpreter has and needs access to the source, to interpret it.
However, other implementations—
6.1 Introducing the Environment
The intuition that addresses the first concern is to have the interpreter “look up” an identifier in some sort of directory. The intuition that addresses the second concern is to defer the substitution. Fortunately, these converge nicely in a way that also addresses the third. The directory records the intent to substitute, without actually rewriting the program source; by recording the intent, rather than substituting immediately, we can defer substitution; and the resulting data structure, which is called an environment, avoids the need for source-to-source rewriting and maps nicely to low-level machine representations. Each name association in the environment is called a binding.
One subtlety is in defining precisely what “the same” means, especially with regards to failure.
Let’s first define our environment data structure. An environment is a list of pairs of names associated with...what?
A natural question to ask here might be what the environment maps names to. But a better, more fundamental, question is: How to determine the answer to the “natural” question?
Remember that our environment was created to defer substitutions. Therefore, the answer lies in substitution. We discussed earlier (Oh Wait, There’s More!) that we want substitution to map names to answers, corresponding to an eager function application strategy. Therefore, the environment should map names to answers.
(define-type Binding [bind (name : symbol) (val : number)]) (define-type-alias Env (listof Binding)) (define mt-env empty) (define extend-env cons)
6.2 Interpreting with Environments
Now we can tackle the interpreter. One case is easy, but we should revisit all the others:
(define (interp [expr : ExprC] [env : Env] [fds : (listof FunDefC)]) : number (type-case ExprC expr [numC (n) n] <idC-case> <appC-case> <plusC/multC-case>))
The arithmetic operations are easiest. Recall that before, the interpreter recurred without performing any new substitutions. As a result, there are no new deferred substitutions to perform either, which means the environment does not change:
[plusC (l r) (+ (interp l env fds) (interp r env fds))] [multC (l r) (* (interp l env fds) (interp r env fds))]
Now let’s handle identifiers. Clearly, encountering an identifier is no longer an error: this was the very motivation for this change. Instead, we must look up its value in the directory:
[idC (n) (lookup n env)]
Implement lookup.
Finally, application. Observe that in the substitution interpreter, the only case that caused new substitutions to occur was application. Therefore, this should be the case that constructs bindings. Let’s first extract the function definition, just as before:
[appC (f a) (local ([define fd (get-fundef f fds)]) <appC-interp>)]
Previously, we substituted, then interpreted. Because we have no substitution step, we can proceed with interpretation, so long as we record the deferral of substitution.
(interp (fdC-body fd) <appC-interp-bind-in-env> fds)
That is, the set of function definitions remains unchanged; we’re interpreting the body of the function, as before; but we have to do it in an environment that binds the formal parameter. Let’s now define that binding process:
(extend-env (bind (fdC-arg fd) (interp a env fds)) env)
the name being bound is the formal parameter (the same name that was substituted for, before). It is bound to the result of interpreting the argument (because we’ve decided on an eager application semantics). And finally, this extends the environment we already have. Type-checking this helps to make sure we got all the little pieces right.
Once we have a definition for lookup, we’d have a full interpreter. So here’s one:
(define (lookup [for : symbol] [env : Env]) : number (cond [(empty? env) (error 'lookup "name not found")] [else (cond [(symbol=? for (bind-name (first env))) (bind-val (first env))] [else (lookup for (rest env))])]))
Observe that looking up a free identifier still produces an error, but
it has moved from the interpreter—
Now we have a full interpreter. You should of course test it make sure it works as you’d expect. For instance, these tests pass:
(test (interp (plusC (numC 10) (appC 'const5 (numC 10))) mt-env (list (fdC 'const5 '_ (numC 5)))) 15) (test (interp (plusC (numC 10) (appC 'double (plusC (numC 1) (numC 2)))) mt-env (list (fdC 'double 'x (plusC (idC 'x) (idC 'x))))) 16) (test (interp (plusC (numC 10) (appC 'quadruple (plusC (numC 1) (numC 2)))) mt-env (list (fdC 'quadruple 'x (appC 'double (appC 'double (idC 'x)))) (fdC 'double 'x (plusC (idC 'x) (idC 'x))))) 22)
So we’re done, right?
Spot the bug.
6.3 Deferring Correctly
(interp (appC 'f1 (numC 3)) mt-env (list (fdC 'f1 'x (appC 'f2 (numC 4))) (fdC 'f2 'y (plusC (idC 'x) (idC 'y)))))
In our interpreter, this evaluates to 7. Should it?
Translated into Racket, this test corresponds to the following two definitions and expression:
(define (f1 x) (f2 4)) (define (f2 y) (+ x y)) (f1 3)
What should this produce? (f1 3) substitutes x with 3 in the body of f1, which then invokes (f2 4). But notably, in f2, the identifier x is not bound! Sure enough, Racket will produce an error.
In fact, so will our substitution-based interpreter!
Why does the substitution process result in an error? It’s because, when we replace the representation of x with the representation of 3 in the representation of f1, we do so in f1 only.This “the representation of” is getting a little annoying, isn’t it? Therefore, I’ll stop saying that, but do make sure you understand why I had to say it. It’s an important bit of pedantry. (Obviously: x is f1’s parameter; even if another function had a parameter named x, that’s a different x.) Thus, when we get to evaluating the body of f2, its x hasn’t been substituted, resulting in the error.
What went wrong when we switched to environments? Watch carefully: this is subtle. We can focus on applications, because only they affect the environment. When we substituted the formal for the value of the actual, we did so by extending the current environment. In terms of our example, we asked the interpreter to substitute not only f2’s substitution in f2’s body, but also the current ones (those for the caller, f1), and indeed all past ones as well. That is, the environment only grows; it never shrinks.
Because we agreed that environments are only an alternate
implementation strategy for substitution—
(extend-env (bind (fdC-arg fd) (interp a env fds)) mt-env)
Now we have truly reproduced the behavior of the substitution interpreter.In case you’re wondering how to write a test case that catches errors, look up test/exn.
6.4 Scope
The broken environment interpreter above implements what is known as dynamic scope. This means the environment accumulates bindings as the program executes. As a result, whether an identifier is even bound depends on the history of program execution. We should regard this unambiguously as a flaw of programming language design. It adversely affects all tools that read and process programs: compilers, IDEs, and humans.
In contrast, substitution—
6.4.1 How Bad Is It?
To understand the binding structure of your program, you may need to look at the whole program. No matter how much you’ve decomposed your program into small, understandable fragments, it doesn’t matter if you have a free identifier anywhere.
Understanding the binding structure is not only a function of the size of the program but also of the complexity of its control flow. Imagine an interactive program with numerous callbacks; you’d have to track through every one of them, too, to know which binding governs an identifier.
(if (moon-visible?) (f1 10) (f2 10))
What happens on cloudy nights?
6.4.2 The Top-Level Scope
(define y 1) (define (f x) (+ x y))
(define y 1) (define (f x) (+ x y)) (define y 2)
(define y 1) (define f (let ((z y)) (lambda (x) (+ x y z)))) (define y 2)
6.5 Exposing the Environment
If we were building the implementation for others to use, it would be wise and a courtesy for the exported interpreter to take only an expression and list of function definitions, and invoke our defined interp with the empty environment. This both spares users an implementation detail, and avoids the use of an interpreter with an incorrect environment. In some contexts, however, it can be useful to expose the environment parameter. For instance, the environment can represent a set of pre-defined bindings: e.g., if the language wishes to provide pi automatically bound to 3.2 (in Indiana).