3rd CGC Workshop on
Computational Geometry
October 11-12, 1998
Brown University, Providence, RI
We are pleased to announce the third annual fall Workshop on Computational
Geometry, sponsored by the Center
for Geometric Computing, continuing a tradition established by the
Mathematical Sciences Institute at SUNY-Stony
Brook. The Center for Geometric
Computing is a collaborative center of Brown,
Duke, and Johns
Hopkins Universities, and is funded by the U.S.
Army Research Office.
The workshop will be held in the Center for Information Technology
(CIT) at Brown University. The Computer Science Department occupies
the 4th and 5th floors of the building. (directions to the CIT)
Scope and Format
The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from academia,
industry, and the Army to stimulate collaboration on problems of common
interest arising in geometric computations. Topics to be covered include,
but are not limited to
Algorithmic methods in geometry
I/O-scalable geometric algorithms
Animation of geometric algorithms
Computer graphics
Solid modeling
Geographic information systems
Computational metrology
Graph drawing
Experimental studies
Geometric data structures
Implementation issues
Computer vision
Computer-aided design
Mesh generation
Following the tradition of the previous MSI and CGC
Workshops on Computational Geometry, the format of the workshop will
be informal, extending over 2 days, with several breaks scheduled for discussions.
Invited speakers:
Registration will be on-site, but please send mail to cgc@cs.brown.edu
soon as possible
to indicate if you are coming. There will be a nominal
registration fee of $35, which includes the abstract booklet, coffee
breaks, lunches, and a reception. Credit cards cannot be accepted.
Program Committee
Hotel space is very tight in Providence, so make your reservations as
soon as possible.
Rooms have been reserved at the following places until:
- Brown Guest Rooms. 401-863-7500. Hotel-style rooms
conveniently located on the Brown campus, within walking distance from
the conference site. One or two people: $85 (few rooms available)
Mention the "CGC Workshop" when making reservations.
- Providence Biltmore. Kennedy Plaza, Providence, RI 02903;
401-421-0700 or 1-800-294-7709 (phone), 401-455-3050 (fax). One
person, one double bed: $120, $20 additional for second person (20
rooms) Mention the "CGC Workshop" and ask for the Brown University
rate when making reservations. (map and directions from the
- Additional local hotels may have discounted rates:
- Marriott. Charles & Orms, Providence, RI; 401-272-2400 or
1-800-228-9290. (map)
- Holiday Inn. 21 Atwells Ave. (exit 21 off I-95),
Providence, RI; 401-831-3900. (map)
- Days Inn. 200 India St. (exit 3 off I-195),
401-272-5577. (map)
The rate for Saturday night should be lower than that for Sunday night.
Additional local information (transportation, weather, restaurants,
etc) can be found on the Local
Information page. Maps of downtown Providence and the Brown
campus are available on the Maps page.
Further questions can be directed to cgc@cs.brown.edu.
Local Arrangements
Previous Workshops
2nd MSI Workshop, Stony Brook, NY, 1992: Report
and abstracts
3rd MSI Workshop, Raleigh, NC, 1993: Abstracts
4th MSI Workshop, Ithaca, NY, 1994: Report
and abstracts
5th MSI Workshop, Stony Brook, NY, 1995: Call
for papers and proceedings
1st CGC Workshop, Baltimore, MD, 1996: Announcement,
program, and abstracts
2nd CGC Workshop, Durham, NC, 1997: Announcement,
program, and abstracts
For more information about the workshop, send mail to
cgc@cs.brown.edu. Further information
will be posted to this site as soon
as it is available.