I am a 5th year PhD student in Computer Science at Brown University. My research is in cryptography, and most of my work has been on definitions and constructions for new primitives. Recent work has involved attribute based encryption, simulatable verifiable random functions, and NIZK proof techniques. My advisor is Anna Lysyanskaya.
Last summer (2007) I went to IBM Zurich to work with Jan Camenisch in the idemix group. I spent the semester of fall 2006 at the cryptography program at UCLA's IPAM.
I did my undergrad at Harvey Mudd College in Computer Science and Math (class of 2003).
My cv: (pdf)TCC 2008 — Mira Belenkiy, Melissa Chase, Markulf Kohlweiss, Anna Lysyanskaya. P-signatures and Non-Interactive Anonymous Credentials (to appear)
WPES 2007 — Mira Belenkiy, Melissa Chase, C. Chris Erway, John Jannotti, Alptekin Kupcu, Anna Lysyanskaya, Eric Rachlin. Making P2P Accountable without Losing Privacy
Crypto 2007 — Melissa Chase and Anna Lysyanskaya. Simulatable VRFs with Applications to Multi-Theorem NIZK
TCC 2007 — Melissa Chase. Multi-Authority Attribute Based Encryption
Crypto 2006 — Melissa Chase and Anna Lysyanskaya. On Signatures of Knowledge (full version)
Eurocrypt 2005 — Melissa Chase, Alexander Healy, Anna Lysyanskaya, Tal Malkin, Leonid Reyzin. Mercurial Commitments with Applications to Zero-Knowledge Sets (full version)