MCS 590: Spectral Graph Theory (Spring 2020)

Basic Information

  • Instructor: Yu Cheng
  • Email:
  • Lectures: M-W-F 1:00-1:50pm, Lincoln Hall 207
  • Office Hours: by appointment only
  • Schedule


  • Participation (50%): Each student will be assigned 2-3 papers to read and to present in class.
  • Course project (50%): Students will form groups of size 1-2 to work on research open problems. Write a project report and prepare a presentation.
  • Disability Policies

    Concerning disabled students, the University of Illinois at Chicago is committed to maintaining a barrier-free environment so that individuals with disabilities can fully access programs, courses, services, and activities at UIC. Students with disabilities who require accommodations for full access and participation in UIC Programs must be registered with the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Please contact DRC at (312) 413-2183 (voice) or (312) 413-0123 (TDD).

    Religious Holidays

    Students who wish to observe their religious holidays shall notify the faculty member by the tenth day of the semester of the date when they will be absent unless the religious holiday is observed on or before the tenth day of the semester. In such cases, the students shall notify the faculty member at least five days in advance of the date when he/she will be absent. The faculty member shall make every reasonable effort to honor the request.