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The BoostBook Documentation Format

Douglas Gregor

Permission to copy, use, sell and distribute this software is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies, and a notice that the code was modified is included with the copyright notice.

This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.

Table of Contents

13. Introduction
14. Getting Started
Configuring local DocBook XSL and DTD distributions
Configuring Apache FOP for PostScript/PDF Output
Configuring Doxygen for Documentation Extraction
15. Documenting libraries
Defining a BoostBook library
From HTML to BoostBook
Sectioning in BoostBook
16. Bringing Together a BoostBook Document
Linking in BoostBook
17. Reference

Last revised: November 02, 2004 at 06:31:59 GMT
