Comments (LaTex
notation used)
Change "four" to "three"
and "2-5" to "2-7"
In this sentence, change 6 to
8 and move the sentence to line 39
Insert "Finally, Part
II contains Chapters 6 and 7 which introduce algebraic
and combinatorial circuits and parallel machine models,
Delete "introduces ...
It" and move sentence after line 35.
Comments (LaTex
notation used)
Insert as first sentence "An
{\bf alphabet} is a finite set with at least two elements."
Change "empty letter"
to "empty string".
Change "(red,1)" to
Replace "range" by
Put | | around x on line -7
and around f(x) and g(x) on line -6.
Add "other than $\epsilon"
after "strings" (twice) -
Replace n^2/24 by
Replace "inputs" with
Change {0,1} to {a,b,c,d}
Change "range" to "codomain".
Change x_1^1 x_2^0 x_3^1 = 1
to x_1^1 \vee x_2^0 \vee x_3^1 = 0.
Change (1,0) to (0,1) twice.
Change font of |u| to roman
Change M_{int}(n) to
Insert "O(3^{\log_2 n})"
after =
Add \pi_L^{(n)} before f_mult
After s. add "and
$\pi_L^{(n)}$ is the projection operator defined on page 50."
Change "right" to "left".
Replace "continuous" by
"twice continuously differentiable".
Add "slope of the" before
Change "concave" to
Change second > to = and
third to >=
Replace \log_2 n by \log_2
(n+1) twice on line 5 and once on line 15
The above error on page 75
introduces small errors on lines 15, 16, 23, 26, 27, and 31-34. Click here to
see the corrections.
Add "even" at the end of the
Change the first two
subscripts on the e's to 0 and 1.
Change "Each vertex has
fan-in 2, no" to "The root has two descendants as does every
other vertex except for leaves which have none. No"
Replace (d+1)N(d) by N(d+1)
Delete the superscript (n)
Add 1 to \lceil \log_2 n
Change 2^{n-1} to 2^n -1, 3
2^{n-1} to 2^{n+1}, and -1 on the right.
Change upper limit on second
integral from n+1 to n
Add "(each vertex except a
leaf has two descendants)" after "binary tree".
Change "depth two and b)
depth 4" to "depth one and b) depth 3"
Replace the statement of
Prob. 2.12 b) by "Show that the size and depth of a dual-rail
logic circuit for a function $f: {\cal B}^{n} \mapsto {\cal B}$
are at most twice the circuit size (plus the NOTs for the
inputs) and at most one more than the circuit depth of $f$ over
the basis \{{\sc and}, {\sc or}, {\sc not}\}, respectively."
Change n log n to n log^2
Change "B^n -> B^n" to B^n ->
Add "0 < q < 2 ^k < \log_2 n"
after comma
Change "smaller" to "larger"
Change C_{\Omega} to D_{\Omega}
Change superscript (T) to
Replace \delta_1, \lambda_1,
\delta_1, \lambda_1 with "C_{\Omega}(\delta, \lambda) and
D_{\Omega}(\delta, \lambda)"
Insert "c," after "choice
Replace (q,a) with (q,a,c)
The exposition on these pages
will be improved in the next printing.
(Click here to see the improvements.)
Add "and size" before "of"
Change "machine" to "memory"
Change x-1 to x and "itself"
to "zero".
Add new line: "CLR R_0
Clear the contents of R_0"
Add "Unbounded-Memory"
between "the" and "RAM"
Delete "if M is in C and" and
add the phrase "(A stronger definition requiring that M also be in C
is used in Section 3.8.)" after sentence.
Add "input address" after
"output words"
Add 2 after second ( on lines
1 and 17
Change (q',C) to (q',a',C)
Add "a)" before "$M$" and "b)
$M$" before "accepts"
Replace this line with "and
only if it is in $L$."
Change \sqrt{2 \pi} to
\sqrt{2 \pi n}
Change output gate of
SC_1 and its top input gate to OR gates, shrink circles
Change \subseteq to \in in
both places and replace L by L*
Add "if $w \in L$ and 0 if
$w \not\in L$".
Change Thm. to Def. in two
Change "Design a DTM" to
"Design an NTM"
Change "nondeterministic" to
Change "quadratic" to
Change "CIRCUIT SAT" to
Move > up and move 1 right
Add "Hint: Because such RAM
programs can only have a finite number of registers, encode the contents of
the TM tape as a number to be stored in one register."
Change "fixed" to "free".
Change "on input 1" to "on input 0"TEXT
Replace label "0" in (c) by
Leftmost label should
be y instead of x
Caption should refer to
Fig. 4.3
Change $r_{1,5}^{(5)} & = &
010 + (010)(10+010)^{\ast}$ to
$r_{1,5}^{(5)} & = & 010 + (010)(10+010)^{\ast}(\epsilon + 10 +
Change $\epsilon + 01 +
(010)(01+010)^{\ast} to $\epsilon + 01 + (01)(01+001)^{\ast} (\epsilon + 0) =
n \geq 0, delete r in
rs = 0^d, change n to n-1 in exponent
Add "For this purpose we
extend the state transition function $\delta$ to strings $\mbox{\boldmath $a$}
\in \Sigma^{\ast}$ recursively by $\delta(q,\epsilon) = q$ and $\delta (q,
\sigma \mbox{\boldmath $a$}) = \delta (\delta(q, \sigma), \mbox{\boldmath
$a$})$ for $\sigma \in \Sigma$."
Insert "accessible" before
Insert "with finite $R_L$"
after $\Sigma$.
Change "$q_R$ is an" to
"$q_3$ is in a"
Change "{$q_1$}, {$q_2$,
$q_3$}" to "{$q_3$}, {$q_1$, $q_2$}"
Change "{$q_1$}, {$q_2$,
$q_3$}" to "{$q_3$}, {$q_1$, $q_2$}"
Change \gamma to \epsilon
Change label from s to
f to $\beta, \epsilon, \epsilon$
After "finite set $\Sigma$"
insert ", with $|\Sigma| \geq 2$,"
After "respectively" add "a
designated non-terminal start symbol"
Change "$a \in V^+$ to
"$a \in {\cal N}^+$
Change {\cal N}^+ to {\cal N}
Add "containing at least one
non-terminal symbol" to end of line
Add "L(G) and L(G) \cup
{\epsilon}" after "languages" and change "grammar" to "grammars
Change "every language" to
"the language"
Due to q -> \epsilon, G_M is
not regular. Add text explaining conversion to regular
The new page 185.
Replace "keep the rule" by
"except for", delete "and eliminate the rest as follows", delete "and", and
add "or B => \epsilon"
Change i \leq n-1 to i
\leq n
Add "and $b_{i,i+1}$" to
beginning of line
Change b_{n-1,n} to b_{n,n+1}
Change "terminals" to "nonterminals"
Change i \leq n-1 to i
\leq n
Change subscript "i" in
"($C \to w_i$)" to "i+2"
The second
regular expression is $(01+001)^{\ast}$.
Remove {w | ... } and drop b)
and make sentence singular
Add "exactly the" between
"accepts" and "strings"
Delete last ) in this line
Insert "and the tape head at
the leftmost position" after "blank tape"
Insert "Breadth-first search
is used."
Add "one" at
beginning, change "inputs" to "input", and add "on each step"
after "tape".
Delete "repeated; that is,
the computation is"
Delete "breadth-first
Add "directed" at the
beginning of the line
Change "languages" to
Add ", and not others." at
end of line
Change "Rule (d)" to "Rule
Change $\beta$ to $\beta ]$
and delete "(e) removes ]"
Change "xq -> xq" to "xq ->
Add Since an NDTM can be
simulated by a DTM, all strings accepted by a TM can be
generated deterministically in sequence."
Change the second instance of
z'' to z'''
Change "valid" to "canonical"
and "can be described" to "are a subset of the strings
Replace the period that
follows in this paragraph with "which a TM can analyze to insure
that for each state and tape letter there is a valid
Add "<, >, \widehat{<},
Add "preceded by $\beta$ and"
after "U"
Change \widehat{[} to
Add "It then changes < to
$\widehat{<}$" before "moves"
Add "U returns to
$\widehat{<}$ and removes the mark."
Add "The left end-of-tape
marker is the blank symbol \beta" to the caption. Put \beta in a new
first cell.
Replace sentence "This
follows ..." by "Each must be contained in $([(<\{0, 1, \beta,
\mbox{\bf L}, \mbox{\bf R}\} \# 1^{\ast}>)^3 ])^{\ast}$ and have
a transition for each state and tape letter."
Replace "does not correspond
to a valid encoding" by "is not canonical".
Change "rules" to "definition"
Change L_2 to {\cal B}^{\ast}
and add ${\cal B}$ after "alphabet"
In caption, change _1 to _2
and _2 to _1
Add "and L_2 is recursively
enumerable" before comma
Replace "it" by "the tape"
and delete "then"
Replace "if w is in L(M)" by
"if and only if M halts on w"
Change "accepts" to "halts"
Add "and encoding" after
Change "empty tape" to
"emtpy string"
Change "accepts" to "halts on"
Change T(M,w) to L(T(M,w))
Change T(M,w) to \rho(T(M,w))
Add "over ${\cal B}$" before
In this paragraph state that
T(M,w) simulates M on w and recognizes strings in L in parallel
by alternatively simulating one step in each computation until
one of them halts. The current argument presumes that L is
recursive, not just recursively enumerable.
Change "accepting" to
Replace "zero function" by
"predecessor function" and delete "predecessor function" from
line 8 page 232. Insert "zero function" definition after
Definition 5.9.1.
Insert new paragraph stating
correspondences between building blocks of partial recursive
functions (composition, primitive recursion, minimilization) and
straight-line programs, programs with for-loops and while
Change "L(M) = \emptyset" to
"L(M) is infinite"
Change "L(G) = \emptyset" to
"L(G) \not = \emptyset" and delete the hint
Make p bold and precede by
Change "primitive" to
Add "Algebraic circuits combine operations drawn from an
algebraic system."TEXT
Replace sentence by "In this
section we introduce rings, fields and matrices, concepts widely
used in this chapter."
Replace sentence by "Rings
and fields are algebraic systems that consists of a set with two
special elements, $0$ and $1$, and two operations called
addition and multiplication that obey a small set of
Make sentence part of
preceding paragraph and add sentence "A {\bf field} is a
commutative ring in which each element other than
\mbox{\boldmath $0$} has a {\bf multiplicative inverse} (for all
$a \in R$, $a \not= \mbox{\boldmath $0$}$, there exists an
element $a^{-1}$ such that $ a \ast a^{-1} = \mbox{\boldmath
Change "Let N be the natural
numbers (the set of non-negative integers)." to "Let Z be the
set of positive and negative integers." and change the second
instance of N to Z.
Add "commutative" before
Insert "over a field R" after
Replace "the ring of positive
and negative integers" with "a field R"
Insert "commutative" before
Insert "commutative" before
251 |
Theorem 6.4.3 |
Because Figure 6.4 on page 252 doesn't include
computation of Y, depth bound on line -6 should be D(n) = 2D(n/2) + O(log n).
Also, change depth bound on line 8 in theorem to O(n). |
-15 |
Change to T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 6M(n/2)
+ 2(n/2)^2 |
-4 |
Delete "closed" |
-1, -2, -4 |
Change * to \cdot |
252 |
Fig. 6.14 |
4, 6, 7 |
Change * to \cdot |
8 |
Delete "closed" |
Change "substituting A for x,
we have" with "it can be shown"
Section 6.8.1 |
New title : "Sorting Via Bitonic Merging".
Apparently, it is a common error, which I have also committed, of referring
to Batcher's bitonic merging as odd-even merging. To correct all the errors
that result, changes must be made to the following pages: 18 (TOC), 271-3,
301, 309-11, 316, 320, 410, 481, 482, 555. Changes are also required to
the following pages in the Index: 625, 648, 650, 661, 664, 665. |
Change the labels $y_1$,
$y_0$, $y_2$, $y_3$ to $y_3$, $y_2$, $y_1$, $y_0$
Exchange y_1 and y_3 and
exchange y_0 and y_2
Change n-input to 2n-input
Change (n/2) (log n) to n (log n + 1)
Change \log n to \log n + 1
Change C(1) = 1, D(1) = 1 to C(0) = 1, D(0) = 1
Change + 2^{k-1} to + 2^k and k2^{k-1} to (k+1)2^k
Change D(k) = k to D(k) = k + 1
Add "commutative" before "ring"
Insert "over a field" after
Insert "over fiels" after
Insert "over a field" after
Change limit on product from
n-1 to k-1
Change C(1) = 1 to C(0) = 1 and D(1) = 1 to D(0) = 1
Change k2^{k-1} to (k+1)2^k
Add "in words" after "messages"
Change "message" to "word"
Change "unit-length" to "word"
Change "x[a_j]" to
"x[n+1-a_j]" for j = n, n-1, 1
Add , $n = 2^k$ before period.
Replace phrase starting
"or ..." with "to $p-1 processors and $n - (p-1) \lceil n/p \rceil$ integers
to the remaining processor"
Replace "one unit" with "zero"
Change "adds" to "sets", insert "to" before "the sum"
Change "adds to" to "sets" and add "to" before "the product"
After "array" add "and
another n-1 steps to compute the last entry $c_{n,n}$."
Replace "n cells" by "as far as 2n-1 cells"; Change 4n+2 to 8n-2
Change "descending" to "ascending"
Change "ascending" to "descending"
Change (d-1) to (d-2),
a_1, 0) to a_2)
Change "right" back to "left" as in first
Add missing arrow to box 1
Replace by "A fully normal descending algorithm has the above steps followed by the steps in reverse order."
Replace "or descending" by
Change "in" to "with", and
"(2T(n)) additional" before "parallel".
Delete "Each step of"; change n- to 2d-
Change "linear" to $n \times n$
Change 2 \sqrt{m} -1 to 2
\sqrt{m} -2; Change $m \times m$ to $\sqrt{m} \times \sqrt{m}$
Change 2 \sqrt{m} -1 to 2 \sqrt{m} -2
Change "\leq 2d" to "< 2d"
Change "\leq (2d)" to "< (2d)"
Before second period add
", where $0 \leq i,j \leq n-1$
Change $1 \leq j \leq n$ to $0 \leq j \leq n-1, j\not = k$
Change $1 \leq i \leq n$ to $0 \leq i \leq n-1, i\not = k$
Change $C_{i,j,k}$ to $C_{i,j,0}$
Replace text beginning
"The first" with the following: "For $1 \leq i \leq n/4$ ($n/4 +1 \leq i \leq
n/2$) the top output of switch $i$ is connected to the top input of the $i$th
switch in the upper (lower) copy of $P_{n/2}$ and the bottom output is
connected to the bottom input of the $i$th switch in the lower (upper) copy of
$P_{n/2}$. The connections of output switches are the mirror image of the
connections of the input switches."
Replace "first" by "second"
Add "algorithm" after "hypercube"
Replace "in" with "with slowdown factor" and delete "steps"
Add "by destination
address" before "cooperatively"
Before "The first" add the
following: "To compare destinations, move messages to adjacent vertices on the
hypercube, compare, and then reverse the process. (Move them by sorting by
appropriate addresses.)"
Change $1 \leq i \leq k$ to $0 \leq i \leq k-1$
Replace "is fully normal"
by "consists of a fixed number of normal and fully normal sequences of
Change in \sqrt{n} to 3\sqrt{n}
Delete "where $k \geq
Add "(Definitions of time and
space on Turing machines are given in Section 8.4.2.)"
Change k^n to 2^{n^k}TEXT
Change k^n to 2^{n^k}TEXT
Delete NSPACE(r(n)) and add
"deterministic and nondeterministic space-bounded" before "classes".
Change 8.5.6 to 8.5.5TEXT
Add "for some $k \geq
proof of Theorem 8.6.1 has been reworked for clarity.
Change node_1 to node_2TEXT
Change NPSPACE(r(n))
\subseteq coNPSPACE(r(n)) to coNPSPACE(r(n)) \subseteq
Change coNPSPACE(r(n))
\subseteq NPSPACE(r(n)) to NPSPACE(r(n)) \subseteq
Change \overline{VALIDITY} to
coVALIDITY and fix related text.
The statement "which implies
that there is a path from \overline{x} to x" is incorrect. It
is necessary to say that an instance is a "No" instance if and
only if there is a variable x such that there is a path in G
from x to \overline{x} and one from \overline{x} to x and to use
this fact in the proof. Only small changes are needed in the
argument. Figure 8.15 changed to add edges for (\overline{x}_3
\vee x_1).
(Click here to see correction.)
Replace "gate" by "circuit"
Change "Construct" to "Let"
Replace this line with
"${\cal T}$ be a set variables that have value 1. Let ${\cal T}$
be empty initially. Cycle"
Change "is" to "are" and add
"Show that all satisfying assignments contain ${\cal T}$."
In caption second sentence is
"The input $x_2$ has fan-out 2."
Add -4 to -3k and to - 3 log_2 n
Change 3 to 4 in two places
Move the text from lines 24
and 25 to this line
Replace the text "more ..."
with "at least e(|V|/2)/2 edges."
Replace "more than e(5n/2)"
with "at least e(5n/2)/2 edges."
Replace = 2n-4 with \geq 2n-3
Caption - Replace text
starting "can be" with "Input vertices are on the bottom; edges are directed
upward. Four pebbles are shown on the graph when pebbling the leftmost
Change "graph" by "of Fig. 10.1"
After "least" add "$k$ pebbles,"
Change Problem 10.28 to Section 10.8
Change first exponent of n to n + \lceil log n \rceilTEXT
Change k to k-1TEXT
Change k to k-1TEXT
Change D and E to boldTEXT
Change and to orTEXT
Drop | | inside first set of ( )
Add "rows of" after "and"
Change n^2/6 to n^2/27; 2\sqrt{2} to 16; 6\sqrt{S} to 27\sqrt{S}; 2/9 to (.35); n^6/2 to n^6/3
Change the labels $y_2$,
$y_1$, $y_4$, $y_3$ to $y_4$, $y_3$, $y_2$, $y_1$
Replace "has a (1/\mu, m, \tau)-flow" with "is (\alpha,n,m,p)-independent for the appropriate values of \alpha, n, m, and p."
Replace "the (1/\mu, m, \tau)-flow property" with "(\alpha,n,m,p)-independence"
Replace "a (1/\mu, m, \tau)-flow" with "is (\alpha,n,m,p)-independent"
Replace everything after "for" with $p = p = \min (\lambda n, \tau(\mu m)) + \mu m"
Delete "(b)" and "(x)" after "\tau^{ast}" and the first instance of "\tau(x)"
Replace everything after "f" with is $(1/\nu, n, m, p)$-independent for $p = \tau^{\ast} + \mu m$.
Replace "has an (\alpha, m, p)-flow" with "is $(\alpha, n, m, p)$-independent"
Replace "has an (\alpha, m, q)-flow" with "$(\alpha, n, m, q)$-independent"
Add "that are within a factor of $O(\log ^2 n)$ of one another
Replace "by a factor of
$2^{\beta}$" by "to $S^{\beta}$"
Add "namely $\beta \approx
7$," after the comma
Replace "by a factor of
about 128" by "from S to about S^7$"
Increase step numbers 13-22 by 1
Change \geq to = at end of line
Add "and the output" after "A"
Change ab/S to \sqrt{ab/S}
Replace "subtrees (leaves)"
by "leaves"
Add "H_{k-1} with" after "of"
and delete "with copies of H_{k-1}" and replace "itself" with "H_1"
Lines made thicker to make them all visible
Replace "a d-dimensional" with "n-processor"
Reduce space between V and comma
Add "Since the lemma is true if the cost of any vertex exceeds 1/3, assume the converse."TEXT
Change "consists of the regioiu outside of all edges and vertices" to "is the face of unbounded area."TEXT
Strike the phrase "; that is, the face has ... "TEXT
Change "a) L" to "a) H"
Change "the cycle defined by e" to $\xi(3)$
Change "the cycle defined by (x,y)" to $\xi((x,y))$
Change "the cycle defined by (x,y)" to $\xi((x,y))$
Replace "the assumption that" with "If greater than
2c(V)/3, $\xi((x,y))$ is a cycle with fewer faces which is contradicted.
Change "e) L" to "e) H"
After "empty" add "and $l = h = m$"
-7 and -6/DIV>
Change r_l and r_h to l and h
Change 2c(v)/3 to 7c(v)/9TEXT
Add "of" to the section heading
Change "P = 4" to "P = 7"
The problem now states "Show that every layout of a balanced binary tree on $n$ leaves in which the
root and the leaves are placed on the boundary of a convex region has area
proportional to $n \log n$."
Add "{\bf Hint:} Consider an inscribed quadrilateral defined by the longest
chord and a chord perpendicular to it."
Add "from the root" after "path"
Change "2c(V)/3" to "7c(V)/9"
Citations may be off by one, two
or three places
Change "Mealey" to "Mealy"
Change "binary 564" to
"binary 78, 564"
Insert "directed graph 10"
Delete Euler's constant
Change "Mealey" to "Mealy"
Change "directed graph,
maximal ..." by adding "10" after "graph"
Delete "of closed semirings"
Delete "closed semirings"
Delete "closed" and move 251
to preceding line
Change "binary," to "binary 78"