Hello and welcome to my home page! I am postdoctoral researcher at Brown University in computer science and I received my PhD in computer science from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in 2013. My research spans a large range of artificial intelligence topics, though I primarily am involved in reinforcement learning and autonomous planning research. To that end, I am the creator of the Brown-UMBC Reinforcement Learning and Planning (BURLAP) Java library. BURLAP provides a very large range of tools an algorithms from classic A*, to value function approximation, to multi-agent learning in stochastic games.
My dissertation work was in transfer learning in reinforcement learning and I also have done research in human-AI interaction, evolutionary dynamics of social reward functions in multi-agent environments, the optimization and evaluation of learning algorithms in classes of environments, and learning planning knowledge to accelerate planning.
In the near future, I will be providing example programs/code to demonstrate some of the active research that I am doing and what can be done with BURLAP.